Победители районного конкурса 2013-2014гг. "Рождественские чтения"
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Государственное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение средняя общеобразовательная школа №181 Центрального района Санкт-Петербурга Форум школьных проектов Little Britain in Saint- Petersburg Рухлова Ксения 5а класс Рухлова Мария 5а класс Руководитель: Александрова Анна Анатольевна учитель английского языка ГБОУ школы №181 Санкт-Петербург 2013 годСлайд 2
Peter the Great discovered Russia to Western Europe and Western Europe to Russia. English merchants established permanent trade relations between our countries and often settled on the banks of the Neva.
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English embankment became the centre of settlement of the British in St. Petersburg. It was near the exit into the sea and was a comfortable place for mooring ships.
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English embankment English Bridge English prospect
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Charles Cameron « Cameron Gallery » in Tsarskoye Selo
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William Hastie . Potseluev bridge over the river Moika
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John Rogerson. Leib – medic of Ekaterina the Second .
Слайд 8
Samuel Greig. Admiral.
Слайд 9
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Государственное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа №181
Центрального района Санкт-Петербурга
Информационно-аналитическая работа
по филологическому направлению.
Предполагаемая секция:
«Вселенная – это разнообразие в единстве»
Рухлова Ксения 5а класс
Рухлова Мария 5а класс
Александрова Анна Анатольевна
учитель английского языка
ГБОУ школы №181
Saint-Petersburg was founded in 1703 by Peter the Great. It was he, who changed our traditions and our lifestyle. He discovered Russia to Western Europe and Western Europe to Russia. It was the time of rapid growth of economy of the state and its power. Many people from all over Europe came to Russia. They had the knowledge and technologies, which were so necessary at that period in our country.
Great Britain was one of the world leaders among maritime powers. So it is not surprising that many Englishmen came to Russia. During the eighteenth century Russia expanded its boundaries. Our country managed to get access to the seas and first of all – to the Baltic Sea. There were new ports in the country. St. Petersburg became the main port of Russia. English ships became frequent guests in Russia. English merchants established permanent trade relations between our countries and often settled on the banks of the Neva.
The Frenchman de Segur wrote the following lines: “In fact English merchants formed in St. Petersburg the whole formidable colony. They became richer with the help of trade turnover, and under the patronage of the wise government they multiplied their establishment and homes in St. Petersburg, in the place known as the English line.” According to the archives, at the beginning of the nineteenth century there were 1 800 Englishmen in St. Petersburg (the total population was 250 000 people). In 1869 there were 2 100 Englishmen in the Russian capital. They were well organized. According to de Segur: ”They have the correct management of the elders, good Chapter and they always support each other”.
English embankment (“The English Line”) became the centre of settlement of the British in St. Petersburg. If we look back in the archives, we will find out that nearly half of the buildings along English embankment from time to time were in the possession of the British. Here are some of the house owners : Mr. Cazalet ( house № 6 ), Mr. Cozens ( № 10 ), Mr. Glenn ( № 12 ), Mrs. Chamberlin ( № 14 ), Mr. Rogerson ( № 18 and № 60 ), Mr. Wolf ( № 20 ), Mr. Jackson ( № 24 ), Mr. Albrecht ( № 30 ), Mr. Klark ( № 38 ), Mr. Mabon ( № 50 ), Mr. Porter ( № 54 ), Mr. Glen and Mr. Greig ( № 62 ), Mr. Sutterlend ( № 66 ), Mr. Thornton ( № 70 ), Mr. Wylie ( № 74 ). There was the Anglican Church in house № 56.
Why did the embankment become the centre of the British? It was a convenient place for merchants. It was near the exit into the sea and was a comfortable place for mooring ships. It should be noted that the houses on the embankment were very expensive. This fact allows us to say about the success of the British in Russia.
With the invention of the Railway the navigation on the Neva River lost the important role in the economic life of the city. The city centre moved closer to the railway station and changed the contingent of the house owners on the embankment. The English club was founded near English embankment. It was opened on March 1st, 1770. At first it was on the embankment. There were 50 people in the club. But then the number of participants grew to 300 and the club moved to the embankment of the river Moika. The club was famous for its lunches and card games. It defined the public opinion. Among the members of the club were famous Russian and British people.
If we look at the map of our city, we’ll find a few more names connected with Britain: Scottish street, English bridge, English prospect, Manchester street, street of Admiral Greig in Kronstadt. Manchester is the twin-city of St. Petersburg. Scottish street was named in honor of Scottish joint-stock company, which was engaged in marine transportation and sale of goods from Scotland. English bridge and English prospect were named in honor of English embankment. The street of Admiral Greig was named in honor of Admiral Greig whose cottage was located on the place of the street.
We don’t know much about the role of the British in the history of our city. They aren’t so well-known as the Italians, the French or the Germans. But if we look back in the archives, we will find out that the British took part in the construction of St. Petersburg and its protection. Let’s look at the biographies of some British people who devoted a considerable part of their life to St. Petersburg.
Thomas Gordon ( 1658 – 1741 )
He served in the Russian Navy from 1717 to 1741. He received a rank of Admiral. He commanded the Kronstadt port.
Robert Erskine ( 1674 – 1719 )
He was a life-physician of Peter the Great, doctor of Medical Science and Philosophy of Oxford University. He headed Kunstkamera and the Imperial library and assisted the foundation of the Pharmaceutical garden in St. Petersburg – ancestor of the Botanical garden. He studied mineral springs in the suburbs of the city, discovered and explored Polustrovo water and recommended it to patients suffering from a disorder of nerves. He was buried at Lazarevskoe cemetery.
