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Ten Little Niggers Agatha ChristieСлайд 2
Traditional idioms
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Idioms in which actions stand for emotions and feelings
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Pairs of words
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Idioms with it
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Typical conversational phrases
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Foreign phrases
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Common phrases and terms
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Phrasal verbs
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Blore resumed: “ That’s as may be. Anyway there’s no active danger to them as far as they know. Then, last night, some unknown lunatic spills the beans . What happens? The woman cracks – she goes to pieces …”
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To rake up Reveal something unpleasant from someone , s past. For example: ‘ But if the whole thing’s going to be raked up, what’s going to happen?’ Растравлять старые раны Добавить масла в огонь Phrasal verb
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To sleep the clock round To sleep all day and all night For example: “ Sleeping the clock round? Well, shows you’ve got an easy conscience.” Проспать 12 часов Спать круглые сутки Спать сутки кряду Traditional idiom
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To take someone aback Shock, surprise someone For example: ‘ It was such a contrast to his restraint of a few minutes ago that Armstrong was quite taken aback.’ Откуда ни возьмись Как снег на голову Как гром среди ясного неба Неожиданно – негаданно (появиться) Idiom in which actions stand for emotions and feelings
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To be upset To be unhappy, worried or disappointed about smth For example: ‘ I didn’t notice when I laid the breakfast. I was upset and all that.’ Common phrase Сам не свой Кошки скребут на душе
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To take up the thread of A conversation – continue it after an interruption. NOTE: to pick up the thread of For example: ‘ Then the judge’s small clear voice took up the thread once more.’ Traditional idiom Вернемся к нашим баранам
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Not turn a hair Not show fear; remain calm in the face of danger or shock. For example: ‘” I thought of that when I saw the axe – and then when I went into the kitchen and saw her there so neat and calm. Hadn’t turned a hair! Владеть собой Не показывать вида Traditional idiom
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To make up one’s mind Take a decision. For example: Traditional idiom Последняя капля Лёд тронулся Пойти напролом ‘ He made up his mind. “Lombard, can I speak to you for a minute?”’
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To be hard up To be short of money For example: ‘” Oh no, he didn’t. Just shut up like a clam. I could take it or leave it – those were his words. I was hard up. I took it.”’ Сводить концы с концами Доходить до ручки Phrasal verb
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To pull smb up To criticize smb for smth they have done wrong. For example: ‘ The Sister knew, of course – but she held her tongue. Got, it gave me a shock! Pulled me up.’ Разделать под орех Намылить голову Задать перцу Phrasal verb
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Lose one's self control . For example: ‘ The woman cracks – she goes to pieces.’ Сойти с ума Сломаться (морально) Go to pieces Traditional idiom
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At any rate If that is so. In that case. For example: “ Well, they’re all right for the night, at any rate!” Во всяком случае По меньшей мере Traditional idiom
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Be at a loss Puzzled Not able to decide what to do, how to do it etc. For example: ‘“ I’m at a loss to understand the matter,” he said.’ Биться как рыба об лёд Хоть караул кричи Хоть плачь Хоть в гроб ложись Как в воду опущенный Traditional idiom ?
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Get to the bottom of something Find out the reason for or the answer to a puzzling situation. For example: ‘ The judge said: “ Now then, Rogers, we must get to the bottom of this. Who is this Mr. Owen?”’ Докопаться, дойти до сути Брать своё Traditional idiom
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With a vengeance To a greater degree in the fullest sense. For example: “ Fits too damned well to be a coincidence! Anthony Marston dies of asphyxiation choking last night after dinner, and Mother Rogers oversleeps herself with a vengeance,” В большом количестве, с лихвой. В полном смысле слова Typical conversational phrase
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Start the ball rolling Set something in motion, e.g. an activity, a conversation etc. Note also: keep / set/ get the ball rolling For example: ‘“ You ought to try Armstrong- quite a young man – but so clever - Pam had been to all sorts of people for years and he put his finger on the trouble at once!” The ball had started rolling.’ Первые шаги Заронить искру Положить начало От печки Traditional idiom
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A red herring An unimportant or irrelevant matter which is introduced into a discussion to divert attention from the main subject, the truth etc. For example: She went on: “ A red herring – that’s the vital clue. Armstrong’s not dead… He took away the china nigger to make you think he was. You may say what you like – Armstrong’s on the island still. His disappearance is just a red herring across the track…” Traditional idiom Сбивать со следа Для отвода глаз
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To cook smb ’ s goose Spoil someone's plans, chances of success etc., often intentionally For example: ‘ He’d cooked Seton’s goose all right!’ Ставить палки в колёса Вырыть кому-либо яму Traditional idiom
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Like a cat on hot bricks Restless and nervous, unable to sit still or keep calm For example: ‘ He was like a cat on hot bricks. Scared out of his life as to what she might say.’ Как на горячих угольях Как на иголках Similes
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To spill the beans To give away the show Tell a secret or let out information or news before one should do so. Reveal or betray secret intentions or plans. (informal) For example: ‘ Then, last night, some unknown lunatic spills the beans.’ ‘ Ten to one, the woman will give the show away.’ Длинный язык Traditional idioms
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Part and parcel Part of something. For example: ‘ It’s not an accident – that’s what I say. It’s part and parcel of the whole business.’ Pairs of words
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Good egg Lark Good egg –how clever you are. Lark – a thing done for fun or for one’s amusement; an amusing adventure For example: “ Oh, good egg, Miss Claythorne! That will be a lark!” Подумать только Ну и ну Отличная штука Молодец Typical conversational phrase
