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Municipal educational institution
"Secondary school No. 82 of Saratov"
English Calendar.
What Can the Names of the Months and Days of the Week Tell You?
Performed by:
Sofia Merkulova,
5th grade student
O.N. Morozova,
English teacher
Saratov 2024
Introduction ...............................................................................3
Tasks and objectives.....................................................................3
Basic part………………………………………………………4-9
Chapter 1. General information about the calendar.....…………4
Chapter 2. The origin of the days of the week in English.............4-6
Chapter 3. The use of days of the week in the modern world....…6
Chapter 4. The origin of the months in English....………………6-7
Chapter 5. The use of months in the modern world ......................7-9
List of literature..………………………………………………10
Objectives:The purpose of this work is to introduce the history of the calendar, the origin of the name of the months and days of the week.
With the help of this project, I want to tell you about the history of the English calendar, the meaning and origin of the names of the months and days of the week. This topic is devoted to the English calendar, namely the history of the origin of their names, their use in English. Learning any language is impossible without knowing the days of the week.But does everyone know about the origin of the name? Why were the days and months given such ones?
Basic part
Chapter 1. General information about the calendar
What does the word "calendar" mean? This word comes from the Latin "calendar". The word "calendarium" translates as "debt book".Previously, similar books indicated the first days in each month. These early days were called "kalends". On calendar days, debtors paid interest. It was in Ancient Rome.
The modern word "calendar" means a system of calculating certain time intervals that depend on the movement of the Sun and the Earth.
A calendar is a printed or electronic publication that looks like a table, list, or book and contains a sequential list of days of the year. The calendar contains holidays, memorable dates, astronomical data and other important information. Also, the calendar is the distribution of classes or work on certain days, weeks, months.
Chapter 2. The origin of the days of the week in English
Why are there 7 days in a week?
For a modern person, a seven-day week is a common thing. But where did these seven days a week come from?
There are several versions of the origin of the names of the days of the week. The most plausible and supported by official science is the version of the formation of the names of the days from the names of the planets.
According to scientists, the tradition of measuring time by a seven-day week originated in Ancient Babylon and was associated with a change in the phases of the Moon. Astrologers noticed "wandering" luminaries in the sky, which they called "planets". They believed that the planets revolve around the Earth in the following order: Moon (Moon), Mercury (Mercury), Venus (Venus), Sun (Sun), Mars (Mars), Jupiter (Jupiter), Saturn (Saturn). According to the names of the planets and luminaries (in turn, named after the gods), the days of the week began to be called. Monday (Monday) became the day of the Moon, Tuesday (Tuesday) — Mars, Wednesday (Wednesday) — Mercury, Thursday (Thursday) — Jupiter,Friday (Friday) — Venus, Saturday (Saturday) — Saturn, Sunday (Sunday) — the Sun.
What word did the name come from?Days of the week.Translation and transcription
Monday | Moon (moon) | ||
Tuesday | Tiw (Тиу– в норвежской и германской мифологии однорукий бог воинской доблести, сын Одина)Tiw (Tiu–inNorseandGermanicmythology, theone-armedgodofmilitaryvalor, sonofOdin) | ||
Wednesday | Wodan / Odin (Один–верховныйбогвгерманскойискандинавскоймифологии, проводникдушусопших, грозныйбогвойны) ] Wodan / Odin (Odin is the supreme god in Germanic and Scandinavian mythology, conductor of the souls of the departed, formidable god of war) | ||
Thursday | Thor (Тор–боггромаибури, защищающийбоговилюдейотвеликановичудовищ) ] Thor (Thor is the god of thunder and storm, protecting gods and people from giants and monsters) | ||
Friday | Frige / Freyja (Фрейя– в англо-саксонской и скандинавской мифологии богиня плодородия, любви и волшебства) ]Frige / Freyja (Freyaisthegoddessoffertility, loveandmagicinAnglo-SaxonandScandinavianmythology) | ||
Saturday | Saturn (Сатурн - римскийбогсельскогохозяйства) ] Saturn (Saturn - Roman god of agriculture) | ||
Sunday | Sun (Солнце) ] Sun (Sun) |
Chapter 3.The use of days of the week in the modern world.
Today, in English-speaking countries, a seven-day week is used.In England, the USA, Canada and many other countries, the first day of the week is not Monday, as we used to think, but Sunday. This means that the week starts with a day off and ends with the same weekend.At the same time, Monday-Friday are working days (workday ['wə:kdei] or weekday ['wi:kdei]).