Richard Brown ( ? – 1740 )
He was a shipbuilder. Since 1705 he was in the Russian service. Since 1710 he worked at the Admiralty where he built about 20 vessels. The top of his creativity became the ship “Princess Anne “, which had one of the best technical and tactical characteristics. He was buried at Alexander Nevsky Lavra.
Roman ( Robert ) Bruce ( 1668 – 1720 ).
He was born in Scotland. He was the first chief commandant of St. Petersburg. Almost all his life he devoted to St. Petersburg. He supervised the construction of protective structures of the city and its protection from the Swedes.
He participated in the capture of Vyborg ( 1710 ). Under his leadership the work on reconstruction of Peter and Paul fortress from the ground to stone was conducted. He was buried in Peter and Paul fortress.
Iogan ( John ) Bush ( 1725 - ? )
May be a German (because of his name). He was a botanist, gardener. He arrived in Russia from England. According to his plan English Park in Tsarskoye Selo was created. From 1771 till his departure from Russia in 1789 he led all work in the park.
Charles Cameron ( 1745 – 1812 )
He was an architect. He was born in London. He arrived in Russia in 1779 on invitation of Ekaterina the Second. In Tsarskoye Selo the Agate room and the famous Cameron gallery were built according to his project. In Pavlovsk he constructed the Temple of Friendship, the Apollo Colonnade, and the Pavilion of “Three Graces“. From 1802 to 1805 he was the chief architect.
William Gould ( 1735 – 1812 )
He is the author of Tavrichesky Garden. The garden was created in 1773 – 1800 in English style during the construction of the Tauride Palace.
William Hastie ( 1753(63) – 1832 )
He worked for many years in Tsarskoye Selo. In 1806-1820 under his projects and under his supervision were built such iron bridges as: Green, Red, Potseluev, Obvodny, Alexander’s bridge. Also from 1808 to 1832, he was the city architect of Tsarskoye Selo. He was buried at Kazan cemetery in Tsarskoye Selo.
Richard Cozens ( 1674 – 1736 )He was a shipbuilder. He arrived in Russia on invitation of Peter the Great. He lived in St. Petersburg since 1712. He built 17 ships. He worked at the Admiralty for more than 20 years. He made the model of hangar for Admiralty. He was the owner of the site at the English embankment, 10. Peter himself gave him the piece of land and promised to build a house at public expense. But the Tsar died and the house wasn’t built.
John Rogerson ( 1741 – 1823 )
He arrived in St. Petersburg in 1765. In 1769 he became a physician, who treated the Royal court; in 1776 he became Leib-medic and received the rank of councilor of state. He was the doctor of Ekaterina the Second until her death. He lived in Russia until 1816, and continued to treat the members of the Royal family and close friends.
George Dawe ( 1781 – 1829 )
He was an English portraitist, who painted 329 portraits of Russian generals active during Napoleon’s invasion into Russia for the Military Gallery of the Winter Palace. He went to live in St. Petersburg in 1819 and over the next 9 years he painted over 300 portraits for the military collection. He knew Pushkin who wrote a poem about him entitled “To Dawe Esq.” In 1828 he was officially appointed the First Painter of the Imperial Court.
Samuel Greig ( 1736 – 1788 )
Scottish-born Russian admiral. He arrived in Russia in 1764. He served in the Baltic fleet, commanded various ships. Since 1775 he was the commander of the Kronstadt port. From 1788 to 1790 he was the commander of the Baltic fleet. Greig made a great contribution to the development and re-equipment of the Russian fleet. He made a number of innovations in the design of hulls and ship devices. Under his leadership, for the first time in Russia the underwater part of the craft was covered with copper sheets. His son also became a Russian Admiral.
Although the contribution of the British in the history and culture of St. Petersburg is not well-known, however, the examples above show that the British made a lot for the greatness of our country and our city.
Список литературы
1. Т.А. Соловьева «Английская набережная», Санкт-Петербург: Крига, 2009г.
2. Интернет – источники:
1) http://www.greenwich-hotel.ru/
2) http://walkspb.ru/ - путеводитель по Санкт-Петербургу
3) http://ru.wikipedia.org/ - Википедия - свободная энциклопедия
4) http://arthur-ransome.ucoz.ru/publ/1-1-0-15
Рухловой Ксении и Рухловой Марии, учащихся 5а класса ГБОУ школы №181
Сестры Рухловы Ксения и Мария, ученицы 5а класса, увлеченно занимаются английским языком, большую помощь им оказывает семья. Они с воодушевлением отнеслись к предложенному заданию, взяли в библиотеке книгу Т.А. Соловьевой «Английская набережная» и изучили информацию на сайтах.
Мы считаем, что им удалось собрать и достаточно детально проанализировать все основные факты, отображающие причины появления в Санкт-Петербурге названий улиц, связанных с Великобританией. Учащиеся также нашли биографические сведения о британцах, внесших значительный вклад в развитие нашего города, и сделали хорошую подборку фотографий, подтверждающих приведенные факты.
Вместе с тем, принимая во внимание возраст авторов и их первый опыт в написании исследовательской работы на английском языке, нельзя не отметить сжатость и недостаточно полное исследование материалов.
Руководитель, учитель английского языка
ГБОУ школы №181
Александрова Анна Анатольевна
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