презентация "Apple" по теме Gadgets
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Apple Products During its existence, Apple released and currently produces different computers (desktop, portable, compact), set top boxes, displays, phones iPhone , Tablet iPad , music players, iPod, computer mice, keyboards, printers, scanners, digital cameras, base stations Wi-Fi, software, etc., and also provides services to users through the Internet. This article lists as prodution and currently available products (hardware and software) company.
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iPhone iPhone ( IPA : [ aɪfoʊn ]) - multimedia smartphone that was developed by Apple. Smartphones combine the functionality of the iPod, the device and the internet tablet . Running the operating system iOS , which is a simplified and optimized for operation on a mobile device version of Mac OS X. First iPhone was announced by Steve Jobs at the MacWorld Expo Conference January 9, 2007 . In sale the 29 June 2007 together with the iPhone OS and has quickly gained a substantial portion of the smartphone market in the U.S.. Popularity released iPhone OS supported on sale in September of the same year, iPod touch, possessing , however, markedly reduced functionality compared to the iPhone ( originally came with only 11 applications , compared to 17 (including iTunes Wi-Fi music store) on the iPhone , later firmware extend functionality of the player , sold for $ 19.99 (mid- 2008) , with similar updates for the iPhone were free). June 10, 2008 at the WWDC 2008 introduced a new model - iPhone 3G, more perfect and devoid of many hardware and software deficiencies predecessor, the new version of iPhone OS 2.0, at a lower price with a contract operator in the United States . Also iPhone 3G was the first iPhone , received the support of Russian localization and sale in Russia .
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iPhone June 8, 2009 , was represented , the third one , the model number - iPhone 3GS, which is an improved version of iPhone 3G. iPhone 3GS has twice as much RAM , increased speed, available in a configuration with 32 GB of internal memory and is equipped with OS iPhone OS 3.0, eliminating a significant portion of software deficiencies of previous models of smartphones and provide additional functions: copy and paste, the ability to send MMS, Spotlight , Speak Notes, to download TV shows , music videos, movies and audio books directly on iPhone , Find My iPhone , forwarding / deleting SMS and many others. June 7, 2010 was submitted to the iPhone 4 with an upgraded operating system ( iPhone OS on the same day received a new name - iOS ), having a number of significant advantages over predecessors , including a more powerful processor Apple A4, LCD with IPS matrix with 640 × 960 pixels , 5 megapixel camera , and the camera for video ( 0.3 megapixels ) . October 4, 2011 was presented with the iPhone 4S running iOS 5 ( the next day, October 5, 2011 , Steve Jobs died ) . Updated phone had borrowed Apple A5 processor from the iPad 2, 8 megapixel camera and a hybrid communication system GSM / CDMA. Also before the WWDC 2012 voice assistant Siri , who came instead Voice Control, was only available in the iPhone 4S. September 19, 2012 the company introduced the next update - iPhone 5 . This model has gained a higher screen ( diagonal 4 inches compared to 3.5 in all the previous ), which is the most significant change in appearance since the beginning of its production. Also introduced iOS 6. September 10, 2013 was submitted iPhone 5s. As of July 2012 had sold more than 250 million iPhone [ 6] . In 2008, the iPhone took second place in the ranking of the most useful modern technology according to the publication PC World [ 7]. In June 2013 , Apple has introduced to its users in the United States the opportunity to exchange old phone to the new iPhone surcharge difference in cost [8].
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History Steve Jobs as telling the history of the iPhone : I’ll actually tell you kind of a secret. I actually started on a tablet first. I had this idea of being able to get rid of the keyboard, type on a multitouch glass display. And I asked our folks could we come up with a multiouch glass display. That I... we can type on it, rest my hands on and actually type on it. And about six months later, they called me in and showed me this prototype display. And I gave it to one of our other really brilliant UI folks. And he called me back few weeks later and he had inertial scrolling working. When I saw the rubber band, inertial scrolling and few the other things, I thought, ‘my God, we can build a phone out of this!’ And I put the tablet project on the shelf. Because the phone was more important. And we went to work the next several years on the iPhone .
