Данная работа является аналитическим сравнительным докладом по теме: "Традиции чаепития в Росси и Великобритании". Ученица заняла 1 место на мунициальной конференции "Исследуем мир" в 2021 году.
МБОУ «Тучковская средняя общеобразовательная школа №3 с углублённым изучением отдельных предметов»
Тема «Традиции чаепития в России и Англии»
Проектная работа по Английскому языку
Выполнила: Никитина Варвара 7 «Б» класс
г.п. Тучково 2020 год
The content of the project:
1. Introduction ..........................................................................................
2. Main body .............................................................................................
2.1 History of tea in Russia .....................................................................
2.2 History of tea in England ...................................................................
2.3 Tea party traditions in Russia ............................................................
2.4 Tea party traditions in England ..........................................................
2.5 Types of tea popular in Russia ...........................................................
2.6 Types of tea popular in England ........................................................
2.7 Idioms about tea .................................................................................
3. Similarities and differences .................................................................
4. Reference list .........................................................................................
The aim of this work:
Compare tea drinking traditions in Russia and England.
The tasks are:
To analyze Russian and English tea party traditions, to understand what their differences and similarities are .
The hypothesis:
Are there any similarities and differences in Russian and English tea party traditions?
The objects of studying are:
Culture and history of Russia and England .
The subjects of studying are:
Tea party traditions of Russia and England.
The relevance of the project is:
Tea party is an inherent part of the people`s lives all over the world. However, tea traditions vary in different countries. My project will help learning about the similarities and differences in tea party traditions in Russia and Britain. The material can be used at the English lessons and can help people, who are interested in the English and Russian customs.
1. Introduction
Tea is one of the first things that comes to mind when thinking of England and is an important part of its culture. To master the language we should learn more about the culture of the country whose language we are studying .
The British and tea are inseparable. 8 out of 10 people in Britain drink tea every day and Britain imports about 20% of all the world's tea. Tea makes up about half of all that a British person drinks. Tea has even played a major part in British literature and history.
2.1 History of tea in Russia
History of tea in Russia started in 1638 when Russian envoy Vasily Starkov delivered Khan`s present to the Russian tsar. It was 64 kg of herbs. The king was confused at first, but the envoy explained that the herbs should be boiled in water . King enjoyed the drink.
That`s how tea appeared in Russia . First it was only for nobility but soon became available for everybody.
First tea was delivered to Russia from China, but then people started growing it in Russia.
2.2 History of tea in England
One of the first mentions of tea in British culture refers to 1597. Historians have discovered English translation of travel written by Dutch traveler Van Lin-Shutena.
In 1657 in England Trade Coffee House Harvey (Garway's Coffee House) opened permanent tea trade in London. East India trade campaign opens London tea auction (which still exists).
1658 – There existed wide tea advertising. This is a typical advertising in the newspaper at that time: «This is an excellent and recommended by Chinese doctors drink called Chinese Tcha, by other nations Tay, and also known as Tea. Get it in the coffee shop, "Head of the Sultan!"»
1662 - Charles II married Princess Catherine of Braganza of Portugal. In the form of a wedding she gave him the city of Bombay and the habit of tea drinking. It is believed that due to Katharine Europeans gained access to drinking it black tea. The main and the only tea suppliers in England were the Dutch.
The middle of the 18th century is the peak of the tea smuggling and counterfeiting. There introduced imprisonment for falsification of tea.
1773 - English Parliament passed a "Tea Act" which provided the right to freely trade in the colonies of the East India Company.
In 1802 tea became a part of compulsory diet of the British armed forces.
1823 - On a secret mission of the British government, Charles Bruce brought smuggled tea seeds and seedlings from China. It was the first attempt to cultivate tea in greenhouses.
1826 –The first tea-box packaging paper was invented. Capsule sealed and supplied with a trademark has been done to protect their products from counterfeiting. The inventor was John Horniman.
1840 - Anna, the Duchess of Bedford, established the fashion among the aristocracy afternoon tea.
In England in 1851, the law which supports the sale of tea, coffee, chocolate, cocoa, lemonade is published. This law also became known as "the law of the five o'clock tea" because there was a clause that states that all employees, workers and sailors at exactly 5:00 must make a 15-minute break for tea. That compulsion became famous British tradition later.
1897 – There appeared and secured new English tradition - morning Lunch with a traditional morning tea.
2.3Tea party traditions in Russia
Tea party was an important event in Russia. The whole family would gather at the table to drink tea and chat. The table was covered with a snow-white tablecloth. In the centre of the table stood a samovar. There were lots of sweets and pastry to go with tea.
People would gather on many different occasions: on holidays, just to get together with the family or when meeting friends.
Tea party among the nobility
The tea ceremony among the nobility in Russia was in many ways similar to the English one, as at time it was fashionable to do everything like foreign people. Traditionally, tea was served twice a day; an expensive porcelain tea set was placed on the table to emphasize the significance of the ceremony. People behaved with restraint, the atmosphere was formal. They talked, recited poems and listened to music.
Tea party among merchants
In such environment, tea drinking was completely different, with the obligatory samovar and various sweets and pastry to show the person`s wealth. They spent a lot of time at the table, talking about business. People would drink a lot of tea, ten cups each at the very least.
Tea party among lower сlasses
Before the revolution, tea was a luxury for ordinary people, so it was replaced with herbal mixes. Their contents were very simple, it consisted of mint, raspberry and strawberry leaves, etc. With the rise of Soviet power, the situation changed, but ordinary people drank low-grade varieties anyway, sparingly spending tea leaves. Tea was often "plain", without any sugar.
