Эссе по теме Youth and science
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Булавкин К.А.
ученик 10 «А» класса МБОУ «СОШ №59»
Руководитель: Стригункова М.Д.,
учитель английского языка
Equipped with his five senses,
man explores the universe around him
and calls the adventure Science.
Edwin Powell Hubble.
Students and followers are mighty power and priceless treasure of the scientist.
Konstantin Skryabin.
The word science come from Latin word "scientia" that means knowledge. Science means to study natural phenomenon taking place around us for collecting useful information and use these information for the benefit of mankind. The twenty-first century is the science age. Modern science has discovered different types of wonders. It has covered practically all spheres of our life, largely through technology, the use of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. That is why we can say that science is the engine of progress.
Science, as a whole, has a lot of branches in which scientists try to succeed. Physics, chemistry, history... They are very important for people. And to my mind the study of science is a necessity.
The study of science should begin early in life. The first steps should be to teach children the habit of observation. The child is always interested in all things that he sees around him. Playing with a toy almost every child asks a lot of questions: "What does it have inside?", “How does it work?” This habit does not disappear with time and when they grow up, they try to explore his favourite toy, take it to pieces and assemble it again. Their curiosity in this regard should be encouraged and developed. This can be done easily and naturally if teaching is related to those material objects that he is always seeing. In our country there are a lot of hobby clubs not only for children but also for teens where they can acquaint with science. Every day young people get more and more knowledge there; discover something new in this amazing and unknown world.
For example, the idea of robotics is spread actively. And in the special educational centres the young generation learns how to make artificial intelligence. Parents should take their children to such centres, where they’ll be taught the principles of technical progress.
Almost every child has a smartphone. Using it they can also learn something new and interesting. They keep up with the changing hi-tech world easily. Such active exploration motivates children and improves curiosity about scientific concepts because it encourages them to use their current understanding to explore misconceptions.
As for schools in our country, they give only the shallow notion of surrounding world. Those who want to acquire some more knowledge have to find additional information in the libraries and the Internet. Thousands websites place a mass of good information that you can use for your study. The most important is that the Internet encourages teens to create something new. But to understand how a thing should be done, it is necessary to study sciences, such as computer science, for example. With the help of programming languages it is possible to create the virtual reality and even artificial intelligence.
Science is a benefit for mankind. But the science development depends not only on desire, but also on political situation in a particular country, at a definite period of time. Nuclear weapons can be cited as an example. As they say: "There are no winners in a nuclear war". The main point is hidden in these words. Some technologies represent danger to all society. The development of this kind of weapons is extremely dangerous and can destroy humanity.
The main purpose of science is always the same: "To do something better, than it was". Due to this fact we have spaceships, trains that reach a speed of more than five hundred kilometres an hour and other well-known achievements. Many people ask a question: "What would be, if the development of science is stopped?" It is difficult to give a definite answer to this question, it is possible only to guess. Probably our civilization would start to collapse slowly. Progress simply would stop. But it cannot be allowed.
As we know, the development of science is very important for people and if we want our country to progress, then more scientists are needed. Therefore, science should be taught all over the world. It is known that the youth is especially active in using new technologies. They grasp everything more easily than adults. Their ideas are more phenomenal and in most cases are very useful. Of course scientists possess much more knowledge but the children’s mind is very pliant and doesn’t limited by any prohibitions. Here the role of scientist is really great because he can access the suggested idea and use it. That is why the young generation should be involved in the scientific work to provide intergenerational continuity.
Nowadays, the state tries to encourage young people to study science. If we look at teens from the side we can notice that their life is monotonous and not so interesting. It differs from their parent’s life. Teenagers appear to be Internet addicts, spending all their time online. They don’t have time to sit with their parents and to spend some good time with them. They prefer to connect with their friends via text messaging, chatting etc., rather than meeting them actually. That is why they show less interest in the surrounding world, they become indifferent to current events. And I think that hobby clubs would help to rouse their interest to science.
What are scientific interests of the youth today? I think it is space. Space travel is the most wonderful success of modern science. Landing on a moon was just an imagination of people few years ago. But with the help of modern science this impossible work has also done. So it is possible now to turn our imagination into reality.
Science also studies where the Universe is from, how it is put together and if there is a life on other planets and so on. And the youth wants to know the answers to all these questions. They try to find the answers. Science needs their enthusiasm and desire for exploration of unsolved mysteries.
To sum up, it is possible to say that the youth can help to develop technologies of our planet. They can help to improve science and bring a special contribution to it. And our future life will depend on how much the youth get involved in the work. That is why it is necessary to stimulate the interest of youth, organize educational projects and interconnection between schools and higher schools.
And of course, talented youth needs talented teachers.
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