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Научно-практическая конференция
«Шаг в будущее».
Исследовательская работа
Тема: «Школа России. Прошлое, настоящее и будущее».
Выполнили Научный руководитель
Васильева Валерия А. Фальковская Юлия Александровна.
Васильева Валерия В. Учитель английского языка
Ученицы 7 А
МБОУ СЭЛ № 45.
Ижевск 2014
1. Introduction. 3
2. The main part.
Chapter 1. We learn about School in Russia in 40s 4
Chapter 2. We learn about School in Russia in 70s 6
Chapter 3. We learn about School in Russia nowadays 8
Chapter 4. We think of what school is like in the future. 10
3. Conclusion 11
4.Bibliography 12
The work consists of 4 parts:
We think that our paper is very interesting; the information can be used at English lessons.
Our hypothesis is that the school in the past is worse than school now because school was simpler and didn’t offer as many opportunities as school now.
Chapter 1
We learn about School in Russia in 40s.
To learn about the school in Russia in 40s we asked our grandmothers.
One of our grandmothers told that there were 11 classes in the school in the 40s. There were many children in school. Secondary school was near her house, but high school was in the other village. School was made of wood and it was one-storey building with no toilet or library. Her school didn’t have any dining-room and sport hall, and students hadn’t a lunch. They had 6-7 lessons every day. Moreover, in high school all students had to learn one of two professions: laboratory assistant, kindergarten tutor. They went to school in regular clothes, because they hadn’t a school uniform. They had a school uniform only in high school. They lived in dorms near school during high school and took some food for a week with them. They went home only at the weekends. My grandmother skied, but she hadn’t ski-suit and ski-boots, and she went to school competition in school uniform and boots. She carried her books in her cloth bag and books were handed over from one class to another. They worked in the farm in summer.
Another grandmother said that she finished only 3 classes. She studied during The World War 2. My grandmother went to school at 10 but she finished school at 13. She learned to write, calculate and read at school. She went to work at 13 because the war started and she wanted to help.
The school she studied in was wooden and one-storey. My grandmother worked as a book-keeper in Kolkhoz. She hadn’t a uniform in her school. She went to school at 10, because her father died and she helped mother to bring up her younger sister.
Although the school in 40s was simple and there were disadvantages, our grandmothers liked it and remember those years.
Chapter 2
My mother’s school.
To learn about the school of 70s and 80s we interviewed our mothers.
My mother had 10 classes in her school. There were 10 classes, because there wasn't 4th class. She had 30 students in her class. The students had a uniform: apron (black and white), school dress. There was black apron for every day. There was white apron for holidays.
School started at 8 a.m. She had 5 or 6 lessons every day. Average lesson was 45 minutes. It was wooden school, but in the 6th class the new and big school was built. There was a sports hall, dining room and assembly hall in her school. Books were handed over from one class to another. The school was near her house. They studied 5 days a week.
My mother went to school when she was 7. The school was easier than school now. There were two languages: English and German. My mum studied German language. They hadn’t computers and Internet. My mother had one class in parallel. All classes were A. They hadn’t distribution to other classes. From the 1st to 10th class she had the same classmates in her class.
Classroom was small and bright room. Desks were big and green. Desks were connected to bench-seat. Desks had hole for inkwells, because there weren't pens. People wrote with feathers which they put in ink. Classroom hadn't nice wall tables and pictures, TV and interactive board. There was a huge board with chalk, pointer and accounts which were near teacher's table, because there wasn't a calculator.
There was buffet. Students had only tea and pie.
Chapter 3
School nowadays.
We would like to share our observation of contemporary school with you.
My school isn’t near my house, but for other students in our school, it is near their houses. Our school is brick building. There are 4 floors. Our school has got computers and the Internet in the classes.
Classroom is big or small room. Desks are wooden. Desks and chairs are separate. Classroom has got one or two boards, interactive board, TV and computers. We still write with chalk. However some classrooms have marker boards.
There are 11 classes. One class has got 20-30 students. Our school has got 5 classes in parallel. It is a to d. There are 2 changes. Average lesson is 45 minutes. We start at 8 a.m. We have got 6 lessons every day. I study 6 days a week. I have got one day off. I have got English every day. There are many complementary subjects which we have to pay for.
Dining room is a big room. Students have got soup, porridge, meat, garnish, fruit and vegetables tea or compote and pie. I have got a lunch in the school’s dining room.
We have got school uniform. Girls wear white top and black bottom. Boys wear black trousers, white shirt and coat.
Books are handed over from one class to another, but also you can buy other books in shops. I have got voluntary jobs in summer.
I think that school now is better than school in past, because we have got a lot of new technologies to study well at school. School wants to have clever and perspective people (students), because, when they finish school, they go to the university and get higher education.
Chapter 4
Future school.
I think that future school will be better than school now. School will be nicer. Technologies develop and many innovations are introduced. All schools will have up to date techniques. Also, scientists will discover new things, which can influence school education. Teachers and students at school will change too. Students will be friendlier, kinder and happier with all other people and students. They will study better than now. Teachers will be very friendly and kind too. They explain difficult problems to students. Also, they teach all students equally.
We also interviewed one of our teachers to learn her opinion of the future school and here it is. “I think that school in future is institution where children don't just learn, they find knowledge. School has got classrooms for studying science (do experiments), for studying art (art studio, music hall, classroom of applied arts). It has got huge library, where you can learn, use the Internet. Students have got school uniform, which is done for each school individually. System of evaluation has twelve points. All school lessons stay the same but students choose their level. Biology (for example)-elementary, intermediate, advanced level.”
In addition we interviewed our classmate to learn her point of view. “I think that school in future will be more developed. Classrooms will have computers instead of schoolbooks. Dining room will have check-out counters. Students will have card instead of cash. Student will have cards to enter and leave school (Parents will get SMS)”
In the conclusion we would like to tell that we compared present, past and future school in our work. We asked our grandmothers and our mothers what their school was like, and did interview. We asked our teacher and classmate about school of the future. Answers were different. We made a conclusion that everything changes with time. Country develops and school develops as well.
Working on this paper we learned that school now is better than school in past, because we have got new technologies for studying. School wants to have clever and perspective people (students), because, when they finish school, they go to study in university and other places. The future school will be even better than now.
Our hypothesis is not true. The school in the past was not worse than school now. It was different, but still our grandparents and our parents liked studying in their school.
1) Memories of our grandmothers
2) Memories of our mums
3) Interview with teacher and classmates.
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