Презентация на английском языке о животном, обитающим в Самарской области: "Обыкновенная лисица", выполнена обучающейся 1 курса ГБПОУ Самарской области "Самарский социально-педагогический колледж".
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RED FOX Antonchikova E . S . G roup 10 1Слайд 2
2 Red fox refers to the family of the Dog. It has sharp ears and an extended muzzle. And also this beast has an unusually beautiful long-haired fur and a long fluffy tail, which serves as a blanket for the front paws and nose when the fox rest.
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3 The fox is the main acting character of many fairy tales, it is always referred to as a cunning thief, with a beautiful "fur coat" and a fluffy tail. Why is a fox called a trickster? Is it really like that, or only in fairy tales?
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The size of this animal is medium: the length of the trunk is not more than 90 centimeters, and the tail is from 40 to 60 cm. The animal weighs from 6 to 10 kilograms. The age to which the fox lives out in the wild is no more than 7 years. 4
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This species of foxes lives practically on the whole planet, except, perhaps, the Arctic tundra and islands. A red fox can be found throughout the Eurasian continent, in North America, the Northern part of the African continent and even in Australia. 5 Habitat of red fox
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The fox is a predatory animal, therefore to it on "a dinner table" the most various small animals can get. Basically, it's the rodents. Also, foxes eat birds, fish (on spawning rivers), carrion, insects and berries. 6 What does the red fox eat?
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Many know foxes, like abductors of poultry. Very often the fox makes its way to the place where the hens are staying and steals them. Although birds are not considered the main meal of the red fox, yet the animal often consumes them as food. In addition to hens, the fox loves the meat of wood grouses, geese and other birds. Foxes those live in the deserts have to be satisfied with the meat of reptiles. If nearby there is a shallow river with fish, then the fox, of course, will come there to eat, for example, salmon. In summer months, the animal eats beetles and other insects. 7
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The period of birth of puppies (the so-called baby foxes) is mainly considered to be the middle of spring. To deduce offspring, foxes dig a deep hole, but sometimes they can take someone else's. Usually, one female produces from four to six foxes. 8 Reproduction and offspring
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The main rivals and enemies of foxes are wolves and other large predatory animals. But the main fighter of the fox population were and still are people. For the sake of smart fur hunters kill a huge number of individuals, and this threatens irreversible consequences for the population of foxes. 9 Do the foxes have enemies in nature?
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http:// animalreader.ru/zhivotnoe-lisa-opisanie-foto-video.html https://givotniymir.ru/lisa-zhivotnoe-obraz-zhizni-i-sreda-obitaniya-lisy / http://nashzeleniymir.ru/ лиса-лисица 10 СПИСОК ИСПОЛЬЗОВАННЫХ ИСТОЧНИКОВ
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Астрономический календарь. Январь, 2019 год
Золотая хохлома
Рисуем ветку берёзы сухой пастелью
Прыжок (быль). Л.Н.Толстой