Описана история Олимпийских игр.
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The history of the Olympics games
Having a long history, the Olympics are known to have firmly established in public interest. Long ago ancient Greeks often waged wars. Small states suffered and lost much, even if they didn’t take any side and stayed out of wars. Mildly speaking, the ruler of such a small state Elis wanted to live in peace with all neighbours. Being a good diplomat, he succeeded in carrying negotiations (вести переговоры). At the end he organized athletic games to celebrate that achievement.
It is interesting to remark, these games were held as games of friendship every 4 years in Olympia. Attaching much importance to the games, the Greeks calculated (определили) time in 4 year cycles called “Olympiads”. The first games are known to be about a thousand years before our era.
Frankly speaking, emphasizing (придавать особое значение) physical fitness and strength, Greeks were strong athletes. Invited to take part in different games, best athletes arrived to compete in running, long jumping, discus and javelin throwing, wrestling etc. Having taken the oath, they began preparing properly for the games in the gyms promising to complete (выполнять) honestly and keep the rules of the sacred Olympics. After winning the matches, the winners were known to be awarded olive wreaths [riːθ] венок and cups of olive oil. At present athletes get cups and wreaths.
Generally speaking, the Olympics turned out to inspire artists and sculptures by painting wall pictures and making statues. The Olympic games were seen to be accompanied by art festivals. You could see craftsmen making honoutaty cups, poets reciting [rɪ'saɪt] “читать вслух” their poems in public, hear singers singing hymns, dancers dancing and orators pronouncing speech.
It must be admitted, that women couldn’t take part in the Olympic Games, moreover they weren’t to watch the competition at the stadium under the fear of being killed. The Olympic Games had been foe about eleven hundred years, until they were banned(отменены). The revival of the Olympic Games began in 1892.
When Baron Pierre de Coubertin made a public speech before the Union of French sports clubs in Paris. You see, understanding the importance of unifying of peoples of the world, he persuaded them into starting the Olympic Games. On the twenty third of June in 1894 the International Congress of amateur sportsmen made an important decision: to revive the Olympic Games and to establish the International Olympic Committee. Now it is headed by Thomas Bach.
The first Olympics of the modern time are known to held in 1896 in Athens, Grease. Latter women and girls proved to be allowed taking part in the competitions. Broadly speaking, winter sports made their Olympic debut, when ice – figure – skating are included in the Olympic program. Different cities welcomed sportsmen from many countries. Frankly speaking, the morden games are known to maintain [meɪn'teɪn] сохраняют the original(первоначальная)idea of amateurism, moreoverto keep old traditions of equality [ɪ'kwɔlətɪ] равенства, honour and justice справедливости. Generally speaking, the Olympic Games are known to be followed by Paralympic Games. They consist in attracting people with physical disability in taking part in them.
Having joined the Olympic movement, Russian sportsmen have collected a great deal of gold, silver and bronze medals. In 1980 Moscow hosted the 22nd Summer Olympic Games. It is interesting to remark, the mascot of the Games was the bear “Misha”. And in 2014 we welcomed the 22nd Winter Olympic Games in Sochi.
Frankly speaking, merely participating in the Games is a victory for itself. You see, the failure ['feɪljə] неудача of winning a medal shouldn’t diminish the honor of having participated in a contest соревнование. The principle, which was expressed by Coubertin is “the most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part,just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph, but the struggle борьба. The essential thing is not to have conquered, but to have fought well”.
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