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To smell a rat Detect something suspicious Sense that something is wrong. For example: “ And you are telling me that those people didn’t smell a rat?” Почуять неладное Душа не на месте Забить тревогу Idiom in which actions stand for emotions and feelings
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Have a bee in one's bonnet (about something) Be continually occupied with, or obsessed by, one idea or thing. NOTE: Get a bee in one's bonnet (about something) For example: “ There, there, my dear. Of course it’s not true. Fellow’s a madman. A madman! Got a bee in his bonnet! Got hold of the wrong end of the stick all round.” Врезаться в память Не выходить из головы Держать в уме(что-то) Traditional idiom
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As mad as a hatter Eccentric, peculiar, abnormal in one , s behaviour, even insane. Note: A March hare has similar meaning For example: ‘ If you ask me that woman’s as mad as a hatter!’ Спятивший Ненормальный Similes
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BE HAND IN GLOVE WITH SOMEONE Be in close co-operation or relationship with someone Be working towards the same aim etc. For example: ‘ Anyone could see with half an eye that the woman was as pious as could be – the kind that was hand in glove with persons.’ Плоть от плоти Кровь от крови Плоть и кровь Одного поля ягоды Traditional idiom
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To turn one's nose up at something Reject something because one thinks it is not good enough. For example: ‘ Lots of good fellows that Leslie would turn her nose up at and pronounce dull.’ Воротить нос Не иметь своей головы на плечах Traditional idiom
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To keep a stiff upper lip This idiom means that someone remains brave throughout a difficult situation. For example: ‘ Had he dealt with it all right? Kept a stiff upper lip? Betrayed the right amount of feeling – indignation, disgust – but no quilt, no discomfiture?’ Держать форс Americanisms
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Keep one's nose to the grindstone Work hard without taking any rest. For example: ‘ No, now that he had arrived, he must keep his nose to the grindstone.’ Работать не покладая рук Работать от звонка до звонка Работать не разгибая спины Работать как вол Traditional idiom
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Give someone a hand Help someone physically, e. g. to carry, lift, move something. Note: Lend someone a hand For example: Blore said: “ I’m a domestic sort of man. I’ll give you a hand, Miss Claythorne.” Traditional idiom Протянуть руку помощи
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To put one's finger on smth To touch, especially with the intention of harming them. Note: To lay one's finger on smth For example: “ You ought to try Armstrong- quite a young man – but so clever - Pam had been to all sorts of people for years and he put his finger on the trouble at once!” Взять бразды правления в свои руки Traditional idiom
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To hold one's tongue Say nothing, keep quiet. For example: ‘ The Sister knew, of course – but she held her tongue.’ Держать язык за зубами Прикусить язык Americanisms
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To pull oneself together Use this phrase to say that someone is regaining control of himself and is correcting his or her previous behavior. For example: “ Allow me, Madam, I’ll speak to her. Ethel – Ethel- it’s all right. All right, do you hear? Pull yourself together.” Взять себя в руки Americanisms
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Rope someone in Persuade someone to help with a task, activity etc. For example: ‘ We’d better rope in Blore to help us.’ Phrasal verb Впрягаться в работу
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At Large Taken as a unit, a whole group Escaped and still free (prisoner). For example: “ And therefore another kind of nigger. The Nigger in the Woodpile! X! Mr. Owen! One Unknown Lunatic at Large!” Ощутить запах свободы Allusion
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To roll in money To have a lot of money. For example: ‘ These Owens must be rolling in money.’ Купаться в золоте/ деньгах. Traditional idiom
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A nigger in the woodpile Something suspicious, spoiling a good thing. For example: ‘ He thought: “ Nigger Island, eh? There’s a nigger in the woodpile.”’ Ложка дёгтя в бочке мёда Americanisms
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To be in the same boat To be in the same difficult or unfortunate circumstances. For example: ‘ Philip Lombard said angrily to Blore: “ What’s the sense of making yourself offensive? We’re all in the same boat. We’ve got to pull together.”’ Быть в одном положении Traditional idiom
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Not mince matters To speak plainly and directly especially when criticizing somebody/ something. For example: ‘ Blore said: “ Look here – not to mince matters – you didn’t give her an overdose, did you?”’ Говорить прямо без обиняков Не стесняться в выражениях SAYINGS
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Forewarned is forearmed Knowledge of possible dangers, problems allows one to prepare for them. For example: ” In the meantime I warn everybody to be upon his or her guard. So far the murderer has had an easy task, since his victims have been unsuspicious. From now on, it is our task to suspect each and every one amongst us. Forewarned is forearmed.” Кто предостережен, тот вооружен. SAYINGS
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Long in the tooth Very old. For example: ‘ – I can believe in Rogers killing his wife because he was scared of her breaking down and giving him away, or because he’d taken a dislike to her, or because he wanted to link up with some nice little bit rather less long in the tooth.’ На старости лет На закате дней Смотреть в могилу Стоять одной ногой в могиле Traditional idiom
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A Babel The noise of a lot of voices all talking at the same time. From the story in the Bible of the “tower of Babel”. When people tried to build this tower to reach heaven, God punished them by making it impossible for them to understand each other’s languages. For example: ‘ Immediately a babel broke out.’ Вавилонское столпотворение Allusion
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Spot of trouble A place where trouble regularly occurs. For example: ‘ Lombard said: “ I brought it because I expected to run into a spot of trouble.”’ Traditional idiom Бермудский треугольник
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To be mentally unhinged To make somebody mentally ill. For example: “ Mrs. Rogers’ terror last night may have been due to the fact that she realised her husband was mentally unhinged.” Свести кого – то с ума Довести до белого каления Traditional idiom
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