Сочинение ученицы 8 класса о самом запомнившимся событии её жизни...
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The most memorable event in my life.
I consider myself a very happy person because our teacher of Design and Technology helps us understand the beautiful.
Liudmila Anatolievna teachers us to sew out of common, splendid clothers. Our Theatre of Fashion is well- known in our area, and in Siberia as well. We always get prizes for our collections.
The most memorable event in my life was our last trip to Moscow, where we took part in the contest of fashion. We presented our new collection, devoted to the history of cinema.
Judges looked in wide- eyed astonishment at our beautiful dresses, hats and gloves. Fancy- work, silver and gold decoration, combination of style, talent and music made our performance unforgettable.
Now, thanks to our teacher we are sure of ourselves, we know how to design clothes. Moreover, our teacher teaches us to be successful.
I can’t imagine my life without our Theatre of Fashion and our competitions. It’s a part of my life. I will never regret that once I joined the Theatre of Fashion.
Бреднихина Ирина 8-в класс
Рисуем подснежники гуашью
Петушок из русских сказок
Дельфин: сказка о мечтателе. Серджио Бамбарен
Бородино. М.Ю. Лермонтов