Биография и деятельность Мухтара Муфаззаловича Сагитова на английском языке
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Muhtar Muffazalovich Sagitov
(27. 08. 1933. - 20.06.1986)
Bashkir scientist – folklorist, candidate of philology, the first researcher of the Bashkir epic
Carried out by: Bikisheva Aigul, Form 8
The supervisor of the work:
Asylguzhina Dilya Zakirovna, the teacher of the English language
Galiacberovo 2018
Biography of M. Sagitov
Every country has its own outstanding people. There are many famous people in Burzyan district too. Among them is Muhtar Muffazalovich, Bashkir scientist – folklorist, candidate of philology, the first researcher of the Bashkir epic.
Sagitov Muhtar Muffazalovich was born on the 27 th of August in 1933 in Starocubkhangulovo village Burzyan district. During the Great Patriotic war, he had to leave school and go to work. He worked as a hunter, floating.
After army Muhtar Sagitov was sent to school Staromunasipovo as a teacher. But he wants to study and entered the philological faculty Bashkir State University.
After graduation Bashkir State University in 1960 he entered the post-graduate study of the Gorky Institute of world literature at the USSR Academy of Sciences.
He died in 1987 in a car accident on the way to the international Congress in Izmir (Turkey). He was 52. He was buried in Ufa.
The activities and achievements of M. Sagitov.
Basic scientific activity related with the problems of the Bashkir eposoide, a study of the major genres of folklore - bait, munajat, kubair. He was the first and only specialist in folklore in Bashkortostan who trained at the world-class science Centre.
Since 1964 he worked in Institute of history, language and literature of Bashkir branch of USSR Academy of Sciences, since 1970 he was a senior researcher.
In 1965 Muhtar Sagitov defended his thesis on the epic " Babsak and Kusyak".
Нe first classified the epic according to the chronological principle.
Нe carried out scientific publication of the epic "Ural Batyr", «Akbuzat», «Babsak and Kusyak ».
He is the author of more than 70 scientific works, one of the authors of 15 scientific and popular collections of the Bashkir epic, six books of the arch " Bashkir folk art" and the book "the Bashkir folk epic".
Muhtar Sagitov one of the first collected folklore materials among Bashkirs living in Yakutia. He was posthumously awarded the Republican award named after S. Yulaev. In 1993 was published his book «Тhe ultimate pain».
Memory (Память)
Since 1995 in the village of Starosubhangulovo there is a Museum dedicated to the scientist, which houses a complete collection of his creative heritage.
The Museum also houses the scientist's personal belongings, such as paintings, documents and others.
In the village Starosubhangulovo there is a bust of M. Sagitova. The work was done by honored sculptor of Bashkortostan M. R. Khalilov from photos.
There is a portrait of M. Sagitov written by A. Lutfullin in the museum.
There is a street named after M. Sagitov in his native village.
List of sources used
1. М. М. Сәғитов. Башҡорт халыҡ эпосының мифологик һәм тарихи нигеҙҙәре.- Өфө: Китап, 2009.
2. .Сагитов М.М. Мифологические и исторические основы башкирского народного эпоса / Сост. Ахмет Сулейманов и Талига Сагитова; Отв. ред. Ахмет Сулейманов. – Уфа: Китап им. З. Биишеевой, 2009 (На башкирск. яз.).
Слайд 1
Башҡарҙы: Бикешева Айгөл, Ғәлиәкбәр филиалының 8 класс уҡыусыһы Етәксеһе: Аҫылғужина Дилә Зәкир ҡыҙы, Ғәлиәкбәр филиалының инглиз теле уҡытыусыһы , беренсе категория Проект эше Тема: Мөхтәр Мофаззал улы Сәғитов. Тормош юлы һәм эшмәкәрлегеСлайд 2
Проект эшенең маҡсаты : 1. Мөхтәр Сәғитовтың тормошон , эшмәкәрлеген өйрәнеү. 2. Йыйылған материалды инглиз теленә тәржемә итеү. Проект эшенең бурыстары : 1. Шәхестең биографияһын һәм эшмәкәрлеген өйрәнеү. 2. Өйрәнгән мәғлүмәтте инглиз теленә тәржемә итеп , буклет әҙерләү . Гипотеза: Арҙаҡлы яҡташыбыҙ тураһында инглиз телендә мәғлүмәт уҡыусылар өсөн файҙалы булыр тип уйлайым. Проект эшенең практик әһәмиәте: Йыйылған материалдар артабан М. Сәғитов музейында, мәктәп музейында, китапханала файҙаланыла ала.
Слайд 3
Sagitov Muhtar Muffazalovich was born on the 27 th of August in 1933 in Starocubkhangulovo village Burzyan district. During the Great Patriotic war, he had to leave school and go to work. He worked on floating, huntered in winter.
Слайд 4
After army Muhtar Sagitov was sent to school Staromunasipovo as a teacher. After that he studied at the philological faculty Bashkir State University and at the post-graduate study of the Gorky Institute of world literature at the USSR Academy of Sciences.
Слайд 5
He was the first and only specialist in folklore in Bashkortostan who trained at the world-class science centre and worked in Institute of history, language and literature of Bashkir branch of USSR Academy of Sciences . In 1965 Muhtar Sagitov defended his thesis on the epic " Babsak and Kusyak ".
Слайд 6
He is the author of more than 70 scientific works, one of the authors of 15 scientific and popular collections of the Bashkir epic, six books of the arch "Bashkir folk art" and the book "the Bashkir folk epic. He died in 1987 in a car accident on the way to the international Congress in Izmir (Turkey). He was buried in Ufa .
Слайд 7
Since 1995 in the village of Starosubhangulovo there is a Museum dedicated to the scientist, which houses a complete collection of his creative heritage.
Слайд 8
In the village Starosubhangulvo there is a bust of M. Sagitov . The work was done by honored sculptor of Bashkortostan M. R. Khalilov from photos.
Слайд 9
There is a portrait of M. Sagitov written by A. Lutfullin in the museum .
Слайд 10
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