Аватар - это творческо-научная работа, посвященная теме о спасении родной земли на примере известного сюжета "Аватар"
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Проект: «Аватар. Мы должны сохранить планету».
Учитель: Осипова А.А.
Класс: 4«А», 4 «Б», 6 «А»
Дата: 06.02.2015
Оборудование: презентация по теме.
Ход и содержание мероприятия
Звучит музыка, дети сидят в кругу вокруг дерева Эйва. (Звучит мелодия)
Все вместе говорят: “We are the children of Pandora. We are the Na’vi.’’
Встает один ребенок (член племени Нави):
1. Pandora is an Earth-like moon in a distant planetary system. It is a source of a very valuable mineral called unobtanium. The largest deposit of the mineral is under a large tree. We name it "Hometree". The tree is very important to us. It’s our soul.
2. Pandora is inhabited with dangerous species of animals. They are a direhorse, a torouk, a tapirus, a thanator, a viperwolf, a fanlizard.
3. They have sharp teeth and nails. They are big and aggressive. You will never be alive fighting face-to-face with them. We hunt for them only for food and never kill them in vain.
Все вместе говорят: But we all live together and love our planet. We are the children of Pandora. We are the Na’vi.
Театральная сцена №1. (Лес, Джек греется у костра, появляется волк)
The viperwolf: “I’m a viperwolf..I’m going to kill you and after…eat..the stranger.
Волк нападает на Джека, сцена драки, выпригивает Нейтири, и стрелой убивает волка.
Jack: Listen, you won’t understand me of coarse. Thank you. You are in time. They’d kill me if not you..
Она уходит.
Jack: Hey, wait, where are you?
Джек пытается ее догнать. Она отталкивает его.
Neytiri: Don’t thank. Nobody thanks for that. It’s sad.
Neytiri: It’s your fault, they mustn’t die.
Jack:Fine, if you like your pets, why don’t you let them kill me?
Neytiri:Save..why..You have a strong heart!
4. What wonderful plants there are. Our mother tree is Eywa. It’s our goddess. Long blue bunches protect us from the harmful world and we protect it.
5. The most widespread plant is an atokirina. Small glittering leaves provide the constant light that highlights the jungles. Blue, pink, red, yellow.. all the colors of the rainbow there are.
Все вместе говорят: We are the children of Pandora. We are the Na’vi.
Театральная сцена №2. (Растения)
Джек пытается отмахнуться от атакарины. Нейтири не позволяет.
Jack: What’s the hell is that?
Neytiri: These are the seeds of the manuka. Clear souls..
Атакорини покрывают тело Джека.
6. The Na'vi are blue-skinned species of humanoids . Physically, the Na'vi are much stronger and taller than humans. (сценка: демонстрация силы). They live in harmony with Nature and worship a mother goddess called Eywa.
Театральная сцена №3. (Сцена с лошадью)
Neytiri: Calmer Vale..Calmer..
Джек подходит к лошади и пытается найти с ней контакт..
Neytiri: This is tsahello..a link. Feel it. Feel its hearts’ rhythm, its breath, its legs’ strength. What she should do..think, inside, tell it where to go.
Jack: Ok, go ahead! (Лошадь скидывает его и убегает, Джек падает и Нейтири громко смеется)
7. But once the humans interacted our peace and created avatars. Avatars are Na'vi bodies modified with human DNA. They are controlled mentally by human operators. These avatars are used to interact with the Na'vi people and with the help of them to occupy Pandora.
8. Pandora is in danger. So Jack decides to prove his sincere feelings and protects Pandora and its people.
9. A torouk is a symbol of power and strength. The huge orange kind of a dragon is a way to save the Na’vi.
10. So Jack takes control of the dragon and units all the clans to fight against the humans.
Театральная сцена №4. (Джек прилетает на туруке). Весь клан не ожидает этого и разбегается. Падают перед ним и произносят “Toruk McTo”. Джек подходит к Нейтири.
Neytiri: I see you..as a warrior..defender..leader..
Jack: And I see you.
Neytiri: I was afraid Jack..for my people..there is no fear..no more..
Jack: Don’t be afraid, I’m here to protect you. We’ll win the people and let them get out op Pandora!
Весь народ кричит: We are the children of Pandora. We are the Na’vi.
11. We are “The clan of the 4 winds”. We are here to help Toruk McTo to defeat the humans and save our planet..
12. Nature Reveals
Our physical world, respect and explore,
Where water meets land; a beautiful shore.
Mountains we conquer, look down in awe,
If you're an artist, make sure you draw.
13. We are ”the clan of the Plains’ Riders”. We are here to help Toruk McTo to defeat the humans and save our planet.
Nature exciting, adventurously new,
Much more to see, than a sky that is blue.
It offers so much, open your eyes,
Hope of today, with every sunrise.
14. We are ”the clan of the Lords of the Ecrans”. We are here to help Toruk McTo to defeat the humans and save our planet.
Nature shall feed, body and soul,
Some call it home, others a hole.
Memories are nurtured, when nature reveals,
Sharing its pleasures, amazing it feels.
Театральная сцена №5. (Финальная сцена драки полковника Майлса и Джека).
Jack: Come on..
Colonel Miles Quaritch: How is it to betray your Motherland? Do you really think you are one of them? It’s time to wake up!
Jack: I’ll help my people..you’ll have to go now.
Сцена драки, Нейтири убивает полковника стрелой. Проект заканчивается песней.
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