Целью данной работы является изучение истории Америки и в частности истории крупнейшего города Нью Йорка.Разрушение стереотипов, изучение истории города Нью Йорк.
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МБОУ «Средняя школа №18»
Г.Заволжье Нижегородской области
Исследовательская работа
«Американская мечта»
Ученица 7 «А» класса
Терентьева Анастасия
Михеева С.В.
2019 год
Актуальность темы
«Железный занавес» советского времени канул в лету, поэтому у нас появилась возможность не только наладить отношения с другими странами, но и узнать их получше.
В школьных учебниках имеются некоторые факты о культуре иноземных стран, но этого недостаточно.
В своей работе я постараюсь исследовать один из крупнейших городов - Нью-Йорк, рассказать об его истории и культуре. Ведь сейчас очень важно узнать, чем живут американцы, так как они часто приезжают в нашу страну и если у нас будет больше знаний об их культуре и истории, нам будет легче найти с ними общий язык.
Актуальность темы этой работы состоит в том, что в последнее время отношения двух стран – Америки и России, накалились еще сильнее. И мы можем сгладить их, если только узнаем друг друга лучше.
Изучение государства Америки, а в особенности Нью-Йорка, очень важно для светской науки. Отсюда задачей этой работы является знакомство с Нью-Йорком с исторической и культурной точки зрения. Некоторые стереотипы о представлении этого города придется разрушить. В этом состоит актуальность работы.
Цели и задачи
Целью данного исследования является изучения Нью-Йорка с исторической и культурной стороны.
В связи с этим можно выделить следующие задачи:
U.S. history
In 1492, the existence of America became known in medieval Europe after Christopher Columbus visited the Islands of the West Indies during his second voyage in 1493 he personally landed on the island of Puerto Rico, now a state associated with the United States. In 1498 voyage to the coast of modern New England made the English service of John Cabot, and in 1513 Spanish Explorer Juan Ponce de Leon reached the coast of Florida. With the arrival of Europeans began the colonial history of America. Most colonies were formed after 1600.
At the dawn of its independence, the United States in 1776 consisted of only thirteen States, which were formed from the British colonies. After independence in 1776, they had to fight twice with Britain in the war of independence and in the War of 1812. According to the Treaty of Paris of 1783, Britain officially recognized the independence of the United States, but until the end of the second Anglo-American war in 1815 continued to support the allied Indian tribes that resisted the United States army.
The main territory of the United States was formed by 1912, when the last state, Arizona, was formed in its continental part. By this time, the territory of Alaska and Hawaii also belonged to the United States, but in the status of States they were admitted to the Union in 1959.
The first Americans
According to one theory, the first people appeared in America about 10-15 thousand years ago, hitting Alaska through the frozen or shallowed Bering Strait. The tribes of the mainland of North America were divided and periodically at odds with each other.
Famous Icelandic Viking Leif Eriksson discovered America, calling it Vinland. The first visits to America by Europeans had no impact on the lives of indigenous people.
Colonization of America by the British (1607-1775)
The first English settlement in America originated in 1607 in Virginia and was named Jamestown. The trading post, founded by members of the crews of three English ships under the command of captain Newport, served at the same time as a watchtower on the way of the Spanish advance inland. In just a few years, Jamestown became a thriving village thanks to tobacco plantations planted there in 1609. By 1620 the population of the village was about 1000 people. European immigrants were attracted to America by the rich natural resources of a distant continent, and its remoteness from European religious dogmas and political preferences. Exodus to the New World was financed primarily by private companies and individuals who received income from the transportation of goods and people. In 1606 in England were formed London and Plymouth Company, which engaged in the development of the North-East coast of America.
Beginning in the mid-17th century, Britain sought to establish full control over the economic operations of the American colonies by implementing a scheme whereby all manufactured goods (from metal buttons to fishing boats) were imported by the colonies from the metropolis in exchange for raw materials and agricultural goods. Under this scheme, British entrepreneurs as well as the British government were extremely uninterested in the development of industry in the colonies, as well as in the trade of colonies with anyone other than the metropolis.
