Вместе с ребятами мы перевели и адаптировали под себя небольшой фрагмент из замечательного произведения Александра Грина, с инсценировкой которого мы выступали на муниципальном конкурсе "Моя любимая книга". Получилось здорово! Ребята заняли 4 место и получили грамоты за артистизм!
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Scarlet sails.
(Egl holds a ship)
Egl – Oh! What a beautiful ship! What a nice ship!
Assol – Now, give it to me, please. How did you get it?
Egl – Oh, what a beautiful child! Where do you come from? So, it’s your ship.
Assol – Yes, and I have been running after it down the stream.
Egl – Oh, my dear, sit here. Now, tell me what’s your name?
Assol – Assol. And what’s your name?
Egl – My name is Egl and I’m a magician. I know, you are going to Liss to sell your boats, aren’t you?
Assol – Yes, I am.
Egl – So, you stopped a little and your ship ran away.
Assol – How did you guess?
Egl – I know it, because I am a chief of all magicians. Now, listen to me, I’m going to tell you something important. Listen to me attentively. Many years will pass and then, one day a fairy tale will come true here in Capena. One day a miracle ship will appear and move right towards you. The ship will be white with scarlet sails. And you will see a brave and handsome captain on it. And he will say: “Hello, Assol! Far away from here I saw you in my dream. We shall be happy, you will never have tears. We shall sail away to a wonderful land. The stars will come down from the skies to greet you!”
Assol – When will it be?
Egl – Not so soon, child. First, you have to grow up, be patient, Assol. And believe me, it will all come true.
(prince comes in and they sing a song together. Prince plays the guitar)
My dear, please believe in fairytales.
Someday, on a spring morning early
Over the ocean scarlet rise sails
And violin crow over the ocean.(2 p.)
RUB your eyes,because it is not a dream.
And scarlet sail truth proudly flies,
In the Cove, where the brave Gray found his Assol,
In the Bay where Assol waited Gray.(2 p.)
With friends easy to swim across the sea
And eat the salt that we inherited.
Without friends it would be very difficult to live
And grey would even scarlet sail.
(2 p.)
My dear, please believe in fairytales.
Someday, on a spring morning early
Over the ocean scarlet rise sails
And violin crow over the ocean.(2 p.)
Am Dm
Ребята, надо верить в чудеса!
Когда-нибудь, весенним утром ранним
Dm G C Am
Над океаном алые взметнуться паруса
Dm E Am (A)
И скрипка пропоет над океаном. (2 р.)
Повезло! Стихи о счастливой семье
Астрономический календарь. Февраль, 2019
Как выглядело бы наше небо, если вместо Луны были планеты Солнечной Системы?
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