Another distinctive feature is that the names of the days of the week in English refer to proper names and therefore are always written with a capital letter. Even in the case of an abbreviated form. ( the same rule applies for English months).
Speaking of the abbreviated form, as you can see in the example, in English, just the first two letters of the word are taken. Unlike the Russian language, where abbreviated names of the days of the week are written in the form of two consonant letters. Or three-letter abbreviations - Mon., Tue., Wed.
Mon, 26 Nov 2007
Fri, 05 Jan 2012
« Every Week»
Every week has 7 days,
See how many you can say.
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
What's today?
Chapter 4. The origin of the months in English
A month is a unit of measurement of time, which is associated with the rotation of the Moon around the Earth. Many calendars are based on lunar months. People have been using the phases of the moon to count days for a very long time.
The duration of the month in lunar calendars is 29-30 days.
The calendar, familiar to us, was created by Julius Caesar and replaced the old Roman calendar. In modern Russia, it is usually called the old style.The Gregorian calendar, used nowadays, is based on the cyclic rotation of the Earth around the Sun. It was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in Catholic countries.
* The interesting fact/ The new calendar was not immediately adopted in Britain, so the old names of the months remained there for some time, here is an example of the most interesting:
Wulfmonth, which can be translated, "like the month of wolves." That used to be the name of January, because in this month hungry wolves came to the villages of people;
Win-Monath, i.e. the "month of wine", took the place of October. It got this name because grapes were harvested in this month, and then wine was made from it;
Blod- Monath – "bloody month". This was the name of November, because in this month sacrifices were made to the gods.
Many months got their name in honor of the Roman gods:
January – January, named after the god Janus. According to legend, he had two faces, one looking forward and the other back, so he could see the beginning and end of the year. He was the god of the gate.
February – February. The name came from Latin. the word "Februa", which meant purification. In ancient times, houses looked very dirty after winter and at the time that this month occupied, it was considered favorable for cleaning the house.
March – March, named after Mars, the planet and god of war. The Romans believed that this period was convenient for wars.
April – April. The origin of the Latin word aperire is to open (the beginning of spring). There is a second version that the name is derived in honor of the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite.
May – may, got its name in honor of the Roman goddess Maya. She was the goddess of spring and earth.
June – June, invented in honor of the goddess Juno, who is a symbol of marriage. To this day, some people believe and prefer to get married in June. Juno's consort was the equally important god Jupiter – the king of the gods, respectively, Juno was the queen.
July – July, named after the great Roman Emperor Julius Caesar. The ruler had a birthday this month.
August – Augustus, inherited this name from the first Roman emperor Augustus.
September – September, sept, which means seven in Latin. During the Roman Empire, the calendar began with the month of March, hence September was the seventh month of the year.
October, November, December (October, November, December). The Romans did not bother much about the names of these months. They just called them octo, novem, decem – eight, nine, ten.
Chapter 5. Use of months in the modern world
In English, the names of the months are written with a capital letter. The preposition "in" is used with months: in August - in August.
When talking about the past or the future, the preposition "in" is not required: this March - this March, this March, next June - next June, last January - last January.
If a date is indicated with the name of the month, the preposition "on" is used: on August 17, 2014 .
In British English, a dot is not placed at the end of an abbreviated word, in American it is. Shortening the names of months in English to one letter, as you can see, is also possible.
Январь — January — Jan.
Февраль — February — Feb.
Март — March — Mar.
Апрель — April — Apr. 8
Май — May — May
Июнь — June — June
Июль — July — July
Август — August — Aug.
Сентябрь — September — Sept., Sep.
Октябрь — October — Oct.
Ноябрь — November — Nov.
Декабрь — December — Dec.
A poem about the months..
January, February, March, April, May,
June. July, August, September,
October, November, December.
These are the twelve months of the year.
Now sing them together so we can all hear.
How many months are there in a year?
Twelve months in a yea
With the help of this project, we learned that the calendar has existed since the most ancient times and helped people to be prepared for weather changes. We have seen that the calendar has always played a huge role in ancient and modern world and does it to the best of his ability.
The calendar has come a long and thorny way: from the Gozek circle and the ancient Egyptian to the Julian and Gregorian calendars.
It was also interesting to study the origin of the names of the months and days of the week.
Sometimes it's interesting to learn something new about what you see every day, but you don't know its history.
Without a doubt, calendars are a necessary component of everyday life, and undoubtedly this topic will always be relevan.
6. List of literature
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