Данная презентация по английскому языку выполнена ученицей 9 класса по теме "Решение конфликтов"
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Can We Learn to Live in Peace? Conflict Resolution Shmakova JuliaСлайд 3
Many people ask questions about conflicts. They want to know why conflicts happen in a family. They want to know why political parties and states have conflicts. Conflicts may lead to fights, bad relations and violence. If conflicts happen between parties or states, they can lead to war. That is why people should try to prevent conflicts.
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What kind of conflicts was it ( a conflicts between adults, a conflict between children, a conflict between a child and the parents)? Who stated the conflict? What was the subject of the conflict?
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Conflict Resolution When people have problems, the first thing to do is to talk. Tell them what makes you unhappy. Just be b rave when you speak to them. Don’t use words like "never" and "always". Don’t use that hurt people. And speak calmly. If communication does not provide a solution, ask someone who is older than both of you for help. If they don’t support you, take things into your own hands and be firm. If you can’t do it one way, try another. This is how great discoveries are made.
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To resolve a conflict, think about it first. Be calm, confident and relaxed. It is also important to have a sense of humour . Don’t think of everyone as different. As soon as you pick out their differences and begin to criticise then, you are in trouble . Differences can sometimes be a good thing. Two people who think exactly the same can’t achieve much. Discussing two contrary ideas can sometimes lead to a better solution. I think that if all countries in the world really talk about their problems, they will find answers we need to get along.
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When you try to resolve a conflict, choose your words very carefully. Even if people are different, it doesn`t mean that they can`t get along.
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Many scientists recommend to visit some museums , peace museums can be of two kinds. Some of them concentrate on the past. They demonstrate historical events, such as wars, violence and terrorism. For example, if you visit the museum in Hiroshima and Nagasaki (founded in 1995), you will see pictures of the nuclear bombing in Japan in 1945. The aim of these museum is to prevent a tragedy like this in the future.
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The museum has got another wonderful collection: a world wide collection of smiles. The smiles have come and are still coming in all different forms, including photographs, paintings, drawings, computer graphics, poems and jokes. The museum is planning to open a special Hall of Smiles. So start smiling now! Come on, today... right now.
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