Работа представляет собой изучение основных энциклопедических и литературных источников информации об известных поэтах и писателях Великобритании, их творческих успехах и местах проживания или деятельности.Учащиеся систематизировали полученную информацию и представили ее в виде интерактивного плаката-глога.
Тематика проекта является актуальной для восьмиклассников, так как 2016 год является годом английской литературы и языка в России.
В своей работе авторы освоили навыки работы в Интернет-сервисе http://edu.glogster.com. Данная программа представляет широкие образовательные и презентационные возможности для обучения. Отличительной особенностью работы является ее новизна, так как имеется довольно мало систематизированной и наглядно представленной информации о литературном мире Великобритании.
Проект краткосрочный (месяц), групповой (парный), метапредметный, практико-ориентированный.
Результатом работы является:
В результате работы над проектом ученикам пригодилось умение видеть точку зрения другого, идти на компромисс. Данная работа дала возможность проявить ее участникам свои сильные стороны и в тоже время, способствовала формированию навыков сотрудничества.
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Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа №6
городского поселения
«Рабочий поселок Чегдомын»
Верхнебуреинского муниципального района
Хабаровского края
ул.Строительная, 4, пгт. Чегдомын,
Тел. 5-14-80
Английский язык
Исследовательская работа
Карта литературной Британии
Авторы: Юрченко К.А.,
Олифиров В.Г.,
учащиеся 8б класса
Новикова Т.Г.,
учитель английского языка
I | Introduction. Sources of information in the education. | p.3 |
II | The main part. Poets and writers of the United Kingdom. | p.4 |
III | Internet-service Glogster.ru.
| p.10 p.11 p.14 |
IV | Conclusion. | p.15 |
V | Sources of information. | p.15 |
Added files. | p.16 | |
The world of information is very rich. We can use television, radio, the Internet or read press anytime and anywhere we want. Some of these sources of information are old, others are new. Teachers present new information on the lessons thanks to the different sources of information.
Nowadays the place of books is not so important and popular like the Internet. It is more comfortable and available for everybody. But the information from it may be not true. That’s why we decided to start our talk about old means of communication, about books and it was interesting for us to combine literature and the Internet in one thing.
We have read some parts from the books by Oscar Wild on the English lessons but there is not so much time to get to know with the literary treasure of other writers. But how can we present our work? That’s why…
Object for investigation- Writers and poets of Great Britain.
Subject for investigation- the Internet Service Glocster.ru
The aim of our paper work- making a glog devoted the famous poets and writers of Britain in English.
Hypothesis-if we could create a glog devoted the famous poets and writers of Britain in English.
The theme of our paper work is devoted to the UK and Russia’s year of language and literature, 2016.
For many years we have been listened and studied some information about Britain, its geographical position, sights, culture and famous British writers and poets on the English lessons. The names of Charles Dickens and Oscar Wilde are well known not only for adults but for the children, too. But the world of the British literature is much richer.
Some cities on the map of Britain are associated with the names of well-known writers. They are famous like their birth places or places where the writer lived or worked.
We have found some information about famous British writers and presented it in this table.
Name | Date of birth, Place of birth | Literary work | References | |
1. | Jane Austen is an English writer who wrote, often humorously, about the way of life of middle class people of her time. | 16 December 1775 – 18 July 1817 Steventon, England | “Pride”, “Prejudice”, “Emma” | |
2. | Richard Doddridge Blackmorе was one of the most famous English novelists of the second half of the nineteenth century. | 7 June 1825 – 20 January 1900 Longworth, England | “Lorna Doone” | |
3. | Charlotte Bronte an English novelist of the XIX century, was a contemporary of Dickens, Thackeray. | 21 April 1816 – 31 March 1855 Thornton, England | “Jane Eyre”, “Villette” | |
4. | Robert Burns the great Scottish poet, who wrote hundreds of songs and poems, mainly on the country life, love and national pride. | 25 January 1759 – 21 July1796 Alloway, Scotland |
| |
5. | George Gordon Byron the great English revolutionary poet. Byron hated exploitation and sympathized with the working class. | 22 January 1788 – 19 April 1824 London, England | “Hours of Idleness” “Childe Harold`s Pilgrimage” “Don Juan”, “Cain”, “The Age of Bronze”, “The Vision of Judgement” | |
6. | Lewis Carroll was an English writer, mathematician, logician, Anglican deacon and photographer. | 27 January 1832 – 14 January 1898 Daresbury, England | “Alice in Wonderland” | |
