Презентация ученицы 11-го класса Суратовой Дарьи на тему "Космос".
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Space exploration vs. eternal human problems D. SuratovaСлайд 2
It’s not a secret that the government waste a lot of money on space exploration, and many people think that these huge sums should better be spent on something more essential – like fighting hunger or raise of the education level. Actually, this is considered to be a kind of philosophical and controversial question without a clear answer. Because, firstly, people should decide to themselves: if they want to live just in the present or look ahead to the distant future.
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Everyone knows that our planet has a limited amount of fossil fuels, and in the last decades people have become absolutely attached to them. Urban people can’t imagine their lives without electricity, transport and so on. Also, our population grows rapidly every second and in not so far future there will be simply not enough room for all human beings. There are different ways to solve that problem: to refuse wasting the lack of fossil fuels completely (that is, as I think, absolutely impossible); to find an alternative fuel on Earth (and that way demands expenses on scientific researches, too); or to try to find something in an infinite surrounding universe. Let’s consider the last variant.
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Here is the “warp drive” mechanism based on regulation the balance between matter and anti-matter using dilitium People can get fuels while exploring new planets – to discover a new kind of fuel directly in the matter of the planet. That way of getting new fuel is widely used in different kinds of science fiction – for example, in the American sci-fi franchise “Star Trek”, where the system of flight on a starship is based on “dilithium crystals” (dilithium is a fictional chemical element).
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Another way of getting fuel is (no matter how impossible it sounds) is to get it from aliens. Not directly: for example, they can help humans to rise the science level, to teach us new technologies. According to the previously mentioned “Star Trek”, in 2063 (after the great breakthrough in technology, which gave humans a “warp drive”) there took place a first contact with Vulcans, who helped humans with their miserable (comparing to Vulcan ones) technologies. For instance, their unexpected appearance helped to construct a “replicator”, which is a machine capable of creating (and recycling) objects. That means that hunger was defeated completely.
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Of course, this all is just a beautiful utopia and we have no proof that there are any creatures except us. Even the Drake equation is just an assumption, and many scientists just feel powerless because of Fermi paradox (it says that, if there were any intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations, they would contact with us already)
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But there also are various refutations to that paradox, and refutations to refutations and so on – kind of a vicious cycle. All we have now are countless assumptions and lots of hope.
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The Earth as imaged from the Voyager 1 spacecraft, as it exited the solar system in 1990. Earth is nearly 4 billion miles away in this image.
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But I am sure that space is worth exploring and humanity shouldn’t give up on that. Of course, governments should pay their attention on Earth problems too, but the best thing ever is compromise.
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