The history of the city of New York (until 1664)
To the Europeans in this territory there were settlements of indigenous people, the Indians tribes of the Delawares and Matoukou. French Explorer of Italian descent Giovanni da Verrazzano, who named this place Nouvelle angoulême (FR. Nouvelle-Angoulême), sailed to the Bay of New York in 1524, but the colony was not founded.
The first European settlement appeared on the South side of Manhattan in 1613. In 1626, the Governor of the new Netherlands Peter Mineyt bought the island of Manhattan from the Indian tribe of Manhattan for knives, beads, blankets and rum, worth a total of 24 current dollars, and the settlement on the island was renamed new Amsterdam.
USA in World War II
The United States entered World War II on December 7, 1941, following Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor. American troops operated in France (mainly in Normandy), Italy, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg, as well as in the Pacific Ocean and South-East Asia. The US lost in World War II 418 000 people were killed and 671 278 were injured. Also 130 201 American was listed as a prisoner of war, of them 116 129 people returned home after the war. The biggest loss for the American army was in the battle of the bulge — 19 000 people dead. After it, the numbers of losses are the battle of Okinawa, the Norman operation, the battle of Monte Cassino and the battle of Iwo Jima. As of 2010, 74,000 US troops are still missing during the Second World War. The national archives of the United States has compiled and published a list of all dead and missing U.S. military.
Alaska for sale
A deal between the governments of the Russian Empire and the United States of America, this resulted in the sale by Russia of its possessions in North America (with a total area of 1,518,800 km2) for $ 7.2 million in 1867.
For the first time a proposal for the sale of Alaska was made by the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia N. N. Ants-Amur in 1853.
Formally, the next offer to sell was initiated by the Russian envoy to Washington, Baron Eduard Stekl, but this time the deal was initiated by Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich (younger brother of Alexander II), who first voiced this proposal in the spring of 1857 in a special letter to the Minister of foreign Affairs M. Gorchakov. Gorchakov supported the proposal. The position of the Foreign Ministry was to study the issue and it was decided to postpone its implementation until the expiration of the privileges of in 1862. And then the question temporarily became irrelevant in connection with the Civil war in the United States.
December 16, 1866 held a special meeting, which was attended by Alexander II, Grand Duke Constantine, the Ministers of Finance and the Ministry of the sea and the Russian envoy to Washington Baron Edward Glass. All participants approved the idea of sale.On the proposal of the Ministry of Finance were defined threshold amount is not less than 5 million dollars in gold. December 22, 1866 Alexander II approved the border of the territory. In March 1867, Stekl arrived in Washington and reminded Secretary of state William Seward of "proposals made in the past to sell our colonies" and added that "the Imperial government is now in a position to enter into negotiations." Having secured the consent of President Johnson, Seward was able to discuss the main provisions of the future Treaty during the second meeting with Glass, held on March 14.
On March 18, 1867, President Johnson signed the official powers of Seward, almost immediately held talks with the Secretary of state Glass, during which in General was agreed on a draft agreement on the purchase of Russian possessions in America for $ 7.2 million
The area of New York County, which includes Manhattan, is 59.47 km2. The area of the island of Manhattan is 58.8 km2, and the population-1.619 million people (as of 2012). It is one of the smallest and most populous of the U.S. counties.
In borough Manhattan are the highest skyscrapers, including the world trade center 1, Empire state building, Chrysler building, Woolworth building, Met life tower, wall street, 40, Rockefeller center.
The name Manhattan comes from the word «Manna-Hata», which means "hilly or small island" in one of the Algonquin languages.
