Проект представлен творческой группой элективного курса по английскому языку «Санкт-Петербург туристический» На протяжении I полугодия изучались исторические ценности города, составляющие его национальную гордость: архитектурные ансамбли, соборы, музеи прошлого столетия. В процессе обсуждения и обмена информацией возник интерес к современным музеям, сохранившим традиционные стиль и появившиеся новые приёмы представления тематической информации, позволяющей в увлекательной форме представить самые обычные и невероятные явления жизни, науки и т. д. В основу проекта положена идея рекламы музеев, возникших в городе после 2000 года.
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Цель проекта: знакомство с новыми музеями города и расширение культурного кругозора.
Авторской группой проекта выделены 5 наиболее интересных музеев города: Музей воды и водонапорной башни, Лабиринт-ум, Сказкин Дом, Грандмакет России, шоу для взрослых « Ужасы Санкт-Петербурга». Используя интернет-ресурсы, был проведен сбор информации и составлен маршрут экскурсии, включающей посещение современных музеев, которые используют интерактивный подход предъявления экспонатов туристам. Выявлены особенности каждого из представленных музеев.
Маршрут рекомендован Центру Досуга для проведения экскурсий по городу. Кроме того, с проектом ознакомлены учителя английского языка для использования на уроках, посвящённых городу.
Saint-Petersburg is one of the most elegant and impressive cities in the world. It was destined to serve as a link between Russia and Europe .From the 18th century on, the most progressive advances from around the world and the best traditions of Europe have been put into practice in Saint-Petersburg; and this makes the city amazing even today. It is undoubtedly the most “European” Russian city, not just because of its close proximity to Europe but also because of its cultural and historic image. Modern St. Petersburg is often referred to as Russia’s Northern capital.
The city has always been famous for its museums. We are proud of the Hermitage museum and the architectural ensemble of Palace Square, the Russian museum, located in the Mikhailovsky Palace. It makes their visit really unforgettable. There are some must-see sights that one won’t miss the Hermitage museum, Saint Isaac’s Cathedral with its grand dome, Katherine’s Palace with its white and blue facade. The photographers dream about the Church of the Spilled Blood. The city gives you the opportunity to visit a ballet evening and a folklore party. If you want to experience something special-visit the city!
But we’ve got not only the historical attractions we are proud of. We welcome you to some new amazing museums that have appeared recently which are unique and spectacular as well.
Labyrinth –Um is one of the first interactive museums of entertaining science which was opened in Saint-Petersburg on the 25th of December 2010 in the heart of the city in Petrogradskya side. It’s one of the most attractive places in the city. You can learn laws of nature by using interactive exhibits. All of them are made for people to use in order to explore, learn science and have fun at the same time. The museum is divided into 7 thematic zones of science each of which shows the work of natural laws. For example, “Area for Logical tasks and problems” or “Plate-glass Area” deals with the world of reflection and reverberation. You can do your experimental explorations either alone or together with your classmates. “The World of Physical Experiments” is such an area which gives you an opportunity to deal with the magnetic bridge, the air cannon and pendulum. There is “The Black Room” with its lasers and unique effects of light. There is also “The Water World” where tornadoes and wave effects are demonstrated. You can create an artificial tornado by yourself or appear inside a huge soap bubble. So, all the things, which are so hard for learning during the lessons at school, become easy to understand in the museum. There are also special areas for celebrating people’s birthdays or school-leaving parties. Book a guided excursion which includes 45-minutes practical show about science and 45-minute survey excursion around the museum. The excursions are spent by the experienced actors of Saint-Petersburg theatres and students of technical educational establishments of our city.
Details can be found atwww.labirint-um.ru
Umnicum is an interactive entertaining scientific center. It is located in the downtown of the city, next to the Metro “Moscow Railway Station” in the shopping mall “Gallery”. It has got 5 thematic zones (a Hall of Biology and Psychology, Astronomy exhibit area with a modern planetarium hall, an Area for Physics, a Hall of Mineralogy and Geology) a special hall for shows full of entertaining experiments and tests. With nearly 60 scientific exhibits, the museum can be used in many ways. The facilities of the center are able to satisfy the natural curiosity of a wide range of visitors who have a great possibility to discover the world of entertaining science.The museum has performances and demonstrations about complicated properties of natural phenomena of speed, sound, liquids, and perception of light, reflection and refraction of light rays. Each exhibit is designed for visitors to do more than just look at it. You can actually experiment with the equipment to learn more about science and see the principles in our everyday life.
