Презентация посвящена двум выдающимся личностям в мире компьютерных технологий - первой женщине-программисту Августе Аде Кинг и пионеру эры IT-технологий, одному из основателей, председателю совета директоров и CEO корпорации Apple Сти́вену Полу Джобсу.
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Номинация «Персона века» Выполнил : Болмасов Алексей Дмитриевич ГОАУ СПО АПК Курс 4, специальность – прикладная информатикаСлайд 2
Computer Programming - “Meeting of Generations”
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Steven Paul Jobs February 24, 1955 in San Francisco, California October 5, 2011, Palo Alto, Santa Clara, California Augusta Ada King Byron December 10, 1815, London, UK - November 27, 1852,London, UK
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Steve jobs was born in the warm California San Francisco in 1955. When on February 24, his biological mother Joanne Simpson gave birth to a son from his fellow student, family and marriage seemed too serious step at such a young age. After all, they graduated from College. It was decided to give the baby up for adoption. So the parents of the boy became Clara and Paul Jobs. Augusta Ada King Byron, Countess of Lovelace Jr. was born December 10, 1815 in London. She was the only daughter of incomparable Annabelle Milbank and poet George Byron, who called her daughter Augusta, vanished in an unknown direction. Mother stoically endured the breakup and vowed to protect the child from verses and their writers
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American entrepreneur, widely regarded as the pioneer era of IT-technologies . One of the founders, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of Apple. One of the founders and CEO of the Studio Pixar. Mathematician. Known for creating descriptions of computing machines, the draft of which was designed by Charles Babbage. Was the first in the world the program (for this machine). He coined the term "cycle" and "the working cell, is considered the first programmer
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In the late 1970-ies Steve and his friend Steve Wozniak has developed one of the first personal computers, possessed of great commercial potential. August Ada king went down in history of computer technology as the first programmer. She foresaw that the computer can be multi-functional tool for solving the huge number of applied problems, even before it was created. And her name is called a programming language Ada , appeared in 1980 in France.
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in 1985, jobs left Apple and founded NeXT - a company developing a computer platform for universities and business. In 1986, he acquired the Department of computer graphics film company Lucas film, turning it into the Studio Pixar In 1833 Hell met with Charles Babbage, who held the post of Professor of mathematics from Cambridge University and after getting acquainted with its developments and drawings world's first computer, she became interested in these ideas and helped the scientist in the translation of his work into French. Their cooperation lasted until Ada death
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By 1997, Jobs returned control over Apple leading the Corporation. Under his leadership, the company was rescued from bankruptcy and a year later became profitable. In the next decade Jobs led the development of iMac, iTunes, iPod, iPhone and iPad , and Apple Store, iTunes, App Store and iBookstore . The little that came from under her pen, made her First Programmer of mankind. And although programs written in Ada , never tested and did not work, a number expressed it in 1843 General provisions retained its fundamental importance for programming in the following centuries.
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The most important role in the rise of the company played a huge potential iPod. The player was part of the company's strategy and is released during the Christmas holidays 2001. Digital music at that time was gaining popularity, as evidenced, for example, the success of Napster. In order to be ahead of it, Apple has the third-party developers who were engaged in creation of "Apple" MP3-player. Interestingly, the terminology introduced lady Ada , in an appreciable degree of use and modern programmers, and its definition of "cycle" is almost identical to the process outlined in modern textbooks on programming.
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2006-Oh was truly a landmark in the life of the company. Having begun with a long-expected sales growth Mac, which, Nakane , consolidated the company's position in the computer market, it has allowed Apple to collect cream output iPod and feel strengthening its brand on an international level. The cooperation with Intel also bore fruit. When in 2005 the jobs announced that the company will pass on their CPUs, the whole line for the year was transferred to the new engine, making your Mac accessible to the user. In 1834, she married William king (in this marriage had three children), soon inherited the title of Lord as well off now as that provided Hell comfortable existence and able to love
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In March 2011 Jobs acts with the new iPad II. Jobs at that time was not feeling well and rarely appeared in corporate events, but for this tablet he decided to make an exception. iPad II called forever to get past a personal computer. In August 2011 Jobs resigns, offering to the place of General Director Apple's Tim Cook. 5 October 2011 Steve Jobs died. August Ada Byron King died on November 27, 1852 in London from the blood-letting in the treatment of illness, she was buried in the family vault Byron's beside his father, who never knew
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Steve jobs went down in history of the late 20th and early 21st century as a pioneer and innovator, a man who saw five steps forward. He alone was able to move not only for the computer industry, giving rise to the Apple II and Macintosh, but the music, creating an iPod, phone, thanks to the iPhone , and animated with a bold experiments Pixar. The youngest multimillionaire, dismissed from his own company and returned to revive from the aches. The one who for a long time wasn't taken seriously and considered clever and successful businessman-day. The one in the result, the world recognized as a brilliant visionary and a real wizard of high technologies.
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“The computer performs a very simple things - takes a number, add it to another number, compares the result with the third number. But all this occurs at a rate of 1 000 000 operations per second. And at the speed of 1 000 000 operations per second result seems to be magic” Steve Jobs
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A List of References http://steven-jobs.ru/ - 18.04.2014 http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C4%E6%EE%E1%F1,_%D1%F2%E8%E2 – 18.04.2014 http://www.sesawi.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Steve-Jobs1.jpg - 18.04.2014 http://images4.alphacoders.com/169/169154.jpg - 18.04.2014 http://www.ttv.su/file/actor/19d19f93a4200dca6148155b8ccc0afd/photo/s_thumbs_708104650_a6f941ddbae10417a553e00318696e30.jpg - 18.04.2014 http://prodaem.donetsk.ua/images/68885/rbzkz3rft6fd6ks.jpg - 18.04.2014 http://st.pixanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/384.jpg - 18.04.2014 http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CB%E0%E2%EB%E5%E9%F1,_%C0%E4%E0 – 18.04.2014 http://www.calend.ru/person/3429/ - 18.04.2014 http://www.iksinfo.ru/stati/beografia-velikih/item/452-avgusta-ada-bajronking.html - 18.04.2014 http://www.peoples.ru/science/mathematics/lovelace/ - 18.04.2014 http://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/happy-ada-lovelace-day/image - 18.04.2014 http://www.by-time.ru/upload/iblock/351/2943539.jpg - 18.04.2014 http://s2.hubimg.com/u/1189585_f260.jpg - 18.04.2014 http://weetlogs.scilogs.be/gallery/34/Lovelace.jpg - 18.04.2014 http://www.1st-art-gallery.com/thumbnail/131623/1/Augusta-Ada-King-Countess-Of-Lovelace-%24281815-52%2429-%24282%2429-1852.jpg – 18.04.2014 http://g.iceimg.com/iYBuoaFT/ada-lovelace-small.jpg - 18.04.2014
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