Конкурс творческих работ на иностранных языках ФГБОУ ВО "АмГПГУ", г.Комсомольск на Амуре
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TEACHER IS THE PROFESSION OF THE FUTURE Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение гимназия им.З.А.Космодемьянской городского поселения «Рабочий поселок Чегдомын» Верхнебуреинского муниципального района Хабаровского края Автор: Кузьмина У.А., 11 класс Учитель: Новикова Т.Г. Чегдомын, 2021Слайд 2
A choice of profession A person is a reasonable being and having reached a certain age; anyone makes a choice in favor of what he is interested in and what will bring income in the future. Choosing a profession is one of the most difficult and important events in our life. Our preferences can change often and this is normal, I think we need to try ourselves in many ways .
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"I want to be a teacher!" Since our childhood, we have had different thoughts about the dream, when parents asked one of the most frequent questions «Well, what would you like to become when you grow up?" different things were spinning in my head, but my answer was the same "I want to be a teacher!" The profession changes us and our views on the world. Often children follow in the footsteps of their parents. I would like to tell you what interested me in the work of a teacher, because there are so many professions you can choose in our time.
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Teacher’s duties Even at the early childhood, I was attracted by the duties of my teacher. How interesting and informative he was preparing lessons for us, giving us new information, fixing it with various fun checks, and even then I wondered how you can know all this, do you really need to be a Mega mind? And every year my desire to become a teacher increased, but the realization of how much efforts you need to put into this case to achieve your goal only fueled my excitement - it's like a game for me, in which I have to win without hesitation .
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Teachers in the era of technology A teacher is a profession of the future because education will always be needed in demand. I don't think anyone would prefer to remain illiterate. Now, in the era of technology, we have to master more and more innovations. In my opinion, in the future this profession will change its specifics a little and perhaps artificial intelligence will take the place of a teacher, but still I believe that a living person cannot be replaced by a machine ! I am sure that even modern technologies will help us in the educational process, for example, during the pandemic period when educational institutions switched to online learning, teachers helped student to get out of the rut. Now there are many educational platforms where you can find your teacher to further develop your knowledge in a certain direction.
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My journey towards my goal Soon I will begin my journey towards my goal. I can't wait to be able to apply my acquired knowledge in life, giving new information to those who are not familiar with it yet. Teacher is a huge responsibility that I will bear with dignity in the future. I am sure that I will achieve great success and definitely won’t be replaced by the artificial intelligence; even if by that time they will come up with chips in which basic knowledge will be stored .
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