Целью работы является проведение виртуальной экскурсии по селу Унгор, чтобы показать достопримечательности, узнать историю названия реки и села, рассказать об известных людях и традициях с целью привлечения туристов.
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Project “ The history of my village” Made by: Elena Alexeyeva Valentina Biryuchkova Teacher: V.V. BulekovaСлайд 3
1.Choice of the subject. 2.Making a plan. 3.Collection and systematization of the information for a virtual excursion. 4.Taking photos of the village 5.Making a booklet
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I. Introduction II. The main part: 1) the history of the village 2) landmarks of the village 3) famous people and traditions of the village 4) modern life of the village III. Conclusion IV. List of literature
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Tourism is very popular. People visit different countries, cities and towns to see their landmarks and interesting places. Our village is very beautiful and we decided to tell about it to attract tourists. Using the materials of the archive, as well as talking with our grandparents we collected the information for a booklet.
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II We, Alekseeva Elena and Biryuchkova Valentine, invite you to take a tour to our native village Ungor to tell you about its history. Our village is located in a picturesque place on the bank of the river Ungor
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The history of the village began in 1839 when the part of the state peasants due to the lack of earth moved from the village of Putyatino to the river Ungor and formed there a settlement. There were 75 houses with the population of 445 people.
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Where did the name of the river and the village come from? The name Ungor is of Tatar origin. In Turkic languages, Ungur or Unkur means "a pit or a log“. The place was rich with forest and fish . The village was assigned to the parish of Putyatino but later a chapel was built there. In 1863 the Ascension Church made of wood was consecrated, and Ungor received the status of village.
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Another part of the population formed the village of Poteryannyi Rai (Paradise Lost) in 4 kilometers South from Ungor. The place was very beautiful, there was a forest and springs. The dam was put. The brothers Grachevs ( Fedor and Alex), Sigachevs ( Ivan and Vasily), Muzykins ( Vasily and Ivan) dwelt there. Unfortunately, since 1990, the village ceased existing, but the pond is still intact
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Between the villages of Vasino and Ungor the estate of the count of Shuvalov was, the forest is still called Shuvalov. The place is very beautiful, the summer mass celebrations on the Trinity were held on the edge of the forest until 1988.
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In 1907 the people of Ungor began to build a brick Church. In 1911 a school was opened. In February 1918, the Soviet power was established there. In the 30s the Church ceased functioning and was sacked. From 1990 to 2001 a house of culture was located in the Church building. In 2005 the Church began to act again. It has no its own priest. The services are conducted by the priest of the Church of the village of Putyatino Feodorit. .
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Thanks to the joint efforts of local inhabitants, the Church is reconstructed and filled with relics. Recently an ancient icon painted on metal has come back and many people come to venerate it and ask for help.
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And here is our village from the height of bird flight. Wonderful view , isn ' t it .?
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Ungor is beautiful in winter when the trees are dressed up in furry frost, and the roofs of houses are dressed in white caps. Looking at this natural wonder you feel like you are in a fairy tale.
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In the main street there is a monument to those who fell during the Great Patriotic War.
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And this is our school . In 1950s-60s the Director was Lotarev Ilya. In 1987 the school had the status of the basic secondary school, and in 2011 it became primary. We studied here for only 3 years, but very well remember it because it was close to home
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In this store my mom works, Biryuchkova Lyudmila. People buy here goods which they need every day.
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In the local first-aid station the villagers get the first aid. Here my mom works, Alekseeva Natalia.
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The village was developed: there were 2 mills, a blacksmith shop, a windmill. The village of Malinovka, where the people's artist Victor Minkin was born belonged to the parish of Ungor. The population increased, families were divided. For example, three brothers Melins settled in 4 kilometers to the North from Ungor, forming a new farm, named Klyonov Khutor. Now a gas station is situated in this place
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This is the house of Vi с tor Minkin. Here he spent his childhood, painted his first pictures. He often comes to his homeland.
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Our villagers like songs. The Ensemble of Russian song "Sudarushka" (headed by Anatoly Puzyrev), which was established in 2001,is known not only in the local area but in the region. Unique folk costumes are striking in their brightness and beauty.
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This road leads us to the modern Ungor. In the village there are about 150 households and over 300 residents
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The soil in our area is sandy. The sand is used for construction of roads and housing.
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Our favorite place in summer is a pond . On a hot summer day there are a lot of kids here. And in early morning or evening fishermen catch fish. It’s a wonderful place to stay !
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The forest is another favorite place for all children . Here we go on a picnic and relax in the shady cool of the forest
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Our village is quite civilized. It is fully electrified and gasified. The road to Ungor and the main street of the village have been asphalted. And recently the Internet has appeared. So we can now communicate with the whole world!
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It was interesting to work on the project of the virtual excursion and we made a booklet for this purpose. We learned a lot about the history of our village, people and traditions. This information has great value for us. We love our village and invite you to visit it.
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