Небольшой текст об олимпийском духе.
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Красильникова Ксения Вадимовна (9-й класс)
Номинация «Эссе»
Spirit of Games
Do you like dreaming? I believe that the realization of our dreams depends on the force of our mental desires. My dream is the Olympic dream.
I’m not a figure skater, a biathlete, even a curling player. But everyone can be a part of international Olympic team if choose a volunteer work. Who is volunteer? А person who make a mechanism of the Olympic Games move.
Being a volunteer on the Olympic Games, on the one hand, is a unique possibility to feel a spirit of the Games, which became a symbol of friendship and health style of life. On the other hand, the Games are complicated competitions. I mean variety of kinds of sport, a large number of competitors.
Volunteers are in the center of life during fortnight of the Games. Really, they are not in the focus of interest. Value of their help is more important.
The Games in Sochi gives a possibility to become a volunteer. Unfortunately, I couldn’t compete for this work. Next year I’ll finish school, but my Olympic dream didn’t die. I believe in future there will be a possibility to feel famous Spirit of Games. Knowledge of English, without doubt, will help me.
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