Nowadays a Russian person will invite you for a cup of tea rather than for a meal out. Russian people like to visit each other for a cup of tea and a chat. In Russia the main thing in the tea party is the atmosphere of joy and peace. People chat, relax and drink a lot of tea in a pleasant company.
2.4 Tea party traditions in England
There are many traditions related to a tea party in England like tea brewing.
Tea brewing is a special ritual. The kettle should first be warmed up and only then tea leaves are placed inside and then hot water is poured on top. In order for tea to reveal its taste, usually 2-5 minutes are enough. After that, according to the English tradition, the host pours the drink to the guests and offers milk, sugar and lemons to them. Hot water is never added directly to the cup.
The desserts and snacks offered are usually small in size. This is done so that additional cutlery is not needed, and drinking tea is easier and more convenient. Toasts, sandwiches, biscuits, small cakes and macaroons are perhaps the main list of what is served to guests in England during a tea party.
The Englishmen always drink tea out of cups, never out of glasses .
There is a tradition of drinking tea at a certain time.
British people, who follow the traditions, drink tea for the first time in the morning, at about 6-7 o clock. At the start of the day, the English breakfast helps to gain strength - a special mix of black tea varieties that is brewed by the first breakfast at 8 o’clock. Then at 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. lunch and tea break follow, respectively, and at 5 p.m. the time comes for traditional cup of tea in a pleasant company. An evening meal isn`t complete without this drink either.
2.5 Popular types of tea in Russia
Despite the variety of types, the Russians have long kept traditions of drinking black tea, while green, white and others varieties aren’t very popular.
In addition to imported teas, from Georgia and Krasnodar varieties are also sold. In Soviet Russia, they remained the only ones available after relations with China and Japan went wrong.
Worth mentioning is the world-famous Kopor kind, which was called Russian or Ivan tea by Europeans. Later, even the name of the plant, from the leaves of which the drink was brewed, received the same name. Russian tea is a worthy opponent to black, even in Europe.
Today the most popular tea is considered to be black Ceylon and the second in popularity is green. In addition, the Russians enjoy tea from the Indian, Chinese and Kenyan manufacturers.
2.6 Types of tea popular in England
British people usually have black tea like ‘English Breakfast’ or ‘Earl Grey’. Green tea isn’t very popular with them either. They enjoy having tea with milk.
And there is an eternal argument about what you should add first: milk or tea?
Brits usually drink imported tea because they can`t grow enough for the whole country due to their weather conditions. It`s mostly Indian or Ceylon Tea.
2.7 English Idioms about tea
Cup of tea — something preferable, desirable, beloved, something pleasant.
Teaching children is just my cup of tea.
Not one's cup of tea — something alien, not one`s thing
Going to church, Mary said, was not her cup of tea.
Tea party — 1) crazy party 2) simple and enjoyable event
1. Violent, noisy, "reckless" party:
There was a loud tea party going on in the pub when Jess came in.
2. An easy and pleasant event that does not cause fear and excitement
The test was a real tea party.
Not for all the tea in China — for no price, never in my life
I wouldn't give up my car, not for all the tea in China.
Tempest in a teapot — Too stormy reaction to a minor event
All that because a handful of the thousand invited guests didn't show up? What a tempest in a teapot!
Tea and sympathy — sympathy, compassion. An old fashioned expression indicating support and compassion for one who is upset
Sometimes people want practical advice and sometimes they just want tea and sympathy.
To be as good as a chocolate teapot - to be completely useless.
The new diet you've advised me is as good as a chocolate teapot.
Russian Idioms
1.За чаем не скучаешь - по три чашки выпиваешь.
2. Чай не пить - на свете не жить.
3.Чай попил - орлом летаю, водку пью- свиньей лежу.
3. Similarities and differences
Similarities/differences | Russia | England |
At what time do they drink tea? | Any time | Have traditions to drink tea at a certain time |
Who drinks tea? | Before only nobility could drink tea due to its` price but now everybody can | Before only nobility could drink tea due to its` price but now everybody can |
What tea they prefer? | The Russians prefer black tea to green and others | The Brits prefer black tea with milk to other kinds |
1.Tea , as a plant and then as a drink, came from East - China, India and Ceylon.
2.For both nations tea has been an important part of national culture for centuries.
3.Both countries have special tea traditions and ceremonies.
4.Nowadays tea is popular with all people, both noble and ordinary.
5.There are certain preferences in the kinds of tea drunk in both countries.
1The Englishmen always drink tea out of cups , never out of glasses unlike Russian people who often drink tea out of glasses.
2. In Russia the main component of the tea party is a good company, the atmosphere of joy and peace.
3.The British tradition is to have tea at a certain time whereas in Russia tea is drunk at any time .
The Survey
I have had a survey with my classmates to find out how much they know about English and Russian tea party traditions. My survey included three questions.
1,Do you know the differences of tea party ceremonies in England and Russia?
40% of respondents know the differences of tea party ceremonies
2. Is it important to know traditions and customs of the country whose language we’re learning?
91% of respondents find it important to know about the English customs
3,Would you like to learn more about tea drinking traditions of England and Russia?
85% of respondents want to learn more about tea drinking traditions
The results of my survey show that many students know little about tea drinking traditions of Britain and Russia but find it important to know more about their cultural traditions and customs. And it also proves the relevance of my research.
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