On the map of 1610, the word Manna-Hata" is mentioned twice; the manahata Indians here named the tribe that lives at the mouth of the river, later called the Hudson. In 1625, the Director of the West India Company Johannes de Lat in his book" the New World "called this river" Manahata"; in the 1630 edition of the same book he writes about the island of Manhattan.Now Manhattan is the one of the smallest and most populous of the U.S. counties.
Fifth Avenue
Fifth Avenue is the street in the center of Manhattan in New York. It is one of the most famous, most respectable and expensive streets in the world — there are many expensive exclusive boutiques. Fifth Avenue starts at Washington Square Park in Greenwich village and leads North through Midtown along the Eastern side of Central Park, then through the Upper East Side and Harlem, and ends at Harlem river. The abundance of monuments, historical and cultural centers, fashion boutiques and exclusive shops - on this street of New York.
Avenue divides the island of Manhattan into two parts and is the starting point for the streets of New York.
Fifth Avenue is one of the few long streets in Manhattan that has never been tram-ridden. Until 1953, there were Double-Decker buses on the street, which were later canceled. From 135th street to Washington square, Fifth Avenue is one-way. In 2008, the authorities in New York have raised the question considering the reopening of bunk buses on Fifth Avenue.
Times Square
The area first named Longacre Square, received its modern name in April 1904, when the newspaper "new York times" moved its headquarters in the eve of the constructed building Times Building. In 1907 the roof was installed the time ball, the annual escapement of watches which nearly a million spectators.
Times Square is one of the most visited attractions in the world, attracting about 50 million visitors annually. The area is called the "crossroads of the world", it daily passes through more than 300 thousand pedestrians and 115 thousand drivers and passengers, and it employs 170 thousand people. Times Square is a symbol of New York City and all of the United States.
Statue of Liberty
The full name of Statue of Liberty is Liberty Enlightening the World-colossal neoclassical sculpture, located in the United States on the island of Freedom, located in the Upper new York Bay about 3 kilometers South-West of the southern tip of the island of Manhattan. It was built as a gift from France to the United States world exhibition in 1876 and the centenary of American independence.
It is a national monument of the USA. Since 1984, it is a UNESCO world heritage site.
The statue represents a freedom-personifying woman dressed in clothes resembling a chiton; the clothes cover the whole body of the woman, except for the head, hands and feet, which she stands on broken shackles. The woman's head is crowned with a crown consisting of a base and seven rays; in her right hand, raised above her head, she holds a torch in her left hand, bent at the elbow so that the brush is below shoulder level — a tablet (stone tablet) with an inscription consisting of English letters and Roman numerals (JULY IV MDCCLXXVI"), denoting "July 4, 1776" — the date of the Declaration of independence of the United States. The seven rays on the statue's crown symbolize the seven seas and seven continents.
The foot, hands, head and clothing of the statue consist of thin sheets of copper, minted in wooden forms and mounted on a steel frame. In the decoration of the flames of the torch used gold.
The statue is on a granite pedestal; inside the pedestal is a museum dedicated to the history of the statue, at the top is an observation deck. The Museum and the viewing platform of the pedestal can be reached both by stairs and by Elevator. To climb this observation deck, you need to overcome 192 steps.
Height: 93
The Architect: Gustave Eiffel
Sculptor Frederic: August Bartholdi
Broadway is the largest street in New York (more than 50 km). Broadway is called «entrepreneurial street», because it has a huge number of office buildings and businesses. On Broadway goes the famous Theater district, so the street name has become synonymous with American theater. Broadway is also considered to be the place of the most prestigious vernissages. Those exhibitions and theater productions that failed to get to Broadway are called off-Broadway. The famous Metropolitan Opera house is located on Broadway.
At the intersection of Broadway with 42nd Street is Times Square, at the intersection with the old Bowery Park Union Square, and at the corner of Central Park — Columbus Square. Broadway runs through Manhattan, from Bowling Green in the South to Inwood in the North end of the island. Broadway was originally a trail that meandered among the swamps and cliffs of Manhattan Island. Upon arrival of the Dutch settlers, the trail soon became the island's main road from New Amsterdam to the South coast.
