English language has a long history. Sometimes we can hear such the phrases in the English language that we can hardly understand. We can listen to some words but we couldn’t to understand the whole phrase.
These are idioms that are a part of each language.
Good knowledge of the language is impossible without good knowledge of its idioms.
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Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа № 6
городского поселения «Рабочий поселок Чегдомын»
Верхнебуреинского муниципального района
Хабаровского края
Кафедра иностранных языков
«Идиомы в английском языке».
(социальный проект)
Игнатенко В. А.,
ученик 7а класса
Новикова Т.Г.,
учитель английского языка
п. Чегдомын
2018 г.
I | Introduction. The urgency of the topic. | р. 3 |
II | The main part. What is an idiom? | р. 4 |
2.1. Idioms with food. | p. 4 | |
2.2. Idioms with colors. | p. 6 | |
2.3. Idioms with animals. | p. 6 | |
2.4. Idioms with numbers. | p.6 | |
2.5.Idioms with clothes. | p.6 | |
2.6. Idioms with parts of body. | p.7 | |
III | Conclusion | p.8 |
IV | Sources of information | p.9 |
V | Added files | p.10 |
English language has a long history. That’s why it has a large amount phrases that have independent significance.
Sometimes we can hear such the phrases in the English language that we can hardly understand. We can listen to some words but we couldn’t to understand the whole phrase.
These are idioms that are a part of each language.
The studying of the foreign language is widely spread in our country. Good knowledge of the language is impossible without good knowledge of its idioms which makes process of reading papers and books easier.
The main purpose of idioms is making the language expressive, unique, identity, accuracy and imagery.
Aim: idioms in English language and their translation into Russian.
The object of investigation: idioms in English language
Subject of investigation: English language
Participants: a teacher and a pupil
Methods of the investigation: studying of the information, systematization of it.
An idiom is a mirror of the folk. It makes the language unique and shows the national character. Idioms are often connected with everyday life of people.
The main topics among the idioms are sport, weather, and national traits of character such as tolerance and hard –working people.
There are different types of idioms. I’d like to tell about some of them.
The English like tasty food and discuss it. English language is rich in synonyms to the word “food”
Eat crow | (дословно «съесть ворону») – признать свою ошибку или поражение и ничего общего с актом вызывающего поведения в королевской семье. |
Eat dirt | (дословно «есть отбросы») – терпеть унижения, оскорбления, почувствовать себя в унизительной роли. |
Eat like a bird | (дословно «есть как птичка») - мало питаться, есть очень маленькими порциями. |
Eat like a horse | (дословно «есть, как лошадь») – есть большими порциями, чрезмерно питаться. |
Eat one’s words | (дословно «съесть свои слова») – взять свои слова назад. |
Eating someone | (дословно «съедать самого себя») –беспокоиться, тревожиться по какому-то поводу очень сильно. «I saw that something was eating my friend and I asked her what it was.» - «Я заметил, что мою подругу что-то сильно беспокоит, и спросил у неё, в чём дело» |
More than that there are a lot of names of different dishes.
in apple-pie order | – в идеальном порядке "Her house was in apple-pie order, with nothing out of place." |
be as nice as pie | – быть чрезвычайно приятным и чарующим, чем можно пользоваться с целью ввести кого-то в заблуждение Be extremely nice and charming, so that you can fool people: "She can be as nice as pie, but don't trust her!" |
have your fingers in every pie | – быть вовлеченным во множество различных вещей сразу "You can't do anything without him knowing – he has his fingers in every pie." |
a piece of cake | – чрезвычайно просто "This program is a piece of cake to use." |
sell like hot cakes | - продаваться быстро в огромных количествах "His book was soldl ike hotcakes." |
be your bread and butter | - быть основным иcточником дохода "Although they run a taxi service, car sales are their bread and butter." |
be like chalk and cheese | – быть кардинально разными "I don't know why they got married – they're like chalk and cheese." |
Bring home the bacon | – зарабатывать деньги на самые необходимые вещи, как еда, например. "He brings home the bacon in that family. |
It smells fishy | – нечто подозрительное, вызывающее сомнения и настороженность. "He wants to do all the housework for you? That smells fishy to me!” |
big cheese | – очень важная персона (VIP): “I thought I was just going to interview the secretary, but they let me talk to the big cheese himself”. |
In the soup | – попасть в серьезную передрягу, проблему . “He landed her in the soup, when he told the policeman she had been drinking”. |
As easy as apple pie | – очень легкий |
Polish the apple | – льстить |
Upset the applecart | – разрушить планы |
Full of beans | – живой, энергичный |
Spill the beans | - выдать секрет , проболтаться |
As warn as toast | – теплый и уютный |
Bread and butter | Зарабатывать на хлеб |
Bread and water | – скудная еда |
Bad egg | – плохой человек |
Good egg | - хороший человек |
Have egg on ones face | – быть смущенным |
Walk on eggs | – быть очень осторожным |
Eat humble pie | – проглотить обиду |
Pie in the sky | – несбыточная мечта |
Slice of the pie | -доля, часть |
Couch potato | - мало подвижный человек |
Hot potato | – злободневный вопрос |
Small potatoes | – пустяки, мелкие людишки |
2.2.Idioms with colors.
