Рассуждения ученика в рамках регионального конкурса творческих работ о профессии учителя "Учитель будущего"
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Is a t eacher- profession of the future? (мини-сочинение ) Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение гимназия им.З.А.Космодемьянской городского поселения « Рабочий поселок Чегдомын» Верхнебуреинского муниципального района Хабаровского края рп.Чегдомын 2021 Выполнила: Макеева Е.Е., ученица 11 класса Учитель: Новикова Т.Г., учитель английского языкаСлайд 2
A teacher is a unique profession, beyond time, fashion and geographical location. Teacher is unique profession The teacher himself is t he most important phenomenon at school, the most instructive creature, the most living example for any students.
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In my opinion, no, it isn’t. This profession was, is and will be the most demanded. That is, we can say that a teacher is a profession of the future. "Why?" some will ask. And I will answer . A man of the future is a man who is h ungry for knowledge, impressions, events and experience . And only the teacher is able to quench this thirst, is able to open pupil’s eyes to the world and reality. Is this an outdated profession?
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A modern teacher should live up to the times... Every day we use the latest technologies and a modern teacher should be able to benefit from them. But the well-established norms of education for years should not be forgotten by the teacher . A modern teacher successfully combines centuries, old knowledge and the current possibilities of teaching them. What traits should the teacher of the future have?
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I was interested in the opinion of my peers about the main qualities of a teacher in the modern world . I conducted a survey among students in grades 10-11. The students were asked the question: "What qualities should a modern teacher have?" Time to talk …
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The most frequent responses : 4 fair 1 2 3 5 having a sense of humor smart sociable kind
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According to the survey, children give more preference to the human qualities t han professional competence of the teachers . But at the same time, the teacher is a source of hope for the future and should not go unnoticed. The children did not forget about intelligence and sociability. Survey results
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I can say that the only correct opinion is that the teacher is a profession of the future. If you ask which teacher ? First of all, the school needs a professionally competent teacher. Only such a teacher will be able to do everything: teach young people to think, feel and act independently; plan their future , evaluate their activities, take responsibility and participate indecision-making. Teacher is the profession of the future!
«Течет река Волга»
Барсучья кладовая. Александр Барков
Гном Гномыч и Изюмка. Агнеш Балинт
Стрижонок Скрип. В.П. Астафьев
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