Economy of New York City
New York is one of the largest global cities in the world, and its economy is the largest urban and regional economy in the United States. Thanks to Wall Street and Midtown, New York is one of the main financial centers of the world. The city is also an important center of sectors such as retail and international trade, transport and logistics, tourism, real estate, new and traditional media, advertising, legal and accounting services, insurance, venture capital investment, entertainment, fashion, art, education and medicine.
Wall Street
It is considered the historical center of the Financial Quarter of the city. The main attraction of the street— the New York stocks exchange. In a figurative sense, so called as the exchange itself and the entire us stock market as a whole. The financial district itself is sometimes also called Wall Street.
Midtown is a business and shopping district. Here, in particular, there are many famous skyscrapers and complexes, including the Empire State Building, Rockefeller Center, Ford Foundation, Chrysler Building, the UN complex. Midtown is New York's largest business center and one of the most active real estate markets in the world. Thus, the volume of financial transactions Midtown competes with Downtown. The area has a significant number of tourist attractions, many of which are located in Times Square, Broadway and Fifth Avenue. On Sixth Avenue, which runs through Midtown, are the headquarters of the four largest networks.
Tourism in the United States is a major sector of the economy, which provides services to millions of tourists every year, both from abroad and from the United States itself. Tourists come to the United States to see the city, nature, historical monuments, as well as to visit various attractions and places of entertainment. The same is interesting for the Americans themselves, who, among other things, often visit recreation areas.
Excursion tourism is extremely developed in the United States, where more than 50 million travelers come every year. Among the three leaders in the reception of foreign tourists among the countries of the Americas are Mexico and Brazil.
In the United States, a huge recreational potential is concentrated, as well as a large number of attractions and museums. Suffice it to say that four of the ten most popular museums in the world are in the United States. We are talking about the Metropolitan Museum of art in New York, the Getty Museum in Los Angeles, the art Institute Museum in Chicago and the Washington National gallery. Specific direction tours across America are ethnographic excursions. They include visits to places of traditional residence of the Indians, the ancient cities of the empires of the Incas, Aztecs and Mayans.
The world tourism organization UNWTO published statistics on international tourist traffic in 2017, in which the United States ranked third with 75.9 million visitors, after Spain (81.8 million) and France (86.9 million).
Number of tourists by year and their spending
Year | Total visitors (millions) | Domestic visitors | International visitors | Total visitors spending (Billions US $) |
1991 | 29,1 | 23,6 | 5,5 | 10,1 |
1995 | 28,5 | 23,1 | 5,4 | 11,7 |
1998 | 33,1 | 27,1 | 6 | 14,7 |
1999 | 36,4 | 29,8 | 6,6 | 15,6 |
2000 | 36,2 | 29,4 | 6,8 | 17 |
2001 | 35,2 | 29,5 | 5,7 | 15,1 |
2002 | 35,3 | 30,2 | 5,1 | 14,1 |
2003 | 37,8 | 33 | 4,8 | 18,5 |
2004 | 39,9 | 33,8 | 6,2 | 21,3 |
2005 | 42,6 | 35,8 | 6,8 | 24,3 |
2006 | 43,8 | 36,5 | 7,3 | 26,2 |
2007 | 46 | 37,1 | 8,8 | 30 |
2008 | 47,1 | 37,6 | 9,5 | 32 |
2009 | 45,8 | 37 | 8,8 | 28,2 |
2010 | 48,8 | 39,1 | 9,7 | 31,5 |
2011 | 50,9 | 40,3 | 10,3 | 34,5 |
2012 | 51,5 | 40,9 | 10,6 | 36,9 |
2013 | 53 | 41,7 | 11,3 | 38,8 |
2014 | 54,4 | 42,5 | 11,9 | 41,2 |
2015 | 55,9 | 55,9 | 12,7 | 42,3 |
2016 | 60,5 | 60,5 | 12,7 | 43 |
2017 | 62,8 | 62,8 | 13,1 |
New York City
New York is the largest city in the United States, one of the largest agglomerations in the world. The city's population is 8 537 673 people agglomeration-20.63 million (estimated for 2016). New York is located on the Atlantic coast in the southeastern part of the state of New York. The city was founded in the early XVII century by Dutch colonists and until 1664 was called New Amsterdam.
