Неожиданные варианты продолжения рассказа "As the Inspector said" глазами студентов 1 курса Юридического колледжа.
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“As the Inspector said”
Retold by John Escott …
page 3
Something - or someone – heavy fell to the floor, then a door was banged open, and there was the sound of running feet outside the house.
… and students of group 15
Sonia was very excited. “Where is he? Why so long? Probably he has escaped.” Sonia decided to call the police. She picked up the phone and began to dial. Suddenly she heard the steps. The girl was very scared and dropped the phone.
Robert entered the room. Sonia was very frightened. “Why so? And what about Charles?” she thought. The girl asked her husband: “Did you see him? Who was it?” “No, - Robert said – but I wounded him in the leg, and he couldn’t escape. It’s necessary to call the police.” “Where’d you get the gun?” – asked Sonia. “I decided to listen to the council inspector and I was prepared.”
Sonia didn’t expect such an outcome of events. Some time later the police arrived. It was not hard to find the culprit, and a short time later he was caught. As it was expected, it proved to be Charles.
… and students of group 16
Sonia was horrified and ran out of the room. She ran downstairs and then outside the house. There she saw a very strange picture. Her husband was standing near her lover with his foot on Charles’s face.
“Are you tricking me?” he shouted. “My fear proved groundless. What do you want to say, honey? My lovely and honest wife?”
Sonia couldn’t say anything.
“I know about you, about your secret life! You should be ashamed. I love you so much, but …” he stopped, “ I love my silver and books more than you.”
Sonia was shocked and cried. “He must kill me, not Charles”- she thought. Robert looked as if he read her thoughts. He kicked the face under his foot and aimed the gun at his wife.
“You die with nothing!”
He fired a shot. Charles shouted and cried, but not long. Robert gave a bullet in his forehead. “What a funny story,” he said and went home, “I need to have some whisky.”
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