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3G iPhone 3G Main article : iPhone 3G iPhone 3G The second generation of multimedia devices, Apple was announced at a developers conference WWDC 2008 , a new model called « iPhone 3G». In addition to supporting networks of the third generation , iPhone 3G was supported by GPS and A-GPS using Google Maps ( ie only through the Internet ) and was equipped with a new version of the operating system - iPhone OS 2.0. Design of the device has been modified : metal back cover replaced by plastic ( black or white ) is different from the previous form. Was reduced price with a contract operator to $ 199 for a model with 8 GB and $ 299 - with 16 GB of internal memory. Incidence iPhone has expanded to 70 countries for a few months. Also iPhone 3G was the first iPhone , which is officially sold in Russia. [23]. Minimum prices for iPhone 3G in Russia in May 2013 according to Yandex.Market : iPhone 3G 8 GB - ▼ 6000 rubles iPhone 3G 16 GB - ▼ 7100 rubles
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3GS iPhone 3GS Main article : iPhone 3GS Is the third generation multimedia devices Apple. Was presented June 8, 2009 at the conference WWDC [ 24]. According to statements made by Apple, the novelty has about twice the speed of some applications (letter S - reduction of English . «Speed», « speed" [25]) . The phone is equipped with new battery and processor , 3 megapixel camera with autofocus and VGA- video recording at 30 frames per second , digital compass provides hardware data encryption to protect user data has voice control function and is also available in a configuration with 32 GB built-in memory . With the release of iPhone 4 iPhone 3GS models with 16 and 32 GB of internal memory are removed from production and have been replaced by a model with 8 GB of internal memory. The declared cost of the iPhone with a two year contract from AT & T at the start of sales was $ 199 for the 16GB model and $ 299 for a model with 32GB of internal memory . [26] In Russia, the first to sell the iPhone 3GS started shopping online re: Store and Z-Store. Exclusive start of sales in stores these networks took place March 5, 2010 ( at exactly 00:01 hours) [27] [ 28]. 4 years after release , iPhone 3GS finally ceased to be supported Apple: iOS 7 on it will not start. Minimum prices for iPhone 3GS in Russia in May 2013 according to Yandex.Market : iPhone 3GS 8 GB - ▼ 6700 rubles iPhone 3GS 16 GB - ▼ 6890 rubles iPhone 3GS 32 GB - ▼ 7800 rubles
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4 iPhone 4 iPhone 4 Main article: iPhone 4 This model is called the iPhone 4, without the letter «G», probably due to lack of support networks fourth generation (4G). iPhone 4 was introduced by Steve Jobs at the annual WWDC conference June 7, 2010. The cost of the iPhone 4 with a two year contract from AT & T at the start of sales amounted to $ 199 for a model with 16 GB and $ 299 for a model with 32 GB of internal memory Основные нововведения: Экран с технологией Retina с IPS-матрицей и разрешением 960 × 640 (326 пикселей на дюйм) при сохранении диагонали (3,5″) [31] , что в 4 раза больше, чем у iPhone прошлых поколений, динамическая контрастность экрана — 800:1, что также в 4 раза лучше, чем у прошлых поколений [31] . 5-мегапиксельная камера, выполненная по технологии с «обратной засветкой». Оснащена автофокусом , пятикратным цифровым зумом , LED -вспышкой, и возможностью записи HD-видео в формате 720p с частотой 30 кадров в секунду. Начиная с iOS версии 4.1 смартфон получил возможность снимать HDR -фотографии. Окантовка из специальной стали разделена на 3 секции, которые выполняют функцию антенн: одна — для Bluetooth , Wi-Fi и GPS , две другие (вместе) — для модуля UMTS и GSM [32] ; Передняя и задняя панели выполнены из алюмосиликатного стекла , на которое нанесено жироотталкивающее покрытие [33] ; В качестве центрального процессора iPhone 4 используется Apple A4 [31] , то есть тот же, что и на iPad Поддерживается стандарт Wi-Fi 802.11n со скоростью передачи данных до 300 Мбит/с (только 2.5 ГГц) [34] ); Появился дополнительный пространственный датчик — гироскоп [35] ; Новая операционная система — iPhone OS 4.0, переименованная в день анонса iPhone 4 в iOS 4 iPhone 4 8GB - ▼ 13 070 rubles iPhone 4 16 GB - ▼ 11 700 rubles iPhone 4 32 GB - ▼ 13 000 rubles
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4S iPhone 4S iPhone 4S Main article : iPhone 4S October 4, 2011 at 10 am Pacific Time at the headquarters of Apple in Cupertino started event «Let's Talk iPhone », which introduced a new model of iPhone - 4S («S» means - Siri [ 49] and not Speed as in the case of 3GS). Instead of the usual public Steve Jobs introduced the smartphone Tim Cook , at that time a senior vice president of international marketing Apple ( Steve Jobs died the next day after the presentation , October 5, 2011 ) . Major innovations [edit | edit source code ] Dual-core Apple A5 microprocessor clocked at 1 GHz (software understated to 800 MHz ) Enhanced 8 - megapixel camera with support for recording Full HD- 1080p video Virtual assistant Siri Updating the operating system iOS 5 ( also supported by current version of iOS 7.0.4) Added support for GLONASS Bluetooth version 4.0
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5 iPhone 5 Main article : iPhone 5 September 12, 2012 in San Francisco , California , was introduced sixth-generation iPhone ( iPhone 5) ( many believe that this is the fifth generation, but he goes by chronology sixth ) . Major innovations [edit | edit source code ] Larger screen (4 inches versus 3.5 in older models) Dual-core Apple A6 microprocessor with a clock frequency of 1.3 GHz Increased RAM memory up to 1GB Updating the operating system iOS 6 Support SIM card standard « nano -SIM» New dock connector Lightning Support for LTE- 4G networks
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5C iPhone 5c Main article: iPhone 5c Submitted on 10 September 2013. Made in five colors. Works on the operating system iOS 7, includes a processor Apple A6, and generally close to the hardware capabilities to the iPhone 5. The phone case is made of polycarbonate, as opposed to the more expensive iPhone 5s, presented on the same day, drawn up with the help of aluminum and glass.
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5S iPhone 5s major innovations Updating the operating system iOS 7 Updated Apple A7 processor 64-bit Added co-processor Apple M7 Added fingerprint reader Touch-ID Added new colors: Gold and Space, and traditionally black - Removed Improved back and front camera (1.2MP), added video recording 120 frames per second, the multishot Advanced LTE frequency range, including Russia Siri came out of beta status and learned a few more chips, such as add / subtract brightness, but Russian language and has not added
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