Мои питомцы. Стешина Татьяна.
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steshina_tanya._pitomtsy.docx | 325.6 КБ |
Hi. I've got a cat. His name is Pyshock. He is 10 months big ears and bright blue eyes. He sleeps day and night.
I've got a tortoise. Her name is Dyca. She sleeps and looks forward me from school all day. She has small black eyes.
I have got a dog . His name is Snechock. He is 10 months big ears and bright black eyes. He plays in the yard.
В.А. Сухомлинский. Самое красивое и самое уродливое
Прыжок (быль). Л.Н.Толстой
Солдатская шинель
Дельфин: сказка о мечтателе. Серджио Бамбарен
Человек несгибаем. В.А. Сухомлинский