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Международный конкурс иллюстрированных сочинений
"The Happiest Day in My Life",
проводимый на сайте: http://anglyaz.ru/
Гибадуллина Диляра
ученица 8 класса МБОУ «Старомихайловская СОШ»
Альметьевского муниципального района
Республики Татарстан
There are 365 days in a year. Some days are happy for us, we feel ourselves merry, energetic, excited. But some days are unhappy, we are in a bad mood, angry, nervous and frustrated. So, a year is like a “zebra”. It consists of white and black stripes. It would be better if white stripes were more than black ones.
Calendar begins with the 1st of January. Firstly, it is the beginning of New Year, and secondly, it is my birthday. I want to tell you about my last birthday party.
My fourteenth birthday… It was the happiest day in my life. I woke up and saw that my room was beautifully decorated with balloons of different colours and nice pictures. Then my lovely parents came into my room. They presented me with a new sewing car. I was “over the moon” because I’d been dreaming about it for a long time.
After breakfast I helped my mother to lay the table. It was full of food and drinks: various salads, sandwiches, small cakes, biscuits and juice. My father bought a lot of fruit which I like best of all.
Soon everything was ready for the party. I put on my best red dress. My elder sister did my hair. I “walked on air”.
In the afternoon my cousins, classmates and friends came to my place. I was so glad to see them. They brought presents and cards. I was so surprised that all of them prepared special posters for me.
We wore party hats and sat at the table. Then we sang wonderful songs, danced. My sister arranged interesting party games. They were so funny that we had “grins from ear to ear”. Everybody was interested in them.
At last a long-awaited hour came. My mother brought a big nice cake which she made by herself. There were fourteen candles on it. All guests sang a beautiful song “Happy birthday to you”. I “was all over myself”. I made a birthday wish and blew out the candles. We drank tea with a cake. It was the most delicious cake I’d ever eaten.
In the evening we went to the park which was so attractive. We walked, skated and took plenty of pictures. We spent wonderful time and didn’t want to say goodbye to each other.
So, it was the happiest day in my life. I enjoyed it very much and thanked my parents for that fantastic party. It was so unforgettable.
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