7. | Agatha Christie was an English crime novelist, short story writer and playwright. | 15 September 1890 – 12 January 1976 Torquay, England | “Marple”, “Murder on the Orient Express” | |
8. | Roald Dahl is a novelist, short story writer and screenwriter, famous as a writer for both children and adults. | 13 September 1916 – 23 November 1990 Landaff, Wales | “Charlie” “the Chocolate Factory” “James” “the Giant Peach”. | |
9. | Charles Dickens was the greatest critical realist in XIX century English literature. In his novels Charles Dickens touched upon the most important social problems, and always took the side of poor people. | 7 February 1812 – 9 June 1870 Landport, Еngland | “Oliver Twist”, “The Pickwick Papers”, “David Copperfield”, “Great Expectation” | |
10. | Arthur Conan Doyle was a British writer and physician. | 22 May 1859 – 7 July 1930 Edinburgh, Scotland |
| |
11. | Tomas Stern Eliot was an American-English dramatist, poet | 26 September, 1888-4 January,1965 London, England | “Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats” | |
12. | Henry Fieldring is a novelist and dramatist. | 22 April 1707-8 October 1754 Sharpham, England | “The History Of Tom Jones”, a “Foundling”. | |
13. | Jerome Klapka Jerome was an English writer. | 2 May 1859 – 14 June 1927 Caldmore, England | “Three man in a boat” | |
14. | Alexander Pope was an English writer. | 21 May 1688 – 30 May 1744 London, England | “The Rape of the Lock” | |
15. | Walter Scott is a Scottish writer and a poet, especially famous for his stories of Scottish life, several of them are based on historical characters | 15 August 1771 – 21 Sertember 1832 Edinburgh, Scotland | “Ivanhoe”, “The Heart of Midlothian” | |
16. | William Shakespeare was an English writer of plays, one of the famous ever. | 26 April 1564 -23 April 1616 Stratford-upon-Avon, England | “Romeo and Juliet”, “Julius Caesar”, “Hamlet”, “Othello”, “King Lear” | |
17. | Percy Bysshe Shelley was an English romantic poet | 4 August 1792 – 8 July 1822 Horsham, England | “Adonais”, “Prometheus Unbound” and the short poem “To a Skylark” | |
18. | John Ronald Reuel Tolkien an English writer, poet, philologist, and university professor. | 3 January 1892 – 2 September 1973 Oxford | “The Hobbit” “The Lord of the Rings”. | |
19 | Oscar Wilde was an Irish writer. | 16 October 1854 – 30 November 1900 Dublin, Ireland | “The Importance of Being Earnest” and his story “The Picture of Dorian Gray” | |
20 | William Wordsworth inspired poet of nature | 7April 1770 – 23 April 1850 Cockermouth, England | “Lyrical Ballads”, “Poems in Two Volumes” | |
21 | Alan Alexander Milne was an English writer and novelist. | 8 January 1882 – 31 January 1956 London, England | “Vinnie the Pooh” | |
22 | William Somerset Maugham was a British playwright, novelist and short story writer. | 25 January 1874 – 16 December 1965 Paris, France | “The Men with the scar”, “Of Human Bondage” | |
23 | Rudyard Kipling was an English journalist, short-story writer, poet, and novelist. | 30 December 1865 – 18 January 1936 Bombay, British India | “How the Whale Got His Throat”, “The Cat That Walked by Himself”, “Elephant’s Child” | |
24 | Pamela Lyndon Travers was an British novelist, actress, and journalist who emigrated to England and lived most of her adult life there | 9 August 1899 – 23 April 1996 Maryborough, Australia | “Mary Poppins”, “Moscow Excursion” | |
25 | George Eliot (a real name is Ann Evans) — an English woman writer, one of the greatest English novelists | 22 ноября 1819, 22 декабря 1880 Yorkshire, London. | “Middlemarch” “Adam Bede”, “The Mill on the Floss”, “Silas Marner”, “Romola”, “ Felix Holt, the Radical”, “Daniel Deronda” | |
26 | Daniel Defoe name at birth Daniel Foe English writer and publicist | 1660— 24 April 1731, London | “Robinson Crusoe” | https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%94%D0%B5%D1%84%D0%BE,_%D0%94%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C |
27 | James Matthew Barrie Scottish dramatist | 9 May 1860— 19 June 1937, London | “Peter Pan” |
Each of these famous writers and poets are well known and associated with Britain. There was a question: how to present our work?
We investigated different Internet services for education, got some information about them and presented our work with the most possible ones. We have chosen the Internet Service http://edu.glogster.com because it is easy, comfortable for using and education.
Teachers use different sources of information when they are preparing for the lessons. Some of them are easy for using, others are new. We often do projects and try to use different programs to present our collective work. One of the new opportunities to present projects is the Internet Service Glocster.ru
Glog is an interactive poster for work or presentation of the projects. There are ready interactive posters but they may be not comfortable and cost too much. It was interesting for us if we could do such poster by ourselves? We wanted that this poster be informative, useful for the English lessons and suitable for the teacher and her pupils.
