Представление на русском и английском языках традиционных и альтернативных видов электростанций.
Слайд 1
АЭССлайд 2
Белоярская АЭС
Слайд 3
Ленинградская АЭС
Слайд 4
Принцип работы АЭС
Слайд 5
Нововоронежская АЭС-2
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ГЭССлайд 2
Русловые и плотинные гэс
Слайд 3
Приплотинные гэс
Слайд 4
деривационные гэс
Слайд 5
гидроаккумулирующие электростанции
Слайд 6
Преимущества гэс -высокий кпд энергии -дешевая энергия -длительная эксплуатация
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Слайд 8
Доля выработки электроэнергии в России: красный — ТЭС(68%), синий — ГЭС (16%), зелёный — АЭС(16%)
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Tidal Power PlantСлайд 2
The History of creation of TPP First TPP was built in 1913.Not far from Liverpool (outturn : 635 KW ) Second TPP appeared in USA in 1935.
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Principle of TPP For the proper work of TPP it is necessary : The difference between tides must be more than 4 m. The sea shore, where high tide has the greatest amplitude. The shore surface allows to make a huge closed basin The sea gulf must be narrow.
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Working of TPP
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Advantages of TPP : It is free from pollution as it does not use any fuel. Environmentally friendly. Can serve as spin-off. Technical servicing of TPP is simple. It is superior to hydro-power plant as it is totally independent from rain It improves the possibility of fish farming in the tidal basins and it can provide recreational facilities to visitors and holiday makers.
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Disadvantages of TPP : High cost ( BUT maintenance of TPP is not so expensive ). The negative influence on flora and fauna . Mistakes during the construction can lead to the local floods.
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The first TPP in Russia ( Kislogubskaya )
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The possible ways of development of TPP in Russia Maximum power of Penzhinskaya TPP can reach up to 135 GW, which equals 60% of all established power in Russia in 2012 Penzhinskaya TPP CAN and MUST become the center of energy system of North-Eastern Asia
Слайд 9
TPP in Southern Korea
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