Исследовательский проект по английскому языку
«Сленговые выражения в английском языке»
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Муниципальное образование «Городской округ Мытищи Московской области»
имени 9-ой Гвардейской Краснознаменной стрелковой дивизии
Исследовательский проект по английскому языку
«Сленговые выражения в английском языке»
Работу выполнил Артемов Иван ученик 9 «ж» класса МБОУ СОШ 24»
Руководитель проекта: Хачикян Лариса Хачиковна, учитель английского языка |
2022 г.
Main part……………………………………………………………………...5
Chapter 1. Theoretical part ……………………………………………………...5
1. 1. The concept of "slang" ………………………………………………………………...5
1.2. Types of slang ………………………………………………………………………6
Chapter 2. Practical research ……………………………………………..8
2. 1. Differences between British and American slang …………………… 8
2. 2. The use of slang expressions in the cartoon "Madagascar" ...... .9
List of literary sources………………………………………………..11
English is the international language these days. It is used in all spheres of human activity: socio-economic, scientific, technical and general cultural. The English language performs not only the function of an intermediary in the communication of people, but also is the bearer of the country's culture.
The topic of my research work was the slang expressions of the studied foreign language. The reason for choosing this topic was the interest in slang, which is often used in the speech of actors in cartoons and films, as well as in books by contemporary authors in English..
The topic is also relevant due to the fact that today teenagers in Russia use slang expressions of the English language when communicating on social networks on the Internet. Moreover, a small number of slang expressions can be found in school textbooks in English. Thus, there is a need to study this topic.
Knowledge of English slang helps to expand vocabulary, make the speaker's speech more figurative and vivid, and also maintain interest in learning the language.
All of the above implies a special emphasis on the slang of the English language, thereby determining the relevance of the chosen topic of the project.
In the course of working on this topic, I put forward the following hypothesis: a person who knows the slang expressions of the English language is more attached to the culture of the country, and is also more capable of understanding colloquial speech and conducting a dialogue with a native speaker.
The object of my research is the slang expressions of the English language.
The subject of the research is the use of slang expressions in films and cartoons in English.
The purpose of my research project is to increase the interest of students in my school in learning English through the use of slang in speech.
To achieve this goal, I have set the following tasks:
- to study the concept of "slang";
- consider the types of slang;
identify differences between British and American slang;
draw up a memo "Differences between British and American English";
find exercises aimed at the formation of lexical skills;
watch the cartoon in English;
identify slang expressions in the speech of cartoon characters.
Research methods:
theoretical analysis and generalization of literature;
- comparison;
- sampling.
The novelty of my research work is to find slang expressions in the cartoon "Madagascar", as well as to develop a memo that includes the differences between British and American English.
The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the results of the study can be used both by students to improve their educational level, and by English teachers to increase students' motivation to study the subject. The materials of the work can be useful for conducting English lessons, as well as extracurricular activities on the subject. In addition, they can be used to prepare for competitions at various levels.
Chapter 1. Theoretical part
1.1. The concept of "slang"
The concept of "slang" is one of the most controversial and not yet fully explored issues in both English and Russian linguistics.
The most famous slangologist in the world is Eric Partridge, who collected a huge amount of material, published several works, and also created a number of dictionaries. In addition to him, such linguists as J. Greenock, K. I. Kittridge, O. Jespersen, J. Murray and others were engaged in the study of slang..
It is assumed that the word "slang" itself is formed from the abbreviated phrase beggars' language or rogues' language (prison language). The ending from the first noun was added to the next word, and the final syllable from the second word was dropped.
The word "slang" first appeared in English in 1756 and meant "a type of vulgar or low language." Since 1802, another meaning of this word has appeared: "jargon of a certain class or period." And already from 1818, the word "slang" received a new interpretation and was defined as "a language of a very colloquial level, which is rated below standard educated speech and includes any new words or words used in a particular field of activity."
Consider the meaning of this word today. Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language T.F. Efremova gives the following definition: slang is a set of words and expressions used by representatives of certain groups, professions, etc. and constituting a layer of colloquial vocabulary that does not correspond to the norms of the literary language (usually in relation to English-speaking countries) [2 The Big Encyclopedic Dictionary gives two definitions to this term: slang - 1) the same as jargon, mainly in English-speaking countries; 2) a variant of colloquial speech (including expressively colored elements of this speech), which does not coincide with the standard of the literary language. [3] In English, this concept is interpreted as follows. Slang is words or expressions that are very informal and are not considered suitable for more formal situations. Some slang is used only by a particular group of people. [4] It should be noted that the exact formulation of this concept by linguists has not been identified. However, the above meanings of the term "slang" help to determine its following distinctive features.
