Исследовательская работа
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9-я Республиканская научно-практическая конференция
Учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений
«Языковое образование в полиэтническом регионе»
Секция: лингвистика
Исследовательская работа
Ижевский зоопарк
Васильева Валерия А.
Васильева Валерия В.
МБОУ СЭЛ № 45, класс 6А, г. Ижевск
Научный руководитель:
Фальковская Юлия Александровна
учитель английского языка
1 квалификационная категория
Ижевск 2013
1. Introduction. 3
2. The main part.
Chapter 1. We learn about Izhevsk zoo 4
Chapter 2. Our favourite animals 8
3. Conclusion 10
4.Bibliography 11
Izhevsk has got many popular and interesting places: zoo, theatres, Main Square and circus. We would like to tell you about Izhevsk zoo.
We think the theme of our paper is really actual, because many people go to the Izhevsk zoo in the free time and our Zoo is the best in Russia.
The work consists of 4 parts:
We think that our paper is very interesting. The information can be used at English lessons and for tourists’ brochures.
Chapter 1.
We learn about Izhevsk zoo.
Izhevsk zoo is on territory of park Kirov. It is favourite place for many people in Izhevsk to spend free time. Zoo was opened by president of Udmurt republic Alexander Volkov in 2008. He built comfortable fences for animals and now visitors can look at animals and enjoy. Young and adult come to Izhevsk Zoo to spend time with their families, learn about animals and just relax.
To find out what students know about our Zoo and what they don’t know, we did a survey in our class. We asked students of 6A form in our school 5 questions on Izhevsk Zoo. The questions were:
According to the official information on Izhevsk Zoo website 7000 people visit Izhevsk zoo every day. Students don’t know this information. 21 percent think that 1.000.000 people go to zoo. 52 percent think that 500.000 people. And only 26 percent answered correctly.
1000000 | 21% |
500000 | 52% |
7000 | 26% |
It was very interesting to learn that Izhevsk Zoo has 300 animals and 85 species and 7000 visitors can come and have a look at them.
We learnt that the Zoo was opened in September, 2008. 42 percent of the students in our class know that zoo was opened in 2008, 36 percent think that zoo was opened in 2010, 21 percent think that zoo was opened in 2007.
2008 | 42% |
2007 | 21% |
2010 | 36% |
We learnt that the Zoo was opened by the President of Udmurtia in 2008 due to the famous date 450 years of Friendship between Udmurtia and Russia.
We found out that 68 percent of our class like lion and tiger, 10 percent like snake, 5 percent like walrus, 15 percent like giraffe.
lion | 68% |
snake | 10% |
walrus | 5% |
giraffe | 15% |
Most students like lion and tigers and we like them too. We understood that people like wild animals from other areas and rare animals.
26 percent don’t like elephant, 5 percent don’t like horse, 68 percent don’t like camel.
Elephant | 26% |
Horse | 5% |
Camel | 68% |
We were really surprised that students don’t like camels and elephants. May be it is because they know little about them or scared because these animals are very big.
89 percent answered correctly-rare animal is gibbon, 10 percent think that white bear is very rare.
Gibbon | 89% |
White Bear | 10% |
Chimpanzee | 0% |
We learnt that Izhevsk Zoo was opened to protect rare animals in Udmurtia and Russia. Many rare animals live here: Shetland pony, Ussuri black bear, Japanese macaque, Steller's sea eagle, the Amur leopard and many more.
5 percent want to add zebra, 57 percent want to add giraffe and 36 percent want to add other for example: hippopotamus.
Giraffe | 57% |
Zebra | 5% |
Hippopotamus | 36% |
We found out that many animals live in zoo, but still there are many more animals that we would like to see there. We want director to add more exotic animals, especially giraffe and she agrees with us.
Chapter 2
Our favourite animals
We would like to tell you about our favourite animals:
Lion Ruslan.
Lion Ruslan is our favorite animal because
The Lion Ruslan was given to Izhevsk Zoo by Alexandr Gagulin, the hunter. Ruslan was born in 2006 and he is a real leader. He is lovely and friendly animal. He is king of animals. His name means: “Lan” – lion (arabic), “rus” – Russian, so he is Russian lion and it is true. Ruslan is real head pack. Ruslan is a real child in soul. He loves zoo workers and they love him. In 2009 he became the father for the first time. 2 little lions were born. In 2011 he became father again. This time 3 lions were born. Now the Zoo has a very big family of lions and everyone can come and look at them.