New York is an important global financial, political, economic and cultural center.
Over the past decades, New York has welcomed many Asians, especially Chinese, Indians and Pakistanis, as well as those from many Latin American and Caribbean countries. As a result of strong immigration inflows, New York was one of the first American cities to lose the white majority in the mid-1980s and became the home of Latin Americans and African Americans. To date, Staten Island is the only borough with a predominance of white population. One of the symbols of resettlement processes is the immigration Museum on Ellis Island. It is based on the place where until 1954 there was a main point for the reception of immigrants, through which passed more than 20 million futures citizens.
Immigration is a key factor in the rapid growth of the city's population.
Population according to the census
1790 — 3 929 214,
1800 — 5 236 631,
1810 — 7 239 881,
1820 — 9 638 453,
1830 — 12 866 020,
1840 — 17 069 453,
1850 — 23 191 876,
1860 — 31 443 321,
1870 — 38 558 371,
1880 — 49 371 340,
1890 — 62 979 766,
1900 — 76 212 168,
1910 — 92 228 496,
1920 — 106 021 537,
1930 — 123 202 624,
1940 — 132 164 569,
1950 — 151 325 798,
1960 — 179 323 175,
1970 — 203 211 926,
1980 — 226 545 805,
1990 — 248 709 873,
2000 — 281 421 906,
2010 — 308 745 538
Education in the United States
Education in the United States is mainly public. It is controlled and financed at three levels: Federal, state and local. There is a system of public schools. Higher education institutions are predominantly private and therefore try to attract students and postgraduates from all over the world.
The literacy rate in the United States is 99% (2008), in 2011 86% of people aged 25 years and older had secondary education, 30% had a bachelor's degree. The main language of instruction is English.
Features of training
In the largest universities the applicant usually has to enter a certain faculty, but in most of the universities he enters the University at all. Even where it is necessary to enter the faculty, there are ways to move from faculty to faculty and may have the status of "unsolved", although the path to some faculties at the same time becomes almost or completely closed. In other universities, the student must decide what to specialize in at the end of the first and sometimes second year. Sometimes in addition to the main specialty (major) can be add one or more additional (minor) specialties, and sometimes you can choose two or even three major specialties.
Attending each course gives a certain number of credits (points), which correspond to a certain number of hours of work per week on this course. A student can choose his courses freely, but he must earn more than the minimum and less than the maximum of credits and fulfill the requirements of the University in his specialty or specialties. The requirements can be specific ("vector analysis") or General ("nine Humanities credits") and can be met at any time prior to graduation.
The level of American universities are set by semesters or less at term. They depend mainly on the exams that are usually taken in the middle of the semester or trimester (eng. midterms) and in the examination session at the end of the school year (eng. finals). Can also count homework, projects, presentations, papers, etc.
American lifestyle
American media presented life in the United States as a life in a society of "abundance", "freedom", in the "welfare state", and associated with the widespread idea of "American dream".
It emphasizes the dynamism of Americans in their lifestyle, actions and decisions (this necessarily requires a car, the prevalence of fast food), their efficiency (which leads to the formation of a vast middle class). A characteristic feature of the American way of life is the life of the loan, the automation and computerization of everyday life. The American way of life, which is based on liberal democracy, is unthinkable without a high degree of religious pluralism, which was originally laid down in the Genesis of North American civilization.
Americans are raised from childhood with the basic idea of" I-can-do-it " and the belief that they can achieve absolutely anything and become whoever they want, start with a simple paperboy and become President of the United States. America preaches dreams, hopes and life styles in which life is a bar of chocolate and all you have to do is bite off a bigger piece.
