Творческо-исследовательская работа по английским и русским сказкам
Что общего есть в русских народных сказках и в английских
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Министерство образования Российской Федерации
Творческо-исследовательская работа по английскому языку
“There’s a sky in the pie”
(«Кусочек неба в яблочном пироге»)
Попова Виктория
4 «А» класс
Руководитель: Леонова Е.И.
Мне очень нравится английский язык и на наших занятиях мы читаем много сказок. Знакомясь со сказками, я заметила, что русские и английские народные сказки очень похожи. Что общего в сказках разных народов? У меня возникло много вопросов и захотелось найти на них ответы.
Цель работы: знакомство с культурой английского народа через познание его языка, представленного в текстах сказок.
Задачи: прочитать английскую сказку на английском языке; выбрать русские сказки, которые имеют похожие черты.
There’s a sky in the pie.
My name is Victoria. I study in the fourth form. Some weeks ago, I watched the animated film “A piece of the sky in the apple pie” and enjoyed it very much. The film was very unusual, it had no words but I got its idea perfectly. The film was made after the tale of Joan Aiken, an English author. I have never heard the name of this author and wanted to learn about her life and read her books. So, I browsed the Internet and learnt that Joan Aiken wrote books for grown-ups and children. She wrote a collection of fantasy stories, modern novels and picture books for young readers. They are: “The Kingdom under the Sea”, “Mice and Mendelson”, “The Stolen Lake”, “The Moon Cake”, “Snow Horse” and many others. J.Aiken won an Edgar Allan Poe Award and she got the OBE (the Order of the British Empire).
From my reading lessons at school, I learnt that there are folk tales and author tales. There can be fairy tales, tales about animals and about everyday things and routines.
I found one of Joane Aiken’s books. It is a book of five fairy tales. It is translated into Russian. The best of the tales is “A piece of the sky in the apple pie”. And I want to speak about my reading experience. One windy autumn day the man asked his wife to bake an apple pie. The woman began making it. Suddenly the gust of wind opened the window and here the magic began: a piece of sky got into the pie. The pie was very light and airy with a piece of sky in it. It flew into the air with the woman and her husband holding it. They had some funny adventures when they flew across the sky.
I’d like to compare it to some Russian fairy tales. The beginning of the tale looks a lot like Russian tale “Kolobok”. The old man asked his wife to bake him a bun. She mixed the dough with sour cream, fried it in butter, and put the bun on the windowsill to cool. The bun lay and lay there. Suddenly it rolled off the window”. The beginning of the tale “A piece of the sky in the apple pie” is very similar: “That pie was so light because of the bit of sky in it that it floated out of the oven, right across the room”, “the pie floated out of the door, and they ran after it into the garden”.
There is one more Russian fairy tale “The Magic carpet”. It could fly in the sky like the Apple pie: “The pie was so light that it carried them up into the air, through the snowflakes falling out of the white sky”. In Cambridge Dictionary “a pie in the sky” means “something that you hope will happen but is very unlikely to happen”. We can say that both tales are magic tales.
I also want to compare this tale with another Russian folk tale “Teremok”.In the tale “Teremok“ a small wooden house (teremok) stood in the open field. A mouse went into the house and began to live there. Then came the frog, the hare, the fox, the wolf and the bear.
In the tale “A piece of the sky in the apple pie” the old man, the old woman and their cat were floating in the sky on the Apple pie and met the airman, the duck, the goat and the elephant. All the travellers gathered on the Apple Pie and continued their trip together.
The third tale, which has got in common is “The magic tablecloth”. When the Apple pie lands “the sun was so warm that fine apple trees soon grew up, with green leaves, and pink flowers, and red apples”. Everybody could eat the apples from the trees. The same is in the “The magic tablecloth”:
“An enchanted white blanket,
And whenever you wish it,
This blanket will serve you,
With food and with drinks”
In conclusion, I can say that tales in many countries have a lot in common. People have similar ideas about good and bad, right and wrong in many cultures all over the world. Most of the tales have happy ends. The end of the tale “A piece of the sky in the apple pie” is happy too: “So, they lived happily on the island and never went home again. And all this happened because the old woman baked a bit of sky in her pie!”
I have heard about such children’s writers like Lewis Carol, Hugh Lofting, Kenneth Graham and Rudyard Kipling. I watched modern films made after the famous books. I like “The Lord of the Rings” by J.R.Tolkien and “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” by R.Dahl, and the best one are the series of Harry Potter
Now I would like to tell my classmates and friends about these tales and add other books of Joan Aiken into my reading list.
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