I think lion Ruslan is the best animal in Izhevsk zoo, because visitors love him. He is very big, handsome and scary. He is real king of animals.
Wolf Mavr.
Wolf Mavr is main animal in Izhevsk zoo. He is main animal because:
1) Udmurtia has got many forests with wolves.
2) It is the oldest neighbor with people.
3) 2008 was the year of family in Russia and wolves has very good and close families.
4) He became the symbol of Izhevsk Zoo.
When people come to the Zoo, the first animal they see is Wolf Mavr. His monument welcomes visitors at the entrance and says good-bye when they leave. Mavr is leader in park. Mavr is black wolf. Mavr has got two sons Chingiz and Han, and he gives his skills to them now. Wolves in the Zoo are favourite place to visit, because it is interesting to watch how they act and play together.
We like wolf Mark because he is symbol of Izhevsk zoo and he is nice. He reminds us the wise wolf Akila from Kiplings Book of Jungle. He is very scary and strong.
Bengalskiy Tiger Ayax.
Bengalskiy tigers are very rare animals. The Bengalskiy tigers are beautiful and nice animals. The Bengalskiy tigers Ayax and Alma, brother and sister, came to Izhevsk from Novosibirsk in June 2010. It was important and unique event for Udmurtia. These animals are in Red Book as rare animals .There are 100 Bengalskiy tigers in the world.
The zoo workers take care of 2 white tigers, they try to create comfortable conditions for them. The zoo workers gave the Izhevsk Bengalskiy tiger the name Ayax. Alex is funny and kind tiger. He got used to his new house very fast. He plays with his sister all day long. He is very active and energetic. He likes to play jokes and being naughty. Bengalskiy tiger Alex is three meters with a tail. His weight is one hundred seventy five kilogram.
We like Bengalskiy tiger Ayax, because it is very rare animal and he is handsome. He is white, big and energetic.
We went through a lot of websites and found some interesting information about Izhevsk zoo and animals in the Zoo. We did the questioning in our class and the survey showed that the students of my school are interested in animals, but don’t know much information about them:
We found out that students like the same animals: lions and tigers, because they are big and nice. And they also don’t like camels and elephants, because these animals are very big.
Working on this paper we came to the following conclusion.
Васильева Валерия А.
Васильева Валерия В.
МБОУ СЭЛ № 45, класс 6А, г. Ижевск
Научный руководитель:
Фальковская Юлия Александровна
учитель английского языка
1 квалификационная категория
We think the theme of our paper is really actual, because many people go to the Izhevsk zoo in the free time and our Zoo is the best in Russia.
The work consists of 4 parts:
In chapter 1 we learn about Izhevsk zoo. We went through a lot of websites and found some interesting information about Izhevsk zoo and animals in the Zoo. We did the questioning in our class and the survey showed that the students of my school are interested in animals, but don’t know much information about them:
In chapter 2 we learn about our favourite animals:
We found out that students like the same animals: lions and tigers, because they are big and nice. And they also don’t like camels and elephants, because these animals are very big.
We think that our paper is very interesting. The information can be used at English lessons and for tourists’ brochures.
Слайд 1
Izhevsk zoo .Слайд 2
Our aim : to learn information about the Izhevsk Zoo and some animals that live there.
Слайд 3
Research objectives to learn the information about Izhevsk Zoo, do questioning, Find out information about our favourite animals in Izhevsk Zoo.
Слайд 4
The work consists of 4 parts : Introduction . The main part. The main part includes 2 chapters, where we learn about Izhevsk zoo and find out about our favourite animals. Conclusion Bibliography
Слайд 5
How many people visit Zoo every day ? 1000000 21% 500000 52% 7000 26%
Слайд 7
When was the Z oo opened ? 2008 42% 2007 21% 2010 36%
Слайд 9
What is your favourite animal in Izhevsk Zoo? lion 68% snake 10% walrus 5% giraffe 15%
Слайд 11
Bengalskiy tiger Alex . His l enght is three meters with a tail . Weight is one hundred seventy five kilogram .
Слайд 12
Wolf Mavr . It is a symbol of Izhevsk Z oo .
Камилл Фламмарион: "Астрономия - наука о живой Вселенной"
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