Творческая работа выполнена по книге для чтения В. Шекспира "Венецианский купец"
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Всероссийский конкурс «Я с книгой открываю мир!» издательство «Просвещение» и “ Express Publishing ” Afanasyeva Irina 10 «А» form Lyceum №5 Mtsensk , Oryol region Teacher – Zimina T.A. 2015 «What is «The Merchant of Venice» of W. Shakespeare for me »?Слайд 2
The Merchant of Venice The Merchant of Venice was written by William Shakespeare in 1596-1597. I opened this book for myself at the English lesson. My teacher gave this book to me to read it in my free time.
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The Merchant of Venice During the reading of this book I liked the simplicity of the text. I hadn’t met a lot of unfamiliar words, so it made my work with the text much easier.
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The Merchant of Venice Of all the characters I like Antonio the most, because he is a really good friend. He has all qualities which every friend should have, such as loyalty and a desire to help.
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The Merchant of Venice I think this knowledge can be helpful in Olympiads and can be useful for general development. This book is interesting and easy to read. That’s why I’d recommend it to my friend.
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Hamlet I liked reading William Shakespeare’s book, so I think I will read « Hamlet » next.
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Resources http:// www.prosv.ru/Attachment.aspx?Id=33386 http:// www.prosv.ru/Attachment.aspx?Id=33382 https:// hookedoninspiration.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/the-merchant-of-venice.jpg?w=700 http:// www.thecultureconcept.com/circle/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/Holbein-George-Gize.jpg http://knigi.tomsk.ru/covers/000/729/465/original.jpg
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