Сочинение написано от имени Деда Мороза на английском языке.
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Красочное письмо от Деда Мороза
Моисеева Юлия Сергеевна
Ученица 6 класса
МБОУ «Новониколаевская СОШ №2» р. п. Новониколаевский Волгоградской области
Куратор: Лыгина Ольга Николаевна
Velikiy Ustug
31 December 2013
Dear Julia,
Sorry for not writing earlier, but I have been extremely busy getting prepared for holidays. My pen has slid over the paper two billion times in New Year’s Eve. But this letter, the last, I can’t finish. Why so?
Remember the outgoing year. You have nothing to reproach yourself, haven’t you? You were obedient, studied only at five. Your parents have done everything that you grew up happy. They bought you modern clothes, fed you with healthy and tasty food. You tried not to upset them forgetting about one little thing which doesn’t concern you…
My dear friend! You have spent this year in no way lacking. But there are thousands of boys and girls who have never seen their mums and dads, who have never got birthday gifts. Do you think about them when you are happy? Do you share the joy of New Year and Christmas with poor and disabled children? The most pleasant thing is to give presents, I know. Try to do it and you’ll see.
Merry holidays! Best wishes to you!
Father Frost
P.S. I have prepared nice presents for you.
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Два петушка
Медведь и солнце
Золотая хохлома