Подготовка к ЕГЭ. Раздел 1. Аудирование.
Задание В1. Базовый уровень. Пониманиие основного содержания.
Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между
высказываниями каждого говорящего A–F и утверждениями, данными
в списке 1–7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное
соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее
утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды.
1. The art exhibition is worth visiting.
2. Those who love ballet will definitely enjoy it.
3. This book fair is a really popular place.
4. The concert didn’t appeal to the speaker.
5. This rock group’s new DVD is popular with teenagers.
6. Despite some drawbacks the opera was enjoyable.
7. The play really took my breath away.
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Speaker A
Woman: I would definitely recommend it - you find things on every topic under the sun
there, from ancient Greek sculpture to the Japanese art of bonsai. But if you're planning to
go, don't leave it too late in the day. I went in the afternoon and it was really crowded,
especially round some of the more popular stands.
Speaker B
Man: They kept the curtain open during all the scene changes, which rather spoiled the
illusion for me. And they did it in modern dress, which I found a bit strange,
especially since it's supposed to be set in ancient Egypt. But apart from those things,
I really enjoyed it. The female lead was superb; she had a wonderful voice of course,
but she was a good actress too, which isn't always the case.
Speaker C
Woman: I only went because David persuaded me into it - he's a big fan - but it wasn't
really my cup of tea. Of course, they were fantastically fit and did the most amazing
leaps and twirls, and it was all quite pretty to look at. The music was nice too, bit I
did get a bit bored. In fact, I have to admit I fell asleep for a while in the second
Speaker D
Man: The Swinton retrospective at the Tate has really been pulling the crowds, so
get there early if you want to avoid queuing to get in. The irony of this popularity
would not have been lost on Swinton himself - he struggled for thirty years to
make a living from his work and it was only in the last decade of his life that his
cartoon-like images of daily life caught the public's imagination.
Speaker E
Woman: Of course, it's always harder to bring something fresh to the classics -
everyone's got their own preconceived ideas about the right way it should be done.
But I must say, this production was absolutely fantastic. I was completely
spellbound from the moment the curtain rose and the final speech at the end of act
three brought tears to my eyes.
Speaker F
Woman The performance was certainly slick and the guitarist's fingers as nimble as
ever, but I have to admit that I found the spectacle of a group of men in their fifties
pumping out songs of teenage rebellion more than a little ridiculous. This did not
seem to bother the audience, however, who had turned up in thousands to see the
heroes of their youth. Predictably, it was the old hits that went down best, while
songs from the new album met with a lukewarm response.
You have 15 seconds to complete the task. (Pause 15 seconds.)
Now you will hear the texts again. (Repeat.)
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers.
amazing leaps and twirls – удивительные прыжки и повороты
queue – очередь
preconceived ideas - предвзятые идеи
slick - гладкий, блестящий
as nimble as ever – такие же шустрые, как всегда
В1 3 6 2 1 7 4