Slang is vocabulary:
emotionally colored;
used, as a rule, in oral speech (colloquial style);
used only by a certain group of people..
1.2. Виды сленга
1.2. Types of slang
As mentioned above, one of the distinguishing features of slang is that it can be used in the speech of a certain group of people. Thus, there are several types of slang depending on the scope of its use:
Consider and give examples of each type of slang.
1. Everyday slang Everyday slang is expressions and words used in everyday speech of people. The most colorful example is the word to get (receive). Together with various prepositions and as part of phrases, it creates many new meanings..
Get a load of something – увидеть, посмотреть, понять что-либо
Get a life – заняться делом, не мешать
Get it out – разобраться, идти на разборки
Mobile slang
Mobile slang is slang and slang expressions that refer to actions or situations related to mobile phones. For example,
Stage-phoner – человек, пытающийся произвести впечатление на окружающих фактом разговора по мобильному телефону.
To cell yell – ситуация, когда человек говорит по телефону ну очень громко, полагая, что его плохо слышно, не заботясь о нарушении тишины и спокойствия вокруг себя.
To pretext – симулировать написание СМС во избежание ненужной встречи, общения.
In addition, this type of slang is based on a predictive text input system that replaces what a person wants to write with the word that is programmed into the phone when entering letters. For example, if you write the word “cool” (cool), then the phone gives out the word “book”, pub - sub, pint – shot.
Student slang
Student or youth slang is used mainly among students or teenage schoolchildren.Idiot box – телевизор
Jailbait – малолетка
Zero cool! – Круто! Супер!
Bro – братан, дружище
. Rhyming slang
This type of slang originated in one of the districts of London, Cockney London. Therefore, it is sometimes called cockney rhyming slang. It became widespread in the middle of the 19th century.
This type of slang is based on replacing a word with a phrase that rhymes with it, usually consisting of 2-3 words. Subsequently, the rhyme is omitted, and the meaning of the remaining word has nothing to do with what it was at the beginning. Thus, the word "Lies" rhymes with the phrase "Porky Pies", and when the word "Pies" is omitted, it becomes "Porkies".bees and honey – money (деньги)
bubble bath – laugh (смех)
carving Knife – wife (жена)
use your loaf and think next time (loaf of bread - head)
Are you going to rabbit all night? (rabbit and pork - talk)
ding dong – а song
Adam and Eve - Believe
Dog and Bone - Phone
Chapter 2
2. 1. Differences between British and American slang
Studying the material on slang, I noted that it is slang that helps to identify the differences between different dialects within the same language. As you know, English can be divided into British and American. In foreign language lessons, we study the norms of the British language. However, some words and phrases that are used by both Americans and British people can mean different things in each language. For example, the Americans use the word “subway” meaning “an underground railroad in a city”, while the British mean “a tunnel that people can walk through to go under a street”. Other examples are given in the memo "Differences between British and American English". (see Appendix No. 1) Some items have completely different names in the American and British languages. This difference is especially evident in the words used in everyday life, for example, when it comes to food, household items, clothing, modes of transport and car parts. Here are some examples:
Russian word | American word | British word |
квартира | apartment | flat |
лифт | elevator | lift |
компания | corporation | company |
центр города | downtown | city centre |
почта | post | |
грузовик | truck | lorry |
кинофильм | movie | film |
кинотеатр | movies | cinema |
конфета | candy | sweet |
печенье | cookies | biscuits |
бензин | gas(oline) | petrol |
жареный картофель | chips | (French) fries |
кран (водопроводный) | faucet | tap |
плита | cooker | stove |
свитер | sweater | jumper |
мусор | garbage | rubbish |
мусорный ящик / бак | garbage can | dustbin |
тротуар | sidewalk | pavement |
автостоянка | parking lot | car park |
аптека | drugstore | chemist’s |
брюки | pants | trousers |
осень | fall | autumn |
Мною были найдены упражнения, направленные на формирование лексических навыков по данной теме. (см. Приложение №2)
2.2. The use of slang expressions in the cartoon "Madagascar"
One of the tasks of my research work was to watch the cartoon and identify slang expressions in the speech of the characters. To do this, I chose such a cartoon as "Madagascar". This choice is due to the fact that in cartoons there are much more informal words compared to serious films. Also, in films, profanity and rude language may occur, which is excluded in cartoons.
