Сказка "Sweet Dream". Номинация “A Christmas Story”.
Была представлена наТворческом конкурсе по английскому языку
“Towards Christmas and the New Year”.
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Ивакова Яна, 5 класс МБОУ "Северная СОШ № 2" с.Северное Оренбургской области
Many people think, that Christmas is a wonderful time, when dreams come true. I don't think so. I know it.
The night before Christmas I went to bed at eleven o'clock. When I opened my eyes, I found myself at the North Pole in a huge house, where worked the little men, elves. They made gifts for all the children of the world. Elves were wearing small, funny caps. They sang Christmas carols together. I came into the large room. There was a very large Christmas tree in the middle of the room. It was decorated with balls and nice little toys. And there was a star on the top, and the most interesting toy was a small figurine - an angel with golden wings. Someone was sitting on the armchair by the fire. I went there and saw Santa Claus. He drank hot tea. He was ready to deliver toys to children. He asked me:
"What do you want for Christmas?" I said nothing but I wanted to fly with him and look at the dream of young children. I wanted to see their smile when they sleep and to lay down gifts for children. Santa understood what I wanted. And I asked him: "Can I fly with you"? He did not say anything and went to collect toys. I left the room. In front of me there was a long corridor and in the corridor there were a lot of doors. On each door there were signs. All the words on the signs were strange and unusual. Finally I found my way out and came into the workshop where elves worked. They looked at me with surprise and asked:"Who are you?", "Where are you from?"
I replied: "I am a girl, my name is Emily! I'm from a small town! I fell asleep and when I woke up I was here!" I cried because I wanted to go home very much. Santa saw my tears and said to me: "Never give up, believe in yourself and you will succeed!"
He led me into a room, where on the door it was written "No access is denied." When we entered the room, I saw a very large icicle, it shone as if it was filled with magic. Santa told me : "If you help me to bring toys to all the children I will fulfill your fondest wish." I was very happy and started to work. I saw that I had only pajamas on and Santa noticed that too. He clapped his hands twice and I was wrapped into a coat and soft fluffy mittens. We loaded the gifts into the sleigh and flew. We came into thousands of homes. We brought presents to hundred thousands of kids. We visited a few cities and then I fell asleep. I woke up lying on the bed in my room. I jumped up and ran to the Christmas tree. There hung the sweet angel and a note "Merry Christmas, Emily! Believe in yourself and make your dream come true. Your Santa Claus!"
Использованы иллюстрации из сети:
Santa: http://paraboz.livejournal.com/pics/catalog/301/391223
elves: http://pbs.twimg.com/media/A8jtpyTCMAEw5i8.jpg:large
angel: http://deswal.ru/newyear/1600-1200/00000395.jpg
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