Мы всегда будем помнить наших первых учителей и наших любимых учителей, потому что они как вторые родители вели нас по дороге знаний, преодолевая вместе с нами трудности и разделяя победы!
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« The Magnificent Five » presents Thanks to our favourite teachers !Слайд 2
Dear teachers ! Thank you very much for all the good you have done for us! You believe in our success and support us in moments of failure, like the dearest person!
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Natalia Nikolayevna , our kindest and most beloved teacher ! We have learned your lessons for all our life! We thank you for everything and wish you easy working days and grateful students! G ood luck and prosperity! Let health and good mood never leave you! Peace, understanding and happiness to your family!
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Elena Vladimirovna , we sincerely thank you for that you have done for us! Thank you for doing your job every day, despite all the difficulties! Thank you for teaching us wisdom, rejoice in our successes and support in moments of failure, like the dearest person!
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Sergey Gennadievich , thank you so much for your work, for your sincerity and wisdom. Thank you for finding the right words and explaining complex material in an accessible and understandable way. It is impossible to convey our admiration for your talent, experience and professionalism. Thank you for giving children faith in themselves and in their strength!
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Maria Sergeevna, our dear teacher! Thank you for the fact that you know how to ignite interest and love for knowledge in the hearts of students, in the eyes - delight and admiration for learning something new and unusual, in the souls - a spark of kindness and understanding of the beautiful, and also to carry the teacher into the magical world you subject. Thanks to your talent, wisdom, patience, we have become smarter and more harmonious.
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Elena Vladimirovna , thank you for your invaluable contribution to the education and upbringing the young generation! High professionalism, care, attention to children help them enter adulthood with dignity. We wish you satisfaction from your pedagogical activity, joy in every coming day, health and well-being!
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Natalya Aleksandrovna, we sincerely thank you for everything and wish you the realization of your creative potential, the grateful and successful students. Your ardent desire to give children a thirst for knowledge, love and affection truly do wonders. We wish you success, health , good spirits!
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Svetlana Yuryevna , we thank you from our hearts and want the students to go to your lessons with pleasure, listen to you with their mouths open, and quickly learn new topics so that they love your subject, always do their homework and do an excellent job with the tests! Health to you, patience and joy for the whole school year!
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Irina Valerievna, thank you for your sincere generosity and desire to see us smart and decent people. It is difficult to overestimate all that you have done for us, your students. We will try very hard to be successful, good people, we know that for you this is the best reward for your work.
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Evgeny Sergeevich , accept our gratitude for your great heart, kindness and mind. For giving us your love, your knowledge, patience and soul without a trace. Let each of your students never forget what you have done for him and his future.
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Galina Ivanovna, we would like to thank you for the hard, but such a noble work, patience, ability to listen to! Your talent for getting along with students and keeping them interested is admirable! Thank you for your knowledge and daily dedication!
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Our dear teachers ! Please accept our warmest thanks! Let each new school year be more successful than the previous. Let your students answer you with gratitude and wisdom, do not lose their craving for the pinnacle of knowledge and skills. And their successes inspire you to new achievements. Let smart and diligent students do not stop showing their high results. An interesting and exciting learning life for you!
Воздух - музыкант
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Золотая хохлома
Марши для детей в классической музыке
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