A thing well said sounds wise in all languages
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Международный конкурс сочинений на иностранных языках
учащихся образовательных учреждений городов
Улан-Удэ и Улан-Батор на тему:
«Много языков - один мир»
ФИ: Корытова Анастасия
ОУ, класс: МАОУ СОШ №42 г.Улан-Удэ, 9 класс «А»
Руководитель: Ермоленко А.А.
Контактный телефон:
г. Улан-Удэ
2015 год
A thing well said sounds wise in all languages
«The tale is fiction, but there is some truth in it»
A.S. Pushkin.
«We are all different, but we are all equal. We come from our childhood as if from some country» - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
Childhood is the happiest time in the life of every person. And an essential part of childhood and a necessary element of education is a fairy tale. How many tales are there on the Earth? Thousands! Every nation and every time period create their own tales. Tales are not only created by writers, but by ordinary people, too. They have been going the rounds for centuries and have come down to us through the art of storytellers and talented writers. We all love stories, and we listen to them, read them and tell them happily, no matter what language they sound in.
From an early age, a child gets acquainted with fairy tales, bright and instructive stories. They are written in simple and understandable language, and there is always something magical in them that gives faith and hope for the best. They allow people to believe in a miracle, that any person is able to perform the impossible, and to make any dream come true. The plots of fairy tales in different nations are similar. Each nation has the same view of good and evil, of truth and lies, justice and deception.
Tales teach us to overcome obstacles instead of trying to escape from them, they teach to pursue the goal. One such example is the Belarusian folk tale «Easy Bread». Tales warn that you cannot achieve results by means of robbery and deceit. They ridicule avarice, greed, and ignorance. The examples are the Russian fairy tale «A silly wolf» and the Iranian one «A Silly bear». In fairy tales personages are divided into positive and negative. Evil characters do vile and low things, trying to reach the goal quickly. Good ones believe, love, hope. Their chief assistant in the fight against evil is love that makes them stronger. It’s Belle’s love towards the Beast that disenchanted him from the evil witch’s spell in the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast" written by a French writer, Gabrielle Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve. Belle pitied the Beast. The girl didn't care what he looked like. In the Russian fairy tale with a similar plot , «the Scarlet Flower» written by Sergei Aksakov, the main character Nastya saw that the Beast has a kind heart, and in the end he turned into a Prince. Love can change a person for the better – that's what fairy tales tell us about. This universal truth is known and felt by every nation.
A fairy tale is a wonderful creation of geniuses of different countries, and therefore to read fairy tales of different nations of the world is very informative and absolutely necessary for us to get a better understanding of the culture and traditions of different peoples. I am sure, if children read fairy tales in their childhood, they learn the right values and basics of behavior develop thinking and imagination, which has a positive impact on their adult life. Each tale is exciting and interesting in its own way and, without doubt, will delight a reader of any age.
Folk wisdom is reflected in simple words, in the words of a fairy tale.
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