Описание трансмиссии автомобиля
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Student: Ivanov A Group 315 Teacher : Pugacheva N.P. TransmissionСлайд 2
Transmission Car transmission is a set of units and mechanisms, designed to transmit torque from the engine to the drive wheels and to change of its magnitude and direction. Vehicle transmission consists of clutch, gearbox, transfer box, driveline, final drives, differentials, axle shaft.
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Gearbox Gearbox is an important structural element of the vehicle powertrain and is designed to change the torque, speed and direction of movement of the car, as well as the long-term separation of the engine from the transmission.
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Clutch Clutch is an important structural element of the car's powertrain . It is intended for short-term disconnect the engine from the transmission and smooth their connection during gear changes, as well as the prevention of transmission elements from overloads and vibration damping. Vehicle clutch is located between the engine and gearbox.
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Main Gear Adaptation of transmission to a particular motor vehicle and by means of the main transmission, which has a certain gear ratio. This is the main purpose of the main vehicle of transmission. Structurally, the main transmission is a gear reducer, which provides an increase in engine torque and decrease the speed of the leading vehicle wheels.
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Sources http://systemsauto.ru/index.html
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Астрономический календарь. Декабрь, 2018