If you want to make your English better put attention on the idioms with colors which are often met in the speech. Some of them make you laugh.
Red with anger | – побагроветь от гнева |
The Reds | – индейцы |
Red-letter day | – праздничный день |
Green winter | – бесснежная зима |
In the green | в расцвете сил |
To have a green thumb | -быть талантливым садоводом |
Pink slip | -уведомление об увольнении |
To see pink elephants | – видеть галлюцинации |
2.3. Idioms with animals.
To give people’s characteristic there are idioms about animals.
«As busy as a beaver» | Hardworking |
«As bull in a china shop» | Clumsy |
«As a cry wolf» | To cry heavy |
«To fight like a tiger» | Brave |
«See you later an alligator» | Goodbye |
«Horses for courses» | man to each his own |
«Raining cats and dogs» | heavy rain |
2.4. Idioms with numbers.
All in one piece. | he got home after the party safety |
Ten to one | Something very likely |
Kill two birds with one stone. | Solve two problems with one move |
On cloud nine. | Very happy |
A million and one. | Too many |
Back to the square one | Back to the start |
Put in one two cents. | Say your opinion |
2.5. Idioms with clothes.
Cut the same cloth | To be similar |
Fit like a glow | Fit perfect |
Roll up one’s sleeves | To work hard |
To laugh up one’s sleeves | To laugh secretly |
Get the boot | To get fired |
Below the belt | Unfair |
Fill someone’s shoes | To do what someone else does just as well. |
2.6. Idioms with parts of body.
Keep an eye on | Watch something to care |
Big mouth | Can’t keep secrets |
Have a big heart | To be very kind |
Sweet tooth | Eat many candies |
Give a hand | To help |
To have a nose for | To find something |
Pain in the neck | Something(Somebody) annoys you |
Pull the leg | To lie or joke. |
Idioms are often met in the speech but they make the language more beautiful and expressive. They are hard for understanding. And it is interesting to work with them.
I have learnt a lot of information about idioms, have made the paper work and the presentation. And as a result I have done the set of cards with the idioms on the English and Russian to practice speaking English for other pupils.
I have learnt a lot of idioms and can use them in my speech. Drawing the conclusion I’d like to say: «See you later, alligators! »
«As busy as a beaver» | Трудолюбивый |
«As bull in a china shop» | Неуклюжий |
«As a cry wolf» | Рыдать, как волк воет на луну.
«To fight like a tiger» | Быть храбрым в бою. |
«See you later an alligator» | Увидимся! |
Keep an eye on. | Следить. |
Give a hand. | Предложить помощь. |
Pull the leg. | Соврать. |
Sweet tooth. | Есть много сладкого. |
Be pain in the neck. | Сильно надоедать. |
All in one piece. | В целостности и сохранности. |
Two birds one stone. | Двух зайцев. |
On nine cloud. | На 9 небе от счастья. |
A million and one. | Очень много. |
Put ones in two cents. | Сказать свое мнение. |
Юрий Визбор. Милая моя
Позвольте, я вам помогу
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Д.С.Лихачёв. Письма о добром и прекрасном: МОЛОДОСТЬ – ВСЯ ЖИЗНЬ
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