Отзыв на прочитанную книгу “Money for a Motorbike” by John Milne.
Обучение письму на иностранном языке – очень важная задача, стоящая перед учителями иностранного языка в школе. Формат ЕГЭ включает задания по письму. Овладевая навыкая написания личного письма, учащиеся решают реальные жизненные коммуникационные задачи, например, учатся делиться своим мнением о прочитанной недавно книге. Важно прививать эти навыки в начальной школе. Перед Вами отзыв Васильева Стаса, ученика 4 класса о прочитанной книге “Money for a Motorbike”, написанной Джоном Милном.
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I have read the story “Money For a Motorbike” by John Milne and I liked it! I think every boy in his childhood dreams about his own motorbike. It’s cool! You can ride everywhere and you can show your motorbike to everybody. Your friends look at you with admiration. You are cool! Girls look at you! You are cool! Even you are only 11, you are cool! That’s why I have chosen this book.
And the main character of this story Stuart dreamed about his own motorbike. He saw it in his friend’s garage. It was a Japanese Suzuki. It coast 350 pounds. But Stuart didn’t have any money. He left school, and he didn’t start work. He didn’t want to work. He wanted a long holiday and … a motorbike!
Stuart thought where he could find it? On the way home he saw several old houses. They were empty, because nobody lived there. Stuart thought that he could find something valuable in one of the houses. And he wanted to come in. It was a large house. It’s owner was a rich old woman. She had died a few years ago. He entered the room. There were a lot of newspapers there and only an old mattress on the floor. He found a hole in the mattress and put his hand in it. Something was there! There were some banknotes! Stuart was happy. How lucky he is! Now he could buy a motorbike! But suddenly a stranger appeared near him. It was Frank, who lived here. He was a squatter. Frank asked to give him this money, Stuart had to run away. When Frank ran after him, he met two policemen.
At the end of the story Stuart could buy his motorbike, but he had it only a few minutes. The policemen took the money from his friend and Stuart had to give a motorbike back. But Stuart wasn’t sad. He decided to work and buy this motorbike again!
I think if you want to live honestly you must earn money yourself! And you can buy what you like. But first you must work! At the beginning of the story Stuart didn’t understand it, but at the end of the story he changed his mind. I believe that he will be happy. I recommend to read this story to all my friends. It is not only exciting reading, but very instructive!
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