Презентация к НПК Английский с удовольствием.7 чудес Еравнинского района.
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7 Wonders of My Hometown Работа Цыбиковой Юмжины , ученицы 10 б клСлайд 2
Objectives: development of aesthetic taste of students improved knowledge about the culture of the Eravninsky District; nurture patriotic feelings and love for the motherland, to a small home. Introduce 7 Wonders of our hometown
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We live in the most beautiful and unique place of the planet in the Republic of Buryatia .
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Резвится средь гор голубая Уда. На пастбищах сочных пасутся стада. В цветных полушалках луга и поля – Еравна , Еравна моя! Василий Байбородин . In our class we decided ourselves draw up its list of wonders-wonders of our place.
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Egituysky datsan ( Эгитуйский дацан ) Parish Church of Holy Face of Christ the Savior ( Церковь Прихода Нерукотворного Образа Христа - Спасителя ) Lakes ( озера ) Mineral Springs ( Целебные источники ) Buural Baabay / the sacred tree ( Буурал Баабай ) Sosnovo – Ozerskaya Art Gallery of Ts. Sampilov ( Картинная галлерея им. Ц. Сампилова ) Oboo ( священные культовые места – « обоо » ) So , a month ago, our class has been tender to the wonders of Eravna . The homeland we've shown primarily to visitors of our capital. Here is what we have :
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Egituysky datsan ( Tib .: Damchoy Rabzhiming ) was one of the most important monasteries of Transbaikalia . At the time of the opening in 1934 datsan complex of Egituysky datsan had about twelve main and eight auxiliary buildings. Egituysky datsan is one of the most popular datsans , which receives light from all parts of the vast mass of worshipers . Such a "magnetism" of Egituysky datsan because it has a famous statue of Buddha Zandan Zhuu , which is sacred of all Buddhist world.
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Parish Church of Holy Face of Christ the Savior was opened in 2004. Now at the edge of blue lakes is an Orthodox church , in which the first service was held December 14, 2004. The church is unusual in that its 12 windows with carved frames in the performance of arch, decorated with Buryat ornaments. Church
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Eravna is rich in lakes, the largest of which are Eravninsko-Harbinsky . In Eravna there are over 10 large and over 2oo small lakes. They are located on the site of the vast ancient lakes of the Mesozoic period. Most of them are great – a large Eravna (area - 946 m, depth - 6.0 m), Small Eravna , Sosnovskoye , Gunda , Isinga , Uta-Nur . Lakes
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Mineral springs Eravninsky area is rich in mineral springs, which have long been enjoyed by local residents as a curative. These sources of chemical composition similar to well-known in the treatment of Caucasian Mineral Waters. In our district there are about twenty different mineral springs. They are part of carbonic cold springs of water Daurian area. Highly saline lakes and Angirta Ukyr . The best known sources are Arshan " Hureete ", famous for its healing qualities. Are treated here by local residents arthritis, pulmonary, cardiovascular diseases, Arshan " Moholy " from the gastro-intestinal and female diseases, Arshan " Altabal " - near Ulhasaa - used for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases affecting women, non-healing wounds, ulcers etc.
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Huley Arshan ( Kul ) as Darasun , Arshan " Marakta " (treated here musculoskeletal system and gastrointestinal diseases ), Arshan " Daban-Gorhon " (from the gastro- intestinal and musculoskeletal diseases), on the lake " Uta-Nur “ treat skin diseases , " Arshanta "(from liver disease ) and other Mineral springs
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Buural Baabay In Shiringa choice of pine in the western part of the forest along the road-Shearing Tuldun grow long revered the sacred tree Buural Baabay . The tree has a trunk at the bottom of a fancy knot, crown - bizarrely condensed. In the north east of the Buryats lived Buural Baabay kind of " Gulbayn Halbanguud ". It is located near the toonto Buural-Baabay . In the 70s of XX century there was built subargan or stupa (Buddhist chapel). It is located on the outskirts of the northern forest. The regional committee of the Party banned the construction of subargan and therefore it was decided to build it as a monument to soldiers killed during the second World War. At the top of subargan were placed images of the gods, and in the center there was a list of soldiers.Representatives of the District Party Committee, was forced to remove a list of soldiers and subargan remained in its original form to this day.
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Sosnovo - Ozerskaya Art Gallery of Ts.Sampilov . In the Sosnovo - Ozersky Art Gallery has 322 exhibits, 25 of which are described and selected in the electronic catalog, to be of particular value. The number of subjects fund includes paintings, drawings, sculpture, numismatics, photography, documents, rare books, and others. The staff of the Art Gallery held a variety of exhibitions, "Art of Ts. Sampilov ", "Artists of Buryatia ," the works of Soviet artists, fine art exhibitions, including the 60th anniversary of Victory in Great Patriotic War, " staromoskovsky tract," the exhibition of artists-countrymen. Also collaborators conducted extensive work on local history. Were held exhibitions devoted to 60 th anniversary of Victory in Great Patriotic War.
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Oboo (holy places) In the construction of " oboo " bring sacrifices to the goddess of the earth and ordinary spirits of the earth, to augmentation of wealth and fertility of the land. " Oboo " under construction on the mountain tops, river banks, the river crossings on the roads. When performing the ritual, " oboo " read the prayers that contain repentance of sins, for the damage caused by the spirits of earth, wood, stone and water . Main Oboos : oboo Marhasanay , Ynderey oboo , oboo Sobolkyn , Darhityn oboo , Turheley , Huhen tolgoyn oboo , Altanay , oboo the field - on the north side of Birch's mane, oboo of the Ulhasaa .
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