Guided excursions are available for the whole class or group of children and of course you can visit it with your own family as well.
Details can be found www.umnikum.com
‘Water World of Saint-Petersburg’
Water has always been a vital part of people’s life. The interactive educational center ‘Water World of Saint-Petersburg’ comprises a concept of a traditional and interactive museum. The exposition includes historical pages of water supply in Ancient Greece and Egypt. The museum is proud of its exposition called “The Underground Saint-Petersburg”. It houses a large-scaled map of the Neva which has got computerized equipment necessary for experimental work to show hydrological and ecological features of the river. The second part of the center is for organizing temporary exhibitions to explore various properties of water. Children and adults are welcome to learn the basic characteristics of water and also to take part in scientific shows, lectures and performances. There is a sculpture of “Saint-Petersburg water carrier” in front of the museum. You can book the excursion either for the whole class or for yourself only.
Surf the site www.vodokanal-museum and find out the details.
The Scale Model of the Russian Federation
It’s not actually a museum but a must-see place for tourists and locals as well. The scale model gives you an opportunity to imagine the territory of Russia, its natural resources and a huge economical potential. It was opened to the public in 2011. The area of the project is 800m2.The relief consists of seas, lakes, rivers, mountains, fields with its crops, forests with its wild animals, farms full of domestic animals. All kinds of tunnels, bridges, ports, cities and towns, plants and factories are presented in the scale model. Various climatic zones are connected with each other with the net of railways and highways. The Grand model is operated with 40 computers. Digital running of trains, cars, lorries makes the action really amazing. Hundreds of thousands of people’s models are made by skilled specialists of the unique workshop located on the territory of the project.
Use its site www.grandmaket.ru
‘The House of Fairytale’
The House of Fairytale is an interactive museum for little kids aged from1year to 12 years old. During the excursion the small visitors are absorbed into the world of fantasy; they become the participants of a real performance, presented by qualified actors of Saint-Petersburg theatres. The world of fairytales is introduced by the Fairy Glade and the Fantastic Town. At first children meet the characters of popular Russian tales in the Glade. As they walk along the Town, kids meet the dwarfs living in the tiny cottages and three piglets having fun in the beautiful forest. The narrators of tales show the kids Red Little Ridding Hood, A Sleeping Beauty, Goldilocks and three bears and their favourite Winnie-the-Pooh. During the excursion visitors find out the folk traditions and customs of Russian culture. The visitors admire at the incredible interiors of the museum. The museum offers various kinds of excursions. The details you can find using the site www.skazkindom.ru
“The Horrors of Saint-Petersburg”
If you like to be scared out of your fits, this is the place for you. Welcome to the attraction for adults. Go to “The Horrors of Saint-Petersburg” and feel the striking atmosphere of its mysteries.“The Horrors of Saint-Petersburg” is a performance, presented by actors, models, robots, that takes place on the streets of the old city. This is the mystery, during which tsars and their powerful favorites are killed. You can see the shadows wandering along the misty streets of Saint-Petersburg, ghosts appearing and vanishing in the foggy air of the city. In the labyrinth of the museum you can see Peter the Great, Paul I, Rasputin and other characters of Pushkin’s, Gogol’s, Dostoevsky’s novels. The visitors listen to the musical compositions of Tchaikovsky, Shnitke and Kurerchin. Not an experience for the faint-hearted, but you will enjoy telling your friend about it. It’s similar to The London Dungeon in England. For further details www.spbhorror.ru
1.Ларионова И.В. Санкт-Петербург Учебное пособие для 10-11 классов общеобразовательных школ; издательство Титул 2010
2.Афанасьева О.В.Английский язык 10класс учебник для общеобразовательных школ; издательство Просвещение 2012
3.Интернет-ресурсы: www.labirint-um.ru
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