Life in the USA is a high-speed race and if you are on this track, then you need to move either faster or step aside for someone else to pass this path of success. Not surprisingly, it was in the US that fast food was invented, because life is too short to spend precious time eating (time is money, and money is everything!).
Life, especially in big cities, is lived at a frantic pace, where stress and pressure - vigilant, and yuppies (young wealthy people, leading built on a passion for professional career and material success active secular lifestyle) decisively and vigorously earn their first million (or heart attack). The only way to survive in this crazy world for newcomers is to lean back and let things take their course.
The nature of Americans
How do ordinary people live in America? They are mainly united by national features-ease of communication, openness and friendliness. Americans are very polite, and in order not to offend another person, they can simply remain silent. The people of America are free to move around the country, it is easy to get acquainted and make friends. Although there are certain invisible boundaries. Houses are separated by small fences, and friendship does not imply interference in the Affairs of a neighbor. Simple parents and famous children: who are they-the parents of domestic stars photos of the actors of the series about Katya Pushkareva 12 years after the shooting Can you look good after 50? Political, religious or financial issues cannot be discussed in the conversation. Mention of social status is considered indecent. Americans are very fond of humor and jokes, but they are quite specific and not always clear to foreigners. With jokes, US residents tend to smooth conflict situations. Often using humor to express their own opinion.
How do people live in America? The day begins, as in other countries. In the morning, parents go to work (mainly by private cars), and children go to school by special buses. Housewives are engaged in farming. Many teenagers drive their own cars, although their insurance is much more expensive for adults. Almost all Americans visit different clubs, Golf, bridge and other entertainment. Parts of the US residents are members of public organizations and engaged in charity. Church parishioners organize dinners. Meals for them are prepared at home and then put on a common table. Children are engaged in various clubs: ballroom dancing, tennis, etc. Americans like to talk on the phone. On the refrigerators in almost all families posted notes that remind someone in the family and what to do. Americans are distinguished by their smiling, cherish personal and other people's time. Important negotiations carefully prepared, really appreciate punctuality. Almost all US residents follow a strict schedule, many use diaries.
Lives of ordinary Americans hard workers? They have an eight-hour day and two days off every week. Employers offer different schedules. Americans can choose a part-time job, at home, etc. For stable and high standard of living in America must have higher education. In the USA not to get a job "on a pull". The standard of living depends on the annual income of the whole family. Salary depends on education and profession. The most highly paid professionals: television workers; managers; doctors; lawyers. Their income can be from 15 to 20 thousand dollars a month. Teachers, junior medical staff, employees of state structures have lower wages. In America – hourly pay. The minimum wage is approximately $ 7.5 per hour. The level of income depends largely on the state. In them the same position can be paid differently.
The highest income of Americans is provided by their own business or private activity. Any us citizen can become an entrepreneur. The state supports the development of small business.
Food prices
Not all Americans can afford to go to restaurants and cafes. In the US, it is customary to buy food in wholesale stores, as it is much cheaper and saves time. Prices in supermarkets can be much lower than, for example, in Russia. But the low cost of goods is often associated with poor quality. In food products may be suitable shelf life, looks good meat bursting with hormones, and fresh and beautiful vegetables – from the pesticides contained in them. Sale and many quality products. The US supports farms, the cost of land and taxes is quite acceptable for small businesses. Accordingly, all this is expressed in small food prices.
Social security and taxes
The standard of living depends on the annual income of the family. An important condition for a comfortable existence is insurance. Usually this applies to real estate, cars and health. Pensioners over 65 years of age are entitled to health insurance from the state. The same category includes children under 19 years of age. Each company provides its employees with insurance, which can be paid. Some large organizations give them not only to their specialists, but also to their families. Small companies that cannot provide employees with insurance often offer discounts on different products. Free medical care is provided for the poor. Americans spend 30 to 50 percent of their income on taxes. The largest deductions: state taxes; Federal; sales taxes; real estate and property. Low-income citizens, pensioners and students are not taxed.
