Презентация была подготовлена самостоятельно ученицей 11 класса и представлена на уроке, посвещенном истории развития науки и величайшим ученым мира. Старшеклассники смогли не только познакомиться с биографией знаменитого сербского изобретателя Николы Тесла, но и обсудить его вклад в развитие науки, в т.ч. современной.
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Nikola Tesla Prepared by Pautova Viktoria , Form 11Слайд 2
Nikola Tesla is an engineer, a physicist, the greatest inventor and scientist of the twentieth century. His discoveries changed the world forever, and his life and biography are filled with amazing events. Tesla gained worldwide fame as the creator of the electric motor, generator, multiphase systems and devices working on alternating current, which became the main milestones of the second stage of the industrial revolution.
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The most important inventions of Nikola Tesla Nikola Tesla had many inventions, but the most important discoveries for science were : The amplifying transformer for excitation of the Earth, acting in the transmission of electricity is analogous to the telescope in astronomical observations. A way of storing and transmitting light; Field theory (rotating magnetic field); Alternating current; AC motor; Tesla's coil; Radio; X-rays; Amplifying transmitter; The turbine of Nikola Tesla; Shadow photography; Neon lamps; Transformer substation of Adams hydroelectric power station; Teleautomat ; Asynchronous motor; Electrodynamic induction lamp. Remote control; Electric submarine; Robotics; Ozone generator Tesla; Cold Fire. Wireless communications and unlimited free energy; Laser. Plasma ball. Installation for the production of ball lightning.
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Tesla's Plasma Ball
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Interesting Facts : In 1898, Nikola Tesla once deceived the whole crowd, forcing them to think that they are able to control the toy ship if they shout out to the toy of the team. In fact, Nikola managed this ship by means of a radio control device, which he developed himself . Nikola Tesla openly expressed his disgust for people who are overweight. Once he fired his secretary solely because of her weight . Nikola once paid the hotel bill, giving the workers of the hotel a "working model" of the "ray of death" (a hypothetical beam weapon capable of hitting a target at a distance by directional radiation). Tesla warned that the leadership never opened this box without certain security measures. In 1943, after the death of Tesla, the box was nevertheless opened, but there was nothing but a bunch of old non-working spare parts from the scientist's laboratory.Слайд 2
Interesting Facts: Nikola Tesla was never married, because he believed that his chastity played an important role in his scientific achievements Nikola Tesla preferred to drink whiskey every day. The scientist believed that thanks to this "alcoholic diet" he could live 150 years. However, he lived only 86 years ) Tesla suffered from an acute obsessive-compulsive disorder and never slept more than 2 hours Nikola Tesla wanted to secretly experiment on children, spending high-voltage lines along the walls of schools. Tesla believed that by applying electricity to children he could make them smarter and healthier After a serious illness, suffered in adolescence, Tesla began to suffer a phobia associated with the fear of contracting the infection.
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Interesting Facts: In adulthood, Tesla was unsociable and feared sunlight, so he was credited with a relationship with Dracula himself. In fact, due to the constant influence of electromagnetic fields, he developed a rare deviation - the scientist began to see well in the dark and practically did not distinguish anything in the sunlight due to strong erosion in the eyes . The abilities of the great scientist knew no bounds. He wrote poems, dreamed of the death of his own sister, and also managed to save friends from the disaster by not letting them on the train.
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Monument to Nicola Tesla The monument to the great inventor and scientist for his merits and discoveries was erected in the Silicon Valley in 2013 for voluntary donations of fans. At the base of the statue is a capsule, which will be opened in 2043. The monument is a free wireless Internet access point.
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sources used https://infoprovod.ru/nikola-tesla-facts / https:// elektroznatok.ru/info/people/nikola-tesla https:// 24smi.org/celebrity/4623-nikola-tesla.html
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