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Грамматические тесты
Тесты для отработки грамматики АЯ
Find the word which should not be in the sentence.
1 Could you mind come a bit earlier tomorrow?
2 How far is it the cinema?
3 He used to work in a bank, didn’t use he?
4 Didn’t they not go to the concert last night?
5 Would you like have a piece of cake?
6 Let’s stay for another few days, shall we stay?
7 How long is she be spending in America?
8 What Anne does she plan to do in the summer?
9 There was a fax for you this morning, wasn’t it there?
10 Who did left the gate open?
11 You can’t be serious, can you be?
12 Would you mind to photocopying this letter for me?
13 Don’t forget to take some spare socks, will you not?
14 That was Jeremy’s brother, wasn’t it he?
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