Презентация посвящена русскому языку. В своей работе Ксения касается таких вопросов, как
А также объясняет, почему следует изучать русский язык. Работа очень насыщена по содержанию.
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Слайд 1
The passport of my language Written by Ksenia Khorosheva Form 8b School 175 Supervised by Irina RazumovaСлайд 2
The name of our language is Russian. It is the official language of Russia. People understand it in Ukraine , Byelorussia , Kazakhstan and in a lot of other former Soviet republics and in the USA, Germany and Israel.
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. Over 150 million people speak it as a first language . About 120 million people speak it as a second language.
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In about the 6th century AD Slav tribes migrated west to the river Elbe and to the south in to the Balkans. By the 10th century there were three Slavonic language groups Western, Southern and Eastern. Russian together with Ukraine and Byelorussian comes from the Eastern Slavonic language group.
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Languages that contributed to our language are Turkish, Germany, French, Dutch, Greek and English. Russian borrowed some Turkish words: тулуп, сарафан, башмак , каблук, чулок, войлок, амбар, сарай, балаган , чулан, очаг, лачуга, шалаш, таз, утюг, тюфяк , колчан, капкан, лошадь, табун, деньги, аршин , товар, караул, богатырь, карандаш, туман, сундук , карман, чугун. Greek words in my language are алтарь, архангел , патриарх, идол, сатана, канон, Евангелие . Russian borrowed some German words: they are галстук, китель , футляр, штопор, крендель, пудель, картофель , кухня, лазарет, бинт, шрам, солдат, офицер , лагерь, плац, фланг, штурм. Dutch words in my language are рейд, вымпел, рупор, яхта, шлюпка , шлюз, фрегат, крейсер , штурман, матрос, юнга, верфь, каюта, люк. Russian borrowed some French words, they are костюм, жилет, пальто, мебель , кабинет, салон, буфет, суп, бульон, компот , котлета , сюжет, жанр, эскиз, актер. English words in my language are рельс, тоннель, экспресс, трамвай, трактор, клуб , комбайн, теннис, спорт, рекорд, старт, финиш, лидер , бифштекс, пудинг, пикник, веранда, сквер.
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English words in my language are the following: computer, reception , user, looser, laptop , sport , business , parking , show , football , office .Слайд 2
Easy things for an English person to say in my language are the following: бабушка , мама , папа , самовар , лес , спутник , компьютер . Difficult things for an English person to say in my language are the following: жужжание , чаща , помощник , маршрутка , железнодорожный , щавель .
Слайд 3
. People should learn the Russian language because it is a very easy language to speak. We are very friendly. You shouldn’t forget that Russian scientists, writers and artists have always been world-famous. Russia has always been one of the richest countries in the world. And today it is an open, friendly country.
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Thanks for your attention!
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