Разница между Вританским и Американским вариантом английского языка
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Слайд 1
The differences between British English and American English Gritskih AlexandrСлайд 2
Aim : Find the connection and differences between American and British English, consider the characteristics of each variant of the language and to identify options for the use of languages in the literature of foreign authors.
Слайд 3
The history of British language
Слайд 4
The history of American language In XVII-XVIII centuries in America (New World), the crowd surged immigrants represented the French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Norwegian and even Russian. But most of them were from England (the British Isles as a whole, this is Scotland, and Wales), where it was said in English
Слайд 5
Differences in spelling SAE SBE color colour center centre сheck ( noun ) cheque ( noun ) defense / license / practise defence / licence / practice all right alright maneuver manoeuvre tire tyre aging ageing whiskey (U.S. & Ireland ) whisky ( Scottish )
Слайд 6
Differences in vocabulary Британский Американский flat lawyer luggage milliard cab company city/town centre chemist's lift autumn petrol motorway cross-roads living room coach post cinema trousers sleeper railway shop-assistant apartment attorney baggage billion taxi corporation downtown drugstore elevator fall gas highway intersection drawing room long-distance bus mail movies pants Pullman railroad saleman , clerk
Слайд 7
Differences in punctuation SAE SBE Date writing, number/word order. ( Never use only numbers !) month / day / year 12/03/03 December 3, 2003 day/month/year 12/03/03 March 12, 2003 Use of commas and periods inside/outside quotation marks. He said, "I love you." He said, 'I love you'. Business letter salutations, colons vs commas. Dear Mr . Jones : Dear Mr Jones, 'Honorifics': Mr. or Mrs. or Dr. Smith (U.S.) vs Mr or Mrs or Dr Smith (GB), etc. Mr. Smith Mrs. Brown Dr. Wolf Mr Smith Mrs Brown Dr Wolf
Слайд 8
Differences in grammar SAE SBE The Government is acting like itself again. The Government are acting like themselves again. We lived on Main Street. We lived in the High Street. ( cf . ' street people ' ...) I didn't tell him about my new job yet. I haven't told him about my new job yet. He's in the hospital with a broken leg. He's in hospital with a broken leg. I'm hungry. I gonna have lunch. I'm hungry. I am going to have lunch.
Слайд 9
Differences in phonetics Word SAE Pronunciation SBE Pronunciation advertisement 'æd vз:r ta z mənt əd'vз: t smənt controversy 'ka:n trə v з :r si 'k n trə v з : si kən'tr v əsi laboratory 'læb rə t r i lə'b r ə tri secretary 'sek rə ter i 'sek rə tri leisure 'le ər 'le ə schedule 'sked ju:l ' ed ju:l dynasty 'da nə sti 'd n ə sti dance dæn t s da:n t s oregano ' reg ə no r 'ga: nə clerk klз:rk kla:rk ate e t et ballet bæ'lei 'bæ lei
Слайд 11
The use of these languages in the literature as an example of an American author J. London “White Fang” ” There is only six now”, he said. “You an` me a- sittin by the fire” “Takes more`n a handful of them pesky critters to do for yours”
Слайд 13
The use of these languages in the literature as an example of the British author William Shakespeare “Hamlet” There`s, That`s, It`s, I`ll, We`ll, I`d, You`re ‘Ay , sir, to be honest, as this world goes, is to be one man picked out of ten thousand’ ‘My Lord, what do you read?’
Слайд 14
Conclusion In this study we examined the differences of British English and American English languages and the application of these languages in the literature. As a result, we found that more and more popular in our time is American English, as it is considered easier to remember. As for fiction writers of the United States, American English is fully preserved only in direct speech. But this does not mean that the British version has ceased to apply. British English is the "language of kings." Beautiful, correct and concise.
Слайд 15
Список литературы Кауфман К.И. Английский язык. Happy English.ru : учебник для 9 класса общеобразовательных учреждений/ К.И. Кауфман, М.Ю. Кауфман. – Обнинск: Титул, 2008. – 272с. Мюллер В.К. Новый англо-русский словарь 160 000 слов. 8-е издание/ К.В. Мюллер, В.Л. Дашевская . – М: Русский язык, 2001. – 880 с. Полат Е.С. Новые педагогические и информационные технологии / Е.С.Полат - М: Просвещение, 2002. – 56с.
Слайд 22
Чайковский П.И. "Детский альбом"
Валентин Берестов. Аист и соловей
Зимняя ночь. Как нарисовать зимний пейзаж гуашью