Almost every second family pays a mortgage or rents a house. A small two-storey cottage costs about $ 5,000 per month, excluding utilities. Medical, car insurance, loans for training, etc. - all this costs a lot of money. Cars are most often rented, bought – less often. But the cars are almost at each adult family member. Monthly payments for cars range from $ 200 to $ 400 per month.
If family members do not have a good credit history, then their own home and cloudless life can only dream of.
Coffee and fast food restaurants
They spend a lot of money on coffee. In the morning, the coffee shop formed a long queue. Then they are repeated during lunch and after work. Despite the fact that coffee can be made at home and it will cost much cheaper, millions of Americans spend hundreds of dollars annually to buy an invigorating drink. No less popular are bistros with fast food and frozen semi-finished products for microwaves.
Interesting facts
Many Americans consider it their duty to have a gym membership. Even if they don't go there at all.
In America, it is not customary to borrow or lend money. If a person cannot take a loan for their needs, it is likely to miss a semester, refuse to travel, but never ask for a loan of money. It's considered indecent.
All three emergency services always come to the calls. And firefighters are often the first and provide first aid.
In the US, many toll roads and tunnels.
Medicine is very expensive, but it is at a highly professional level.
Skyscrapers the Americans called towers.
Americans love pets. They're here as family members.
Marriage is a bigger step for Americans than having children. Many families have three children but the parents are still not married.
Comparison of American and British English
Spoken varieties of British English vary markedly. They reflect the long history of the separate development of dialects in the British Isles. Differences between dialects, words and accents can be traced not only between parts of Great Britain — England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, but also within them. Only two percent of the population speaks the well-known British normative pronunciation (Received Pronunciation [RP]). Official dictionaries as well as courses of teaching English as a foreign language are based on RP pronunciation. Received Pronunciation is also known as "Royal English, "Oxford English" and "English BBC". Most of the names have no basis: not every Oxford University graduate speaks with an accent of RP, and BBC broadcasters are no longer required to use it only on the air.
There is also an unofficial standard of spoken American English. It was developed as a result of the influence of the media, as well as the historical increase in the geographical and social mobility of the US population. In a broad sense, this accent is typical for TV presenters, as the profession requires them to use common vocabulary and speech manner. However, some provincial television workers tend to broadcast local forms. Despite the existence of an informal norm, regional varieties of American English not only did not disappear, but on the contrary, only took root and developed, according to linguist William Labov.
Local dialects in the United States mainly reflect the characteristics of the native languages of most immigrants living in a particular area. The influence of foreign languages is especially noticeable at the level of pronunciation and vocabulary. The researchers distinguish at least four regional varieties of American English: Northern, southern, Midland and Western. In the period after the Civil war in the United States, residents of the Eastern territories began to populate the West of the country, which led to a mixture of dialects and dialect leveling. Thus, the greatest variety of forms of American English is preserved in the much earlier populated East of the United States. Some dialects, for example, the dialect of new York and the dialect of the Southern Appalachians, do form their own, different from the rest of the colloquial forms of American English, characteristic only for these places.
British and American English are considered the world's standard for written and spoken English, taught in non-English-speaking countries. Most countries of the former British Empire, where English is not the language of the majority of the population, follow the British language tradition. In recent years, in such countries, American words and expressions are gaining popularity, which have long spread to the entire English-speaking world. In the United States, in turn, use countries of (originally non-English), in the past under the influence of the United States. In many countries, regardless of the preferred norm, along with her own dialects of the English language, such as in India and the Philippines.
В ходе исследования мы узнали об истории и культуре США. О жизни и характере американцев. Также мы определили, по каким причинам Нью-Йорк стал одни из самых больших городов для бизнеса, развлечений и туризма.
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