Glog (words combination from the words graphical and blog) is a multi-media blog page or multimedia poster, where we can see texts, photos, videos, sound tracks, graphic, reference and other.
Interactive poster is a mean of providing information. It must provide the interaction with user through the use of different interactive elements: references, buttons of transition, region text or numeric input and etc.
People who used Glog called “glogger”.
GLOGSTER is Internet-service that allows you to create online posters that is Glog. Service is a very easy master although it is in English-language.
To start your work you should click the link http://edu.glogster.com and register like a teacher or a student.
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
Picture 4
Picture 5
Pictures 6,7
It you need to edit the text put this button.
Pictures 8,9
You can choose the print, colour and location of the text.
Glog is an unusual powerful means of demonstration. The teacher can suggest his/her students different texts, pictures, video, audio, references to the other information sources on the lesson at the same time.
It could help the student to find, choose, and systemize the information. With its help the people can communicate, give comments and discuss anything.
It may be the source of information and self-presentation at the same time.
It may be a proof of any opinion, homework, class paper or portfolio of the pupil.
The lessons with such posters make the teacher’s work and pupil’s study easy. They are interesting and bright.
But this program is in English and the free versions of its using are limited.
The world of literary treasure of Britain is as rich as Russian one. There are a lot of famous writers and poets and their contribution to the literature of Britain is great.
At the same time we prepared the interactive poster for the school English lessons devoted to this topic. We have learnt a lot about the literary Britain, famous writers and their creative work. But it was rather difficult for us to study new computer opportunities. In spite of this fact we systemized the information about famous British writers and poets in the table and presented it with our new glog-poster. (Appendix 1)
You can see it if you go to this links: this is a page with the quizzing game:
http://firsthand.ucoz.ru/index/vneklassnaja_rabota/0-10 ;
this is the quiz: http://firsthand.ucoz.ru/VneklRAB/viktorina_literaturnaja_britanija.pdf;
this is the glog’s page:
(Appendix 2)
Appendix 1.
Interactive on-line poster
Appendix 2.
Literary Britain Competition
You see, friends, we have got photos of these famous people and have learned some facts about their life, but we haven’t got enough information about them. What shall we do? Let us divide into four groups and let us find information about W. Shakespeare, R. Burns, B. Potter, C. Dickens in the Internet. It may be biography, portraits, poems. Then you must print it and introduce your work at the end of the lesson.
Dear boys and girls, we are going to explore literary Britain with the help of the map, listening text, but first of all let us remember some words.
Warming-up activity.
1. Pronounce these words properly: birthplace, to inspire, audience, autobiography, to be set in, production, playwright, treasure, beloved, memorial, notable
2. Answer these questions, please.
Is reading important? Why do you think so?
What British writers and poets do you know?
Have you ever read some poems of R. Burns?
What information do you know about W. Shakespeare and his life? What places are connected with the name of Shakespeare?
What writers is England connected with?
What are their best works?
What literary names are connected with Wales?
Literary Competition.
Task 1. It’s time to begin our competition. The first task will be the contest “Right or wrong?” I will give you sentences about English literature and books in general. You will need to decide whether they are right or wrong. Is the task clear?
1 | Fairy-tale is a book that tells an exciting story of crime and violence | - |
2 | Jungle book was written by George Byron. | - |
3 | Smoking, eating and dancing are allowed in the library. | - |
4 | “Alice in Wonderland” was written by Lewis Carroll | + |
5 | Shakespeare was born in London. | - |
6 | Robert Burns is a Scottish poet. | + |
7 | Stratford-upon-Avon is the birthplace of Winston Churchill. | - |
8 | Romeo and Juliet” is a comedy. | - |
9 | Many famous British writers are buried in Westminster Abbey. | + |
10 | Charles Dickens is the author of “Oliver Twist”. | + |
11 | There are no famous writers in Britain. | |
12 | Dictionaries are books about hobbies, crafts, plants, animals and weather. | - |
Task 2. I want you to look at the stand. You can see some portraits there. Can you tell me the names of the famous writers and poets? I shall name the books in English and you‘ll name the authors.
Task 3. Complete the titles of well-known books written by the British writers of the fragments written in each card given to you. Try to do it correctly as quickly as possible. And let us know when you’re ready.
1 | King… | A | Crusoe |
2 | Alice… | B | …Lear |
3 | Robinson… | C | …in a boat |
4 | Peter… | D | …Twist |
5 | Oliver… | E | …Pan |
6 | Three men | F | …in Wonderland |
Task 4. I am sure you know different types of books. Now you’ll have to write down the types of books on the sheets of paper. We shall checkup the task in three minutes.
Task 5. As I know people of different ages like to read fairytales. Do you like to read them? Now I shall describe the fairytale and you will guess it. Are you ready to start?
Task 6. I am sure you’ve learnt many poems this year. It’s time to listen to you. Who will be the first?
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