Отзыв на прочитанную книгу "The Magic Flute" by Gill Munton.
Обучение письму на иностранном языке – очень важная задача, стоящая перед учителями иностранного языка в школе. Формат ЕГЭ включает задания по письму. Овладевая навыкая написания личного письма, учащиеся решают реальные жизненные коммуникационные задачи, например, учатся делиться своим мнением о прочитанной недавно книге. Важно прививать эти навыки в начальной школе. Перед Вами отзыв на прочитанную книгу "The Magic Flute" by Gill Munton.
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The Magic Flute
My next book is “The Magic Flute”, a Chinese legend adapted by Gill Munton. I have dreamed to read something in Chinese, but I don’t know this language, unfortunately. I am fond of China, my elder brother has been learning Chinese for five years. He sometimes tells me some interesting facts about Chinese history and culture. That’s why I have chosen this book for reading.
It’s an old Chinese legend. The main character is a little boy called Chang. He looked after the Emperor’s sheep. He liked to play his magic flute. When he played, all people stopped and listened. They were happy because the flute’s sounds were so sweet!
Only Emperor didn’t like it. He was jealous of Chang. He wanted people to love him, not a little poor boy. The Emperor broke Chang’s flute and hid of his sheep.
The Emperor wasn’t cruel, but greedy. He wanted to have a golden bind. But he couldn’t catch it. And his sons couldn’t catch it either. He was afraid of wolves around him. The Emperor asked Chang to help him. But Chang asked him to give half of his money to his people . Little boy was very kind and he wanted them to be happy.
When I was reading the book I heard the sweet sounds of the flute. I saw a wonderful country with bright nature and very kind people.
The Magic Flute is really magic! Perhaps it will make the Emperor kinder and it will teach him to love people.
I recommended to read this legend to everybody who likes China, and its culture.
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