Данная работа о выдающемся Шотландском поэте Роберте Бернсе. День рождение Роберта Бернсаотмечают 25 января. Это — национальный праздник в Шотландии, отмечаемый торжественным обедом с традиционным порядком следования воспетых поэтом блюд (основное — сытный пудинг), преподносимых под музыку шотландской волынки и предваряемых чтением соответствующих стихов Бёрнса. Также этот день отмечается поклонниками творчества поэта во всём мире.
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Выполнили : обучающиеся 9-10 классов МОУ « Звениговская СОШ № 1» Порфирьева Дарья Константиновна и Киткаева Анастасия Валерьевна Руководители: Кузьмина Светлана Витальевна и Шоркина Светлана Алексеевна МОУ « Звениговская средняя общеобразовательная школа № 1 » Robert Burns is a well-known and popular Scottish poetСлайд 2
To the Russian reader it was opened by S. Marshak . And not just opened, but made as if almost a Russian poet. Burns knows the whole world, many playwrights use his poems in their work for many theatres, but the poet's countrymen, the Scots, consider our country his second homeland. " Marshak made Burns Russian, leaving him to the Scots," wrote Alexander Twardowski . Hypothesis: Robert Burns ' poems are worth reading. Object of research: life and work of Robert Burns. Purpose: to develop interest in the poetry of the great Scottish poet. Tasks: Get acquainted with the life and work of the Scottish poet R. Burns. To consider the problems and moral principles of the poet of his time. Develop an interest in reading poetry, love for the poet's life-loving poetry in the process of productive join activities.
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The aim of our work: to learn more facts from the life of the Scottish national pride Robert Burns The actuality of the topic: The poetry and songs of Robert Burns are famous all over the world
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Robert Burns was born on the 25 th of January, in 1759 in the village Alloway in Scotland into a poor family of a famer. In the family there were 7 children. Robert was the eldest child in the family.
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The family was very poor. But the father wanted the children to give the best education. He taught his children reading, writing, arithmetic, geography, and history himself. Robert’s father knew the value of a good education, and he tried to give his children the best education he could. At school Robert studied English, Latin, French, Literature and read a lot of poetry. When not at school, the boys helped their father with his work in the fields.
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In 1766 ,when Robert was 7, the Burns family moved to nearby Mount Oliphant farm. Times were hard for the family and Robert had to work in the fields from early age. Robert's mother knew many Scottish songs and ballads and often sang them to her son in his childhood. At Mount Oliphant, when he was 15, Robert wrote his first song, Handsome Nell, for his partner in the fields at harvest time, Nellie Kirkpatrick. Nellie was the first of a number of women who inspired Robert’s poetry.
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O once I lov'd a bonnie lass O once I lov'd a bonnie lass. An' aye I love her still, An' whilst that virtue warms my breast I'll love my handsome Nell. As bonnie lasses I hae seen. And mony full as braw, But for a modest gracefu ' mein The like I never saw. A bonny lass I will confess, Is pleasant to the e'e , But without some better qualities She's no a lass for me. But Nelly's looks are blythe and sweet, And what is best of a', Her reputation is compleat , And fair without a flaw; She dresses ay sae clean and neat, Both decent and genteel; And then there's something in her gait Gars ony dress look weel. A gaudy dress and gentle air May slightly touch the heart, But it's innocence and modesty That polishes the dart. Tis this in Nelly pleases me, 'Tis this enchants my soul; For absolutely in my breast She reigns without controul.
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When his first book of poems was published his name changed from Burness to Burns. He wrote poems in the dialect of his country. Many of Burn’s poems were put on music. In his songs he showed his dislike for the rich, but sympathy for the poor and made fun of the church. His most creative years were probably 1785 and 1786. During this period Burns wrote his most brilliant poems. Burns published his poems in August 1786. The success was great.
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The song “Auld Lang Syne ” was written in Scottish dialect to a traditional Scottish melody. According to the old tradition this song is sung on New Year’s Eve, when friends gather to see in the New Year. Thousands of Londoners come to Trafalgar Square and when Big Ben strikes twelve all join hands and sing . We will never understand Burns if we don’t hear his songs.
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There are a lot of poems about love: “I Love My Jean”, “A Red, Red Rose“, “I love my Jean” … Of a' the airts the wind can blaw, I dearly like the West; For there the bony Lassie lives, The Lassie I lo'e best: There's wild-woods grow, and rivers row, And mony a hill between; But day and night my fancy's flight Is ever wi' my Jean.
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He sang of the woods, fields and wonderful valleys of his birthplace.
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Robert Burns wrote over 500 different works . Today his works are known and loved by millions of people.
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Robert Burns Birthplace Museum offers a truly unique encounter with Scotland’s favourite son. Robert Burns died on the 21of July 1796. He was only 37. His funeral was attended by a crowd of ten thousand.
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The practical phase of the study. We watched film about Robert Burns, the great Scottish poet and then answered questions. The result of our work is, we found that children like the poems of R. Burns (70%), and they would get acquainted with the work of Robert Burns again (75%). If we want the poems of Robert Burns to be popular: we should Attend open lessons, extracurricular activities, class hours on this topic. At the meetings to pay attention to the problem of reading literature. Organize mass meetings with actors reading poems by famous foreign authors at least once a month. Conclusion. In order to interest children in English poetry, we need to invite them to read books in the library or to use the Internet site and then learn and tell our friends, relatives.
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www.burnsmuseum.org.uk www.lingvotech.com/burns http://english-globe.ru http://latuk.narod.ru http://go.mail.ru Zhurina T. Yu. 55 oral topics in English for schoolchildren, grades 5-11, - 14th ed. stereotype. - M., Bustard, 2009. - 158c. Koshmanova I. I. 90 oral topics in English. Moscow: iris press, 2002. - 2nd ed. - 288s.: Il.
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Выполнили : обучающиеся 9-10 классов МОУ « Звениговская СОШ № 1» Порфирьева Дарья Константиновна и Киткаева Анастасия Валерьевна Руководители: Кузьмина Светлана Витальевна и Шоркина Светлана Алексеевна Министерство образования и науки Республики Марий Эл Отдел образования Администрации « Звениговский муниципальный район» Районное методическое объединение учителей иностранных языков Звениговского муниципального района Муниципальное образовательное учреждение « Суслонгерская средняя общеобразовательная школа» A well-known and popular Scottish poet Robert Burns
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