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Выпова Алиса, 5 класс, МБОУ города Мценска «Лицей №5» Орловской области
Иллюстрация Выповой Алисы к своему рассказу «Was it a New Year Dream?».
«Was it a New Year Dream»?
It was a fairy land with a wonderful forest. A lot of fairy animals lived there happily. They had a great tradition to decorate a New Year tree only with chocolate balls and sweets. Every year their friend – a reindeer brought them those sweet things.
It was the day before New Year. As usual all animals of the fairy forest gathered together near the main fir-tree. They were very happy to see each other. They were waiting for their reindeer. But the reindeer was late. So they began to play snowballs, make five snowmen and sing New Year songs. They were very merry. A brown bear was taller than its friends and it saw the first their reindeer. It said: «I see our friend and a big sleigh full of sweet things. Father Frost presented us with these gifts». Everyone said: «Hurray»! The reindeer went to help Father Frost with New Year presents. All forest animals were singing «Jingle Bells» and decorating the New Year tree. It was very beautiful. Everyone liked it. Then it was time to bring their presents to each other from their houses. No one was near the New Year tree. A cunning fox decided to take all sweet things from the holiday fir-tree. When the animals came back, they were very upset. They didn’t know what to do. But their five snowmen were Father Frost’s helpers too. They decorated their New Year tree again. And it was even more beautiful. All animals began to dance and celebrate New Year…
…Suddenly I heard the kind voice of my mummy. She said: «Wake up, my dear Alice! Wake up, please! New Year is waiting for you»! I opened my eyes and saw the best New Year tree in the world. Around it there were my favourite toys from my childhood. They were sitting on the floor of our living room and looking at chocolate balls and sweets on the fir-tree. I saw my funny hares, a strong brown bear, a beautiful reindeer, a grey wolf and a fine bird. It was so lovely! Only a cunning fox wasn’t there. Was my fairy land real or in my dream? I don’t know, but I was so happy!
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