Проект включает в себя вопросы связанные непосредственно с экологическими проблемами нашей страны. Проект призван через проведение исследований, наблюдений подвести к пониманию и осознанию экологических проблем. Данная работа формирует правила и ответственность за использование природных ресурсов Земли.Задумываются о серьезных экологическх проблемах, обрабатывают и сравнивают различные данные; занимаются самоанализом, устанавливают и применяют межпредметные связи.
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Проблемы окружающей среды. Изменения климата на планете. | 721.87 КБ |
Слайд 1
Project work on the topic : « The problem of climate change ».Слайд 2
The problem of climate changing is very important nowadays. Some people are concerned very seriously while others believe that there is no link between human activity and this problem. And I am of opinion that this is a really serious matter.
Слайд 3
To start with, everything what is going on with the climate is really serious because arctic ice has begun melting so that it can lead to the global elevation of the ocean level.
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Moreover , climate changing can be caused by the air pollution. Our plants produce many harmful substances, which destroy the ozone layer.
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Solar radiation can cause overheating of the planet.
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Besides , changing climate is very dangerous for animals and all human beings because our habitat is also changing.
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But some people are of opinion that global warming and climate changing are not connected to human factors, that people are only trying to make their life better and more comfortable. And everything what we do has only a positive purpose.
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Finally , most people consider that nature and its resources are unlimited and it can bear anything what we do to it.
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In conclusion, I believe, humans should protect nature and appreciate what it gives to us, because we are all children of nature. And the matter of climate changing should be taken seriously too.
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