Viewing this cartoon led to the following results. The following is a list of slang expressions used in the Madagascar cartoon:
Thus, the above examples allow us to conclude that slang is an integral part of the everyday speech of native English speakers and makes this speech more lively, vivid and expressive.
Slang is a very interesting topic. As exciting as it is practical and completely limitless, because the language is constantly changing, and new words appear every day.
Many slang expressions are literally translated or not translated at all, but are used in their pure form in Russian. The correct use of these expressions can make speech more lively, comfortable and modern. The use and use of slang and slang expressions in speech is very exciting and useful. Knowledge of informal speech allows you to better understand the culture and modern and historical features of the language being studied. It can also help you avoid getting into trouble when reading books and watching films in the original, as well as communicating directly with native speakers.
In the course of working on a research project, I came to the conclusion that the study of slang expressions is significant and relevant .I believe that my hypothesis is confirmed. Knowing the slang expressions of the English language helps a person to be more attached to the culture of the country, as well as to be more capable of understanding spoken language and conducting a dialogue with a native speaker.
The goal of my research project has been achieved. Firstly, my classmates offered me their help in finding slang expressions in the cartoon "Madagascar". Secondly, the work on this topic interested me even more and stimulated further independent study.
I hope that my research work will arouse interest among other students of my school.
Список литературных источников
Список приложений
Приложение № 1
Памятка «Differences between British and American English»
Word | British English | American English |
Asian | It usually refers to British people whose families originally came from the countries of South Asia (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka). | It usually refers to people from countries in East and Southeast Asia, such as China, Japan, Thailand, or Korea. |
Bathroom | Bathroom usually means a room with a bath, a basin to wash your hands in, and sometimes a toilet. | A bathroom may have a bath in it, but when American speakers ask to go to the bathroom they usually mean they want to use the toilet. In the UK, you would just ask to go to the toilet. |
Class | In both the UK and the US, a class is usually a group of students who are learning together: Jill and I were in the same class at primary school. You can also (especially in the US) use class to mean a group of students who all completed their studies in a particular year: Tim was in the class of 2005. Class can also mean a series of lessons in a particular subject: She’s taking a class in business administration. The usual British word for this is course: a course in business administration. Class can also mean one of the periods in the school day when a group of students are taught: What time is your next class? British speakers also use lesson for this meaning, but American speakers do not. | |
College | A college usually means a place where students over the age of 16 are trained in a particular subject or skill, earning a qualification that is not usually an academic degree. People studying for an academic degree go to a university. | A college is a place where students can earn a bachelor’s degree (=first degree), and a university offers both bachelor’s degrees and advanced degrees. |
Doctor | A doctor who works in a local community, not in a hospital, is called a GP or a general practitioner (or sometimes a family doctor), and has the title Dr: Could I have an appointment with Dr Jones, please? But surgeons (=doctors who perform operations on people), dentists (=doctors who look after people’s teeth), and vets (=doctors who look after animals) are all referred to by the titles Mr, Mrs, or Miss. | All of these doctors use the title Dr. |
Football | Football is a sport in which players try to score goals by kicking a round ball into a large net. American speakers call this sport soccer. | Football refers to a sport in which players throw, kick, or carry an oval ball into an area at the end of the field to score points. British speakers call this sport American football. |
Gas | It usually refers to a clear substance like air that is burned to cook food or to heat your house: a gas boiler. | Gas can also have this meaning in the US, but when American speakers say gas they are usually referring to a type of liquid fuel that is used to produce power in cars: We’d better get gas on our way out of town. In the UK, you call this fuel petrol. |
Holiday | A holiday, often called your holidays, is a period of time during which you do not go to school or work, and usually you go to a place away from home to relax: Where are you going for your holiday? American speakers call this period a vacation. | Holiday refers to a single day fixed by law when people do not have to go to school or work: I forgot that Monday’s a holiday. In the UK, this is usually called a bank holiday. Both American and English speakers also call this a public holiday. When American speakers say the holidays or the holiday season, they are referring to the period of time that includes Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Year’s Day: Have you got any special plans for the holidays? |
Lawyer | In both the UK and the US, lawyer is the general word for a trained legal adviser. In the UK, a lawyer who usually works in an office but may also work in some courts of law is called a solicitor. Lawyers who do most of their work representing people in court trials are called barristers in England and advocates in Scotland. In both the UK and the US, counsel is the formal legal word for a lawyer who is representing people in court, and in a US court, you might call them counselor. | A lawyer in the US is also sometimes referred to as an attorney, especially in formal speech or official letters. |
