конкурс электронных писем "Идеальная школа" содержит работы учащихся по теме конкурса
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Лучшие работы, присланные на конкурс электронных писем на тему «Идеальная школа»:
Денисенко Настя 7а
Rules for ideal school.
Лазарева Настя 7а
Rules for school.
1. Children should not run and rustle on changes.
2. Pupils should be polite and brought up at conversation with seniors. 3. Pupils of school should adhere to an official fashion.
4. At school the Olympic Games, for examination of pupils should be spent.
5. All pupils should aspire to the status "Best school".
Плужников Алексей 8в
1,183, Relsovaya St.,
Novosibirsk City
February, 23
Dear Sir,
I want to apply my ideas about ideal school.
First, I think, we can make more cruel rules, than now. We can tough rules of smoking and drinking alcohol. But students will be able to wear their own clothes.
Second, we must toughen rules about homework: it is the time, when the doing of homework is
about 35%. We can make this: if they do not have their homework, they will be punished. But lessons
will start at ten, so they can stay in bed longer, than now. And they will be able to look at other
students` answers during exams.
Third, students won`t be able to pay for the travelling to other countries; school will pay for it.
And students can choose the place, which they want to go to. Also, they can choose Canada,
Australia, Portugal, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Brasilia. And students must think about summer
job. They must understand, how adults earn their money. It`s the biggest type of work, you know.
Students must understand this, because they must see, how they`ll be getting tired, when go home
after their job. I know, it`s very hard. But students will see what is waiting them in their future.
But I want to say that our system of marks contents all of our students. They like it and they will be angry, if this system will be changed. And I want to apply the new system of lessons: students want to have less lessons, than now. They really don`t like the number of lessons, which is here now. So, I can say: they think, that all this is like an Armageddon.
So, here`s the conclusion:
1-students mustn`t smoke
2-students want to have less lessons, than now
3-they became lazy because they don`t do they homework
4-on summer holidays they should go to other countries (they must make a big variety of choosing of countries)
5-in the school of future they won`t go to all their lessons because there will be robots-teachers
6-they won`t get up early: robots will arrive at their homes.
P.S.: I know that lots of people will be laugh because my ideas are really funny but it is just a suggesting so… think about it.
Yours sincerelly
Alexey Pluzhnikov (8v class)
Воронцова Алина 8г
23, February
Dear Mr. Jones!
I would like to suggest the following rules for school:
You mustn’t be rude with teachers;
You can’t strong make a noise in school;
You needn’t be backward;
You have to help to other;
You don’t have to be at practice;
You can do supplementary task;
You must do the homework.
Сальникова Наташа 8г
Krasniy Prospekt 157
Dear Madam,
So I want to offer to you a few new rules for our school.
I will begin with a school form. I think that official clothes it is good. The more so for the students of lyceum. But I think that it is needed a bit to weaken requirements to original appearance. For example to settle any hair-dos. And it is yet possible to settle any colors of suits.
Now about student. I think that it is possible to let not to execute a home task that, who studies well. To lessons a student must not be late more than on 15 minutes. It is possible studying to use on a lesson by a mobile telephone if it does not interfere with other children in a class. Students must not hurry on the corridors of school. On lessons it is impossible to chew a chewing-gum. Copying off is possible but not all and a bit. I think that the students of our school will not feel strongly about these rules and will observe them.
Your Natalie Salnikova.
Куприянчик Станислав 11а
Rules the ideals school
51,Red prospect, Novosibirsk city.
Dear Sir,Madam
I bring to your attention the brief list corrected, which the ideal school should observe:
1)The site of school influences quality of training which she can ensure. In an ideal she should be located outside of the city centers because noise and a different sort of a handicap around of school can have the same negative consequences, as well as noise in class.
2) the Design of school and the school equipment is extremely important. For example, too convenient school desks and chairs can become the reason weakened and even the lazy relation to study; on the other hand, if they are absolutely ugly or, on the contrary, are too elaborate, it can cause stress and irritability of pupils. The school furniture should take into account physiologic requirements of pupils of different age.
3) each of pupils should have school desk and a locker locked on a key for personal use. It exempts them from necessity to carry with self many things.
4) Lesson should not be too long because the period during which pupils in a condition to support attention to a theme, is limited. In particular, it is necessary to avoid practice which is used by many teachers, - to unite two lessons in one, that demands too big efforts from pupils.
5) For reduction of influence of distinctions in the social status of children, at least, during their stay in school, pupils should carry the school form either identical or very similar clothes. Teachers will concern more equal to pupils if they will be dressed equally.
Yours_Kupriyanchik Stanislav
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