Northern Village
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Northern Village Research project Authors : Grade 10 students Albina Muhametyanova , Angelina Kim , Ilmutdin Magomedbekov Teacher : Zhanna Melnikova , physics teacher Secondary School № 14 Nizhnevartovsk 2014Слайд 2
Gas molecules in a cage-like structure of ice Produced where sediments with high organic content decompose in conditions of low temperature and high pressure Gas Hydrates
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Large deposits of gas hydrates are located on the shelf off the Russian coast of the Arctic Ocean. I ntensive surveys have been made about extracting this valuable raw material. Our project is to build a residential camp protected from harsh external factors. Gas Hydrates
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Goal Create model village with special adaptations for the harsh conditions in Far North, using mechanical devices and engineering designs , built with SEED educational materials (GoGo Board, sensors, motors) Tasks Design a village with a system of mechanical devices and engineering designs based on the GoGo Board Write a program for GoGo board Construct a model village and implement all the elements Goal of the project
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Materials utilized Light sensor Motors Solar panel
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The program for arch control to temp forever[if sensor2<430[c, on thisway wait 10 c, off wait 10] if sensor2> 500 [ c,on thatway wait 10 c, off wait 10] endСлайд 2
The program for sun control To temp Forever [if sensor8 > sensor7 [a, on this way] The engine starts to the left when disbalance of input signal from the sensor If sensor8 < sensor7 [a, off ] T he engine stops when the balance If sensor8 < sensor7 [a, on that way] The engine starts to the right when disbalance of input signal from the sensors If sensor8 > sensor7 [a, off] T he engine stops when the balance of sensors
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Northern village under the arch
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International IT forum in Khanty – Mansiysk
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Hello, my name is Albina Mukhametyanova, I am a pupil of the 10th form. Let me present to your attention a research project “Northern Village”.
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The definition of gas hydrates
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Nowadays traditional energy sources such as oil and gas have been exhausted. But the energy workers paid their attention to the usage of hydrocarbon sources such as gas hydrates. Big gas hydrates deposits have been recently discovered on the shelf off the Russian coast of the Arctic Ocean. In this connection intensive surveys about extracting this valuable raw material have been made. Besides technological equipment which is necessary for gas extraction and its transportation, it is necessary to settle thousands of workers in the regions with harsh climate. We offer a project of a residential camp protected from harsh external factors. Such villages can be located on the shore, directly not far from the place of gas hydrates exploitation or even on the ice in the sea, like drifting polar stations had been placed there before.
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So, the hypothesis: using the GOGO board, we can create a sample “House under the Arch” with a moving solar panel.
The goal of the project: create model village with special adaptations for the harsh conditions in Far North, using mechanical devices and engineering designs, built with SEED educational materials (GoGo Board, sensors, motors)
You can see assigned tasks on the screen:
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In my project I use a GOGO board. GOGO board is a programmable, controlling and operating device.
The GOGO construction is a chipset, collected on one board, having some input and output ports, being used for signal reception from actuating devices and external device control (such as motors, lamps, relays and so on).
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The village represents some little houses under a spherical roof. A roof will be able to be opened in productive days. Inside under the arch there will also be a heat generator which will warm water for town warming in sunny days (half-year). Also there will be a fixed solar panel for electric energy generation.
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The heat generator and the solar panel are fixed on the device of the sun tracking, providing space orientation with the help of the programmable GOGO board. For the biggest effectiveness it’s necessary that the sun shines completely perpendicularly on the panel. The device consists of two engines and photo elements. One of the engines is responsible for horizontal panel mobility and the other – for vertical one. The sun tracking system is presented by two pairs of photodiodes. One pair controls the engine of vertical panel mobility, the other – the horizontal one.
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We ourselves live in northern conditions, that’s why we’ve decided to create a sample of a village with the help of GOGO board where we try to computerize optimum value approval of human vital activity in harsh northern conditions.
Principle of operation of this installation is simple. There is no need to be afraid of leaving this installation unattended.
Working over this project, I’ve got great pleasure. The aims which were assigned in the beginning of the work were achieved by me.
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We presented our project at the International IT-forum in Khanty-Mansiysk. Attendee business partners - development center “Fors”, the group of companies “Sibnai”, the company “Yugratel” showed great interest in it.
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During the creating of the project we used information sources, the list of which you can see on the screen.
Thank you for your attention, I’m ready to answer your questions.
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