Mean | Mean usually describes someone who is not generous or does not like spending money: He’s too mean to give a large donation. The usual American word for this is cheap. | Mean usually describes someone or something that is unkind, cruel, or violent: It’s mean of you to ignore her. |
Pavement | A pavement is the hard raised level surface at the side of a road that people can walk on: I set it down on the pavement by the door of the shop. American speakers call this a sidewalk. | Pavement means the hard surface of a road: Cars were skidding on the pavement. |
Professor | A professor is a university teacher of the highest status, usually one who is in charge of the other teachers of their subject. | A professor is any full-time teacher at a university. |
Programme | A programme is usually a set of plans to develop or improve something. If this is arranged by the government, British speakers might call it a scheme: The government’s new grant scheme. | Program can have the same general meaning, but it is also often used to refer to a group of related services or projects organized by a government of a non-governmental organization: The Food Stamp Program. Program can also mean a plan of activities organized by an educational institution: The Asian Studies program. When an American speaker says scheme, they usually mean a plan to do something bad or illegal. |
Public school | A public school is a private institution for young people between the ages of 13 and 18 whose parents pay for their education. The students often live at the school during the school year. American speakers usually refer to this as a private school. | Public school refers to a school that is paid for from taxes and provides free education to local children between the ages of about 5 and 18. This is called a state school in the UK. |
Quite | It usually means “fairly”: The film was quite enjoyable, although some of the acting was weak. When American speakers say quite, they usually mean “very”: We’ve examined the figures quite thoroughly. Speakers of BrE sometimes use quite to mean “very”, but only before words with an extreme meaning: The whole experience was quite amazing. | |
School | In both the UK and the US, school usually means a place where children are taught from the age of 4 or 5 until they are 18. American speakers also use school to refer to a university. In the UK, you say that children are at school during the day: The kids are at school until 3.00. In the US, you usually say they are in school, but American speakers also use in school when they mean studying at a school or university rather than having a job: She’s still in school, but she’s graduating in the spring. | |
Student | A student is someone who is studying at university or college. A child at school is usually called a pupil. | Student can refer to anyone who is studying at school or university. British speakers use postgraduate to refer to someone who has finished their BACHELOR’s degree (first degree) and is studying for an advanced degree. In the US, you would call this person a graduate student. |
Subway | A tunnel that people can walk through to go under a street. | An underground railroad in a city. |
Theatre | In both the UK and the US, a theatre is a place where people watch plays or other performances. In the US, you can also use theater or movie theater to mean a place that shows films. In the UK, you see a film at a cinema. | |
Time | British speakers ask what time it is by asking “Have you got the time?” or “What time do you make it?” American speakers ask “Do you have the time?” or “What time do you have?” In the UK, if children can read a clock face you say that they can tell the time. In the US, you say that they can tell time. In BrE, you say the time is “ten to three (2.50)” or “ten past three (3.10)”. American speakers say “ten of three” or “ten after three”. |
Приложение №2
Упражнения, направленные на формирование лексических навыков
The Robinsons are a British family. They live in Manchester. This is their usual weekday. They get up at 6:30. Tom Robinson goes to the bathroom. He turns on the tap, has a shower, cleans his teeth and puts on his favourite clothes - a dark blue jumper and old grey trousers. Tom is a lorry driver so he doesn't wear any good clothes to work.
While Tom is dressing, his wife Mary gets his breakfast ready.
She cooks eggs on the stove. Tom likes a big breakfast before he goes to work. Mary doesn't eat much for breakfast - just a cup of coffee and some biscuits after which she puts her favourite sweet in her mouth and washes up.
After breakfast Tom kisses his wife and leaves home at seven. He has a busy day in front of him. He drives his lorry to the petrol station and starts off. He has lunch at 12:30. He usually has fish and French fries in a small cafe and drinks two mugs of the strongest tea. Tom works until five and returns home at six.
In the morning Mary cleans the flat, takes the rubbish out and puts it in the dustbin standing on the street pavement. Then she goes to the chemist's where she works. She also comes back home at six.
Tom and Mary like to go out in the evening. They get their old Ford out of the car park and drive to the cinema. They are fond of watching new films and never miss them.
Around the Home
This cable is the ground. We need a dumpster to put all this old furniture in. I left the faucet running and nearly flooded the kitchen. I have to cook for five people, so we need a big stove. I fried the fish in a skillet.
1. If you look for a petrol station, go ahead.
2. The bookstore is kitty-corner to the Chinese restaurant.
3. There is a trail that leads down the slope.
4. Passengers are reminded that hand luggage is restricted to one item only.
5